HOWLAND — Although the town may be faced with a decline in revenue, officials are proposing a 1992 municipal budget that is $26,391 less than last year’s.
Residents will get a first look at the proposed budget during the annual budget meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10, in the Town Hall.
In preparing a budget proposal, Town Manager Glenna Armour said efforts were made to “hold the line and to cut wherever we could.”
She hopes the municipal budget proposal would mean no increase in taxes, but there were some unknowns as yet. She said she had no definite number on some figures, such as state revenue-sharing funds. “I hope the decrease in municipal accounts will offset any increase in the rest.”
Armour said the budget included no pay increases for employees. “I personally think our employees deserve a raise. Not asking for one is our contribution to the budget crunch. We realize the way the economy is, and we are thankful we have jobs.”
The proposed budget of $317,029 represents a 7.6 percent decrease compared with last year’s budget of $343,420. The proposal does not include hydrant rental, the Penobscot County tax assessment, or the SAD 31 school assessment.
Of the 24 municipal accounts, 10 show decreases compared with last year’s. Decreases range from $500 to $10,270. Seven of the accounts are the same appropriation as last year’s.
Seven of the accounts show increases ranging from $500 to $2,250.
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