I most assuredly disagree with the headline, “Gore beats Perot at his own game,” on the analysis article from Hearst News Service (front page BDN, Nov. 10). Gore beat no one in his weak and sometimes repetitive defense of NAFTA. He also displayed acute rudeness in his constant interruptions whenever Perot was trying to speak.
If my “shallow” understanding of NAFTA is anywhere near correct, there is much more than jobs at stake here. This so-called Free Trade Accord is more a sovereignty-surrender agreement written in very confusing terms. Thus a “Free Trade Commission” of 30 men from each of the three nations would be appointed to interpret the mess. They will be selected from the rich and very powerful group who crafted NAFTA and other “global union” ideas.
Our former presidents whom Gore mentioned as all extolling the “benefits” of NAFTA deliberately ignore the facts of the surrender of the role of our Congress and even of state governments on many laws that would be overturned. … The treaty even calls for free immigration. … Our Constitution created our great republic. Do we wish to see it rendered worthless? My big disappointment in the debate was the fact that Perot did not stress these points. Joyce C. Moore Abbot
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