MADAWASKA — Chubby Checker, Alvin and the Chipmunks, local entertainers, parade and cultural events are just part of the lineup for Madawaska’s 16th annual Acadian Festival. A huge reunion of the Theriault family will coincide with the celebration of the area’srich Acadian heritage.
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MADAWASKA — Chubby Checker, Alvin and the Chipmunks, local entertainers, parade and cultural events are just part of the lineup for Madawaska’s 16th annual Acadian Festival.

A huge reunion of the Theriault family will coincide with the celebration of the area’srich Acadian heritage.

The festival will begin Sunday, June 27, Acadian Day and closes late Sunday, July 4. The family reunion is set for the Fourth of July weekend.

June 27

9:30 a.m. Mass in honor of the Acadian people at St. David Church in St. David.

A chicken-stew meal will follow.

June 30

Albert Devost chain-saw carvings of Tante Blanche and Fraser Paper Ltd.’s Voyageur at the center. Devost’s work may be viewed in progress.

4 p.m. reenactment of the Acadian landing at the cross site in St. David.

7 p.m. opening ceremonies at the Multi-Purpose Center.

7:30 p.m. Les Danseurs de la Vallee St-Jean

8:30 p.m. Butch Berube, Bob Higgin on the harmonica and fiddler Mark Landry.

July 1, Family Day

10 a.m. Immigration and Naturalization ceremony at the center and the opening of the French Quarter (open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday-Saturday at Bicentennial Park and will feature displays, food booths, souvenirs, live entertainment and arts and crafts.)

1 p.m. Alvin and the Chipmunks will be at the park for photo and autograph session.

7 p.m. Elaine Milling and Natasha St. Pierre will perform songs and stories at the center.

8 p.m. Alvin and the Chipmunks perform and will be on hand for photos and autographs after the show.

8 p.m. Soiree du Bon Vieux Temps at Roland’s Rendezvous in Madawaska.

July 2

2 p.m. overview of Theriault family history.

7 p.m. Les Tymeux de la Baie from Nova Scotia will perform traditional Acadian music at the center.

9:30 p.m. Donnie and The Monarchs band of St. John, New Brunswick, performing ’50s-’80s dance music.

July 3

8 a.m. sign up at Multi-Purpose Center for Madawaska Rotary Club annual road race. Race begins 9 a.m.

8 a.m. Theriault reunion registration at Knights of Columbus Hall.

8:30 a.m. historical bus tour, leaving from center.

1 p.m. Theriault Family Association meeting.

2 p.m. second Theriault family history overview.

5 p.m. Family Reunion social hour

6 p.m. Family Reunion banquet See FESTIVAL on next page


8 p.m. dance featuring the Jerry Thibeault Band, open to the public.

July 4

10:30 a.m. Family Reunion Mass at the center.

Noon remote-control vehicle show.

2 p.m. festival parade on Main Street.

4 p.m. State of Maine Arm Wrestling Championship at the center.

4 p.m. parade awards ceremony and a show by the Pride of Madawaska Marching Band at the center.

4 p.m. Northern Tai Kwon Do School demonstration at the soccer field.

7 p.m. festival’s grand finale at the center with dance music by the Jerry Thibeault Band.

9 p.m. Chubby Checker at the center.

10:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jerry Thibeault Band at the center.

Schedules and tickets are available at the Madawaska Chamber of Commerce and other county chambers. Golden Pass discounts are available. Madawaska’s Keystone Cops will provide security during festival week.

For more information, call 728-7000.

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