AUGUSTA — The Maine State Employees Association, the largest state-worker union, this week endorsed 119 legislative candidates, and 95 percent of them were Democrats.
In contested state Senate races, the MSEA endorsed 24 Democrats and no Republicans. In contested House races, the MSEA endorsed 89 Democrats, four Republicans and two independents.
MSEA Executive Director Carl Leinonen said the endorsements were based on questionnaires, some interviews, and the past voting records of incumbents.
Leinonen said last year’s state government shutdown, when Republicans refused to pass a budget unless Workers’ Compensation reforms were made, was the main reason the union endorsed so few Republicans.
“It’s lower because of the lockout last summer,” Leinonen said. “Republicans supported locking out state employees over workers’ comp. It’s hard to accept being used for leverage on an issue that’s unrelated.
“That had an impact on reducing the number of Republicans. It’s really not a party-line thing. Some years it’s higher and some years it’s lower.”
Leinonen said issues used to evaluate candidates included their attitudes about the state budget, privatization, health insurance, and political rights for state employees.
Endorsed candidates may enjoy financial contributions from the political-action arm of the MSEA. They also will have the union urging MSEA members to support them and some union members working on campaigns.
House Minority Leader Walter E. Whitcomb, R-Waldo, when told of the high number of Democrats endorsed by the MSEA, said, “It’s no big surprise. It’s not unexpected. They’ve worked hard against me every time I’ve run.
“They tend to focus on issues of immediate interest to themselves.”
Whitcomb agreed with Leinonen that Republicans’ position during the state shutdown angered state employees.
“We felt that the bigger issue of workers’ comp had to be addressed,” he said.
Non-Democrats endorsed by the MSEA in contested races included:
Lonny Cilley, an independent from Princeton, in House District 139. The Republican candidate is Rep. Harry Bailey of Grand Lake Stream. The Democrat is Albion Goodwin of Pembroke.
Rep. Deale B. Salisbury, R-Ellsworth, in House District 127. The Democrat is Ellen W. Walker of Blue Hill.
Rep. Donald Strout, R-Corinth, in House District 114. The Democrat is Francis B. Duffy Jr. of Levant.
Rep. Omar Norton, R-Winthrop, in House District 95. The Democrat is Oral Tibbetts Jr. of Readfield.
Rep. John F. Marsh, R-West Gardiner, in House District 93. The Democrat is Peter K. Hanley of Randolph.
Joseph Motta, an independent from Kennebunk, in House District 7. The Republican is Rep. Jack Libby of Kennebunk. The Democrat is Gary Archibald of Kennebunk.
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