October 16, 2024

Energy answers, and revenge

Your July 11 column on heating oil was most enlightening. We heat with propane gas, and their winter prices kept pace with the oil companies. We received their explanation (“Shortage and delivery problems”), and tried to conserve. We have two space heaters in the kitchen and front room, and a small one in the cellar. We did not use the front-room heater at all during this memorably cold winter. We are elderly and retired, living on Social Security. Fortunately, having entered the work force at a tender age during the Depression, we have always had full-time employment, so we manage.

We were billed excessively for four months of budget payments, which left our fuel budget pretty well depleted to prepare for another winter. Let me say that we do not hold our local dealer responsible. These are Maine people dealing with Maine people, and we are certain this was not in their plans. They have looked after any problems we had during the last 10 years with kindness, courtesy, and fairness.

The American Petroleum Institute has blandly stated, “It’s hard to be concerned about heating oil during the summer.” I have valid proof we should be. We have received notice of our budgeted amount for the coming year, for much higher monthly payments. The office manager informed me it was based on last year’s usage. We are not going to pay it, and we mailed it back agreeing to an amount more equitable with previous years. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

Our Legislature has appropriated $1.7 million for the coming year. Multiply this by the number of Northern and Midwestern states, and we’re talking big dollars. You can bet the fuel moguls have their eyes and ears tuned, and will manage to bill enough to collect every last cent into their coffers. Of course, in order to do this, they must raise prices. It is an astronomical double-take from household incomes and from federal tax dollars. In the final analysis, it is again Big Business greed that has turned our American dream into an American nightmare. They know federal dollars are out there, appropriated under entitlements, and their hands are in the till, just as guilty as the S&Ls and HUD.

From our beginnings, my husband and I know all about soul-searing cold and hunger, and we understand people have to be helped. We did earn our way and pay our way all the way, and hope to make it the rest of the way.

We believe Ed Rothschild, director of energy policy for Citizen Action, should insist that Hal Merklein, head of the Energy Information Administration, set his bloodhounds sniffing a little harder and bring some indictments. We want some answers, and a little revenge! Evelyn H. Rand Bangor

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