October 22, 2024

McKernan favors present law

In your reporting of Sunday’s Toys for Tots Bike Run, you state, “Despite his opposition to helmet laws, McKernan strapped a helmet on before being whisked away for a ride…” Shame on you!

Had your reporter actually been present and listened to the governor address the 10,000 bikers assembled in Augusta, he or she would have understood the McKernans are absolutely in favor of retaining the helmet law we already have. This present law, quite reasonably, requires the use of helmets by passengers under the age of 15 and anyone, of any age, while they learn to ride and for a full year after obtaining their motorcycle license.

What the McKernans and the United Bikers of Maine oppose is the state forcing experienced, licensed adults to wear helmets. Your reporter’s attempt to draw a paradox from the governor’s choice to wear a helmet and his opposition to those in the government who would force him to do so, thus falls short of the mark.

Many would suggest that our state legislators flex their collective intellect in pursuit of a functioning government rather than spend their time in Augusta worrying about whether bikers ride with a breeze through their hair. Gary B. Mohr Bar Harbor

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