GUILFORD — Ground was broken Tuesday for the addition to the Guilford Municipal Building.
The base contract for the 22-by-30-foot addition is $52,000.
Guilford voters approved the use of $60,000 for the addition, which will expand the office complex.
According to Robert Littlefield, Guilford town manager, the addition will become the actual town office. Littlefield’s office will remain in the same place.
If sufficient funds remain in the account, a new roof will be installed over the entire complex at a cost of $8,000, he said. Both the old and new office spaces will be air-conditioned, as included in the base price.
E.W. Littlefield is the contractor for the job.
The Guilford Board of Selectmen voted Tuesday to pay off the addition to the municipal office in four years, as recommended by the town manager.
The board learned that as of Aug. 31, 83 percent of the town’s tax commitment had been collected.
Of that percentage, 57 1/2 percent was collected Thursday and Friday, Littlefield reported.
He remarked that the collection rate was “pretty good” considering that the town gave no discount on the early payment of taxes.
Littlefield reported that a preliminary census report indicated the population in Guilford had decreased from about 1,770 to 1,705. The census also indicated there were 156 vacant housing units in the town.
Paving projects were discussed.
Town officials plan to widen the North Main Street sidewalk and to have work done on the High Street sidewalk this fall. Littlefield said he would like to have the lower end of High Street paved this year.
The town has about $40,000 in its paving account, Littlefield said.
Littlefield reported on an informational meeting he attended last week in Dexter presented by the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Authority.
He said the state must find a place to deposit low-level radioactive waste or contract with an out-of-state firm for its disposal.
The selectmen approved a proposed slate of officers for the Maine Municipal Association, that included Ruel Cross of Monson and Jayne Farrin of Milo, to the Legislative Policy Committee.
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