PALERMO — Veteran First Selectman Clair Bradstreet was re-elected to a 35th consecutive term at Saturday’s town meeting.
Bradstreet outpolled challenger David Parkman by more than 2-to-1. Bradstreet gathered 133 votes to Parkman’s 62. “It was a good fight,” Bradstreet said Monday. “I beat him pretty good.”
Also re-elected were Second Selectman Darryl McKenney and Third Selectman Howard Glidden, Town Clerk Virginia Dowe; and Deputy Clerk, Tax Collector and Treasurer Anna Pollard.
The voters also decided to change the terms for selectmen from one year to three, beginning next year. In 1991 to voters will elect one selectmen to a one-year term, one to a two-year term and one for three years. In subsequent years only one seat will be up for re-election, Bradstreet said.
Bradstreet reported that Saturday’s meeting went without a hitch and that the voters approved most of the budget articles put before them.
“It all went pretty smooth, no problems,” said Bradstreet. “So quick there were no intermissions.”
Among the accounts approved by the voters were: town officers’ salaries, $10,000; town charges, $6,000; town office expenses, $1,800; legal, $600; street lighting, $700; fire department, $11,000; roads, $10,000; snow removal and sanding, $50,000; brush control, $5,000, paving, $42,000; road improvements, $20,000; cemeteries, $2,000; and general assistance, $1,000.
The town voted to establish a surplus fund for construction of a sand and salt shed. The initial contribution was $10,000. The voters raised $5,000 to survey town boundaries, and $17,500 for solid-waste disposal.
Social and service agency requests supported by the voters included: Kennebec Valley Mental Health, $608; New Hope for Women, $300; Kno-Wal-Lin Community Health, $575; Humane Society, $480; Waldo County Committee for Social Action, $1,100; Home Care Services, $116; Palermo Senior Citizens Group, $300; Central Maine Agency on Aging, $403; WCBB public television, $200; and recreation, $750.
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