January 10, 2025

It has been one year that Channel 7 has been providing captioning of the local news for its hearing-impaired viewers, a service much appreciated by this viewer. It is a pleasure to be able to catch the daily news as it happens, rather than have to depend on others to inform me of what is happening within my community. I am grateful to Channel 7 for the service it provides, and to the organizations that provide the financial support in order for captioning to stay on the air.

Wihtout the support of the Bangor Daily News and other underwriters, the 5:30 p.m. news would not be accessible to northern Maine’s deaf population. This service provides thousands of hearing-impaired individuals access to the news every day. With so many people in the state one would wonder why only one news station is providing captioning of its news. I would like to thank Channel 7 and its supporters and congratulate them on their first anniversary of successful captioning of the news.

A very special thanks to Harry Hogopian, the pioneer of bringing local captioned news to Maine. Harry’s dedication to captioning has meant spending many hours away from his family in order to allow the news to be accessible to Maine’s hearing-impaired population. He continues, on a daily basis, to seek ways to finance captioning to keep it on the air. Searching for financial supporters, maintaining a full-time job, and being on hand for the 5:30 news every day is no easy task. Thank you, Harry, and Channel 7. Bruce Emerson Bangor

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