Benge key as Knights stop Raiders again

HARRINGTON – Erik Benge scored 28 points, including six during a 21-12 second quarter that created a 15-point halftime lead, as Narraguagus beat rival Washington Academy 78-64 in schoolboy basketball action Friday night. For the Knights, it was their second win this season over the…
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HARRINGTON – Erik Benge scored 28 points, including six during a 21-12 second quarter that created a 15-point halftime lead, as Narraguagus beat rival Washington Academy 78-64 in schoolboy basketball action Friday night.

For the Knights, it was their second win this season over the Raiders.

Jared Look had 14 points for Narraguagus while Jason Pinkham and Nick Lyford contributed 10 apiece.

James Smith’s game-high 30 points paced WA of East Machias, which was hampered by 10 second-quarter turnovers. Josh Ramsdell scored 11.

Washington Academy (12-5) 64

Smith 9-10-30, Ramsdell 5-1-11, Wood 2-5-9, Saumur 2-0-4, Ashby 1-1-4, Akoa 1-0-2, Edgerly 1-0-2, Fergerson 1-0-2, St. Pierre, Je. Look, Davis, Tate Narraguagus (13-3) 78

Benge 11-5-28, Ja. Look 6-2-14, Pinkham 2-6-10, Lyford 4-2-10, Dorr 2-2-6, Meyer 3-2-8, Fraser 1-0-2, Worcester, Hall, Tatangelo, Leighton

3-pt. goals: Smith 2, Ashby; Benge Washington Academy 10 22 45 64 Narraguagus 16 37 59 78

JV: WA 79, Narraguagus 70

Hodgdon 63, Fort Kent 58

At Fort Kent, Evan Clark scored 15 points to lead the Hawks to their 10th win.

Darren Stewart added 14 points, and both Aaron Henderson and Adam Carter finished 11.

Lucas Levesque scored 14 points and Chad Fournier 13 for the Warriors. Jeff Drolet added 11 points.

Hodgdon (10-6) 63

Clark 5-5-15, Stewart 5-3-14, Henderson 5-1-11, Carter 4-3-11, Hutchinson 2-4-8, Collins, Lambert, Blanchette, Hanning, Murray Fort Kent (6-12) 58

Levesque 4-4-14, Fournier 6-1-13, Drolet 4-0-11, Lovely 1-0-2, Berthiaume 3-0-7, Chabora 0-2-2, Murphy 1-0-3, Lozier, Raymond, Murray, Diagle, Nadeau

3-pt. goals: Stewart; Levesque 2, Drolet 3, Berthiaume, Murphy Hodgdon 17 32 52 63 Fort Kent 11 26 50 58

JV: Hodgdon 78, Fort Kent 46

Limestone 58, Ashland 44

At Limestone, the Eagles ended the regular season at the .500 mark with a win over Ashland.

Andrew Trowbridge scored 11 points and Jim West added 10 to lead Limestone.

Gabe Haines scored nine points to lead the Hornets.

Ashland (3-15) 44

Bennett 2-2-7, Tardie 3-1-8, Haines 4-1-9, Cyr 2-4-8, Perry 0-2-2, Despraes 1-1-3, Mega 1-0-2, McCausland 2-0-4, Robinson Limestone (9-9) 58

Dillon 1-0-2, Labreck 2-5-9, Chin 1-0-2, Coachman 1-5-7, Hall 1-1-3, Fernald 3-0-6, Tweed 1-2-4, Coghill 1-0-2, Strange 1-0-2, West 4-0-10, Trowbridge 4-3-11, Danielson, Ward

3-pt. goals: Bennett, Tardie; West 2 Ashland 15 30 41 58 Limestone 9 16 26 44

JV: Ashland 56, Limestone 52

Penquis 50, Katahdin 43

At Sherman Station, Casey Hamlin scored 11 of his team-high 15 points in the second half to spark the Patriots of Milo.

Tony Heal popped in 14 points and Chris Cowing 11 for Penquis.

Willie Sleeper poured in 20 points for the Cougars.

Penquis (17-1) 50

Cowing 3-5-11, Greatorex 1-0-2, Hamlin 7-1-15, Knowles, Demers 1-0-2, Larrabee, Harris 0-2-2, Perkins 0-2-2, Heal 7-0-14, Pokrywka 1-0-2 Katahdin (13-4) 43

J. McNally 1-0-2, Stubbs 2-5-9, N. McNally 1-2-4, Marston 0-2-2, Brawn, Sleeper 7-3-20, Schmidt, Cyr 2-2-6

3-pt. goals: Sleeper 3 Penquis 9 21 35 50 Katahdin 10 22 31 43

So. Aroostook 67, CAHS 62

At Dyer Brook, Sam Michaud scored 10 of his 14 points in the third quarter as Southern Aroostook rallied for the win.

Jeremiah Gordon pumped in 17 points for the Warriors, while Nick Russell added 10 points. Michaud also grabbed nine rebounds.

Adam Orser pumped in 21 points for Central Aroostook of Mars Hill.

Central Aroostook (8-10) 62

Orser 7-2-21, R. Michaud 4-0-8, Bradstreet 3-0-9, Hill 3-0-7, Allen 3-0-7, Brewer 1-2-4, Bell 1-0-3, Woolard 0-1-1, McGarvey, Durost, Boyd 1-0-2, Walsh Southern Aroostook (9-7) 67

Gordon 6-0-17, S. Michaud 6-2-14, Russell 4-4-12, Collier 3-2-8, Walker 3-0-6, Jones 3-0-6, Hardy 2-0-4, Notto, Bragan, Armour, Gordon, Hersey, Smith, Fitzherbert

3-pt. goals: Orser 5, Bradstreet 3, Hill, Allen, Bell; Gordon 5 Central Aroostook 23 33 44 62 Southern Aroostook 15 33 50 67

JV: Cen. Aroostook 60, So. Aroostook 58

Houlton 63, Madawaska 51

At Madawaska, Shane Lee connected for seven of his 19 points to help fuel a 17-6 second-quarter advantage as Houlton closed the regular season with a win.

Andy Guy tossed in 19 points and Lucas Ritchie netted 12 for the Shiretowners.

Luke Pennington and Ryan Cyr paced Madawaska with 15 and 14 points, respectively. Pennington grabbed 11 rebounds.

Houlton (10-8) 63

Guy 6-4-19, Lee 8-2-19, Ritchie 6-0-12, Weston 1-4-6, Fitzpatrick 1-1-3, Cowperthwaite 1-1-3, Gray 0-1-1, Adams Madawaska (9-7) 51

Pennington 7-1-15, R. Cyr 4-5-14, Desjardins 2-3-8, Pelletier 2-1-5, Clavette 2-0-4, E. Cyr 1-1-3, Gagnon 1-0-2, Michaud, D. Cyr, Marshall

3-pt. goals: Guy 3, Lee; R. Cyr, Desjardins Houlton 16 33 48 63 Madawaska 11 17 31 51

JV: Madawaska 74, Houlton 64

DI-Stonington 76, Lubec 52

At Deer Isle, Josh Weed scored 16 of his game-high 28 points in the first quarter as the Mariners raced out to a 28-10 lead en route to the win.

Nick Wiberg added 19 points for Deer Isle-Stonington and Steve Sullivan had 18.

For Lubec, Bobby Blake led the way with 14 points, while Greg Giggie and Bobby Mahar added 12 and 10 points, respectively.

DI-Stonington (11-5) 76

Weed 11-3-28, Wiberg 8-3-19, Sullivan 7-3-18, Whitsett 2-0-5, Williams 0-1-1, Scott-Wyard 0-1-1, Billings 2-0-4, Barrows, Thoner, C. Eaton, A. Eaton Lubec (7-10) 52

Blake 6-2-14, Giggie 4-3-12, Mahar 3-3-10, Feltner, Rouse 1-0-2, McGonigal 1-0-2, Kr. Ferguson 4-0-8, Olson 2-0-4, Laskey, Buechner, Ke. Ferguson, Griffeth, Jackson

3-pt. goals: Giggie, Mahar; Weed 3, Sullivan, Whitsett Lubec 10 27 36 52 DI-Stonington 28 34 54 76

Jonesport-Beals 84, Shead 59

At Eastport, Brian Alley and Byron Carver combined to score 15 of Jonesport-Beals’ 28 points in the third quarter to rally from a 10-point deficit in the first quarter.

Alley finished with 29 points for the Royals, while Carver chipped in with 20.

Willie Suddy knocked in 16 for Shead of Eastport, while Ricky Cox contributed 11 and Griffin added 10.

Jonesport-Beals (16-2) 84

B. Alley 13-0-29, Carver 8-4-10, Crowley 4-1-9, Johnson 0-2-2, Look 2-0-4, Knowlton 1-2-4, Faulkingham 1-2-5, Urquhart 1-0-2, Robinson 3-1-7, R. Mills 1-0-2, N. Alley, C. Mills Thibodeau Shead (2-16) 59

Cox 4-2-11, Suddy 4-5-16, Griffin 3-4-10, Small 2-0-4, Mumme 230-6, Braughton 0-1-1, Morang 2-4-8, Shannon 0-2-2, Wentworth, Sullivan, Cates, Ritchie

3-pt. goals: B. Alley 3, Faulkingham; Suddy 3, Cox Jonesport-Beals 13 33 59 84 Shead 23 31 41 59

JV: Jonesport-Beals 83, Shead 67

George Stevens 83, Sumner 53

At Blue Hill, Eric Hutchins fired in 25 points to lead George Stevens to the victory.

Chad Mattson pumped in 20 points for the Eagles, and Chris Pickering grabbed 15 rebounds.

Justin Offolinaki scored 12 points for the Sumner Tigers of East Sullivan.

Sumner 53

Crowley, M. Fisher, Carter, Seward 5-1-15, Welch, Bickford 1-1-3, Offolinaki 6-0-12, A. Fisher 2-4-8, Hardy 4-0-8, Pruett 2-1-5, Freeman 1-0-2 George Stevens 83

Sadlier 2-0-4, Pickering 1-1-3, Vogell 2-4-8, S. Cole 2-4-8, T. Cole, Hutchins 11-3-25, Malinowski 2-1-5, Allen 2-0-4, Mattson 8-2-20, Hutchins 2-2-6, Coglitore

3-pt. goals: Seward 4, Mattson 2 Sumner 12 27 43 53 George Stevens 22 42 53 83

JV: Sumner 72, George Stevens 71

Old Town 64, Nokomis 61

At Newport, 5-foot-6 Ryan Miller scored 18 points and grabbed a game-high eight rebounds as Old Town held off the Warriors.

Chad Hayes added 14 points, Jeremy Belyea 13, and Brian DeGrasse 10 for the Indians.

Rodney Rouse scored 14 to lead Nokomis. Danny Leadbetter added 12 and Jerrid Otis 11.

Old Town (3-11) 64

Miller 7-3-18, Hayes 7-0-14, Belyea 4-3-13, DeGrasse 4-2-10, Thibodeau 2-2-7, Yanush 1-0-2, Vermette, Dumont, Baker, Fournier Nokomis (3-10) 61

Rouse 5-4-14, Leadbetter 5-0-12, J. Otis 5-0-11, Davis 3-0-7, White 2-2-6, Day 3-0-6, R. Otis 2-0-4, Boulanger 0-1-1, Grant

3-pt. goals: Belyea 2, Thibodeau, Miller; Leadbetter 2, J. Otis, Davis Old Town 20 28 48 64 Nokomis 18 31 44 61

JV: Nokomis 59, Old Town 39

MDI 66, Stearns 62

At Mount Desert, Ian Jones hit a 3-pointer with a minute left and Aaron Gray hit a field goal and two foul shots to give the Trojans the win.

Jones and Gray both scored 10 in the fourth quarter and finished with 17 and 26 points, respectively.

Corey Streams and Aaron Porter each scored 14 for Stearns of Millinocket. Steve Osborne and Mike Walsh added 11. John Montgomery had 10.

Stearns (9-9) 62

Streams 6-2-14, Porter 5-1-14, Osborne 4-3-11, Walsh 4-0-11, Montgomery 5-0-10, Ayotte 1-0-2, Jandreau MDI (12-6) 66

Gray 10-6-26, Jones 7-0-17, McFarland 3-0-8, Ketchen 4-0-8, Ingerisano 2-0-4, Bundy 1-0-3, Reed, Nicholson

3-pt. goals: Porter 3, Walsh 3; Jones 3, McFarland 2, Bundy Stearns 17 37 47 62 MDI 19 29 39 66

JV: MDI 81, Stearns 57

Ellsworth 50, Bucksport 45

At Bucksport, the Eagles hit six of eight foul shots down the stretch to hold off the Golden Bucks.

Nick Johston scored 13 points and Phil Hodgkins added 12 to led Ellsworth. Ben Donaldson chipped in 10 points.

Greg Gobel and Josh Clough each scored 10 points for Bucksport.

Ellsworth (10-8) 50

Hodgkins 2-7-12, Johnston 4-3-13, Donaldson 3-4-10, Conley 3-0-6, Seltzer 3-0-7, Higgins 1-0-2, McDonald, Alley, Cochrane Bucksport (13-5) 45

Smith 1-3-5, Russell 1-0-2, Lachance 2-0-4, Peak 3-0-8, Gobel 5-2-12, Clough 4-2-10, Soper 2-0-4, Pollard, Beck

3-pt. goals: Johnston 2, Hodgkins, Seltzer; Peak 2 Ellsworth 6 20 34 50 Bucksport 10 23 34 45

JV: Bucksport 69, Ellsworth 66

MCI 72, Rockland 55

At Pittsfield, Maine Central Institute benefited from its full-court pressure and the strong rebounding of Jason Cummings while outscoring Rockland 28-13 during the pivotal third quarter.

Paul Collins hit three of the Huskies’ six 3-pointers in the quarter on his way to 11 points. Jeff Giallombardo led MCI with 17 points, Travis Fitts scored 14, Hiro Hirano netted 12, and Josh Plamondan added 11.

Matt Breen paced the Tigers with a game-high 19 points.

Rockland (7-10) 55

Shorey 4-0-9, Wall 0-3-3, Reynolds 3-0-6, Tolman 1-0-2, Williams 3-0-6, Cowan 4-0-8, Stewart 1-0-2, Breen 5-8-19, Favereau, Hynes MCI (14-4) 72

Collins 4-0-11, Giallombardo 6-2-17, Plamondan 5-0-11, Hirano 3-4-12, Fitts 6-2-14, Estes 2-1-5, Raleigh 1-0-2, Cummings, Bradeen, St. Pierre

3-pt. goals: Shorey, Breen; Collins 3, Giallombardo 3, Plamondan, Hirano 2 Rockland 14 33 46 55 MCI 13 29 57 72

JV: Rockland 64, MCI 57


Woodland 61, Calais 59

At Woodland, Josh Thornton hit two free throws in the closing seconds, lifting the Dragons to victory over archrival Calais.

Thornton poured in a game-high 26 points, including six 3-pointers, to power Woodland. Tony Robb contributed 20 points, seven rebounds, four assists, four steals and four blocked shots. Bob Chandler pulled down 11 rebounds.

Bob McMannis led Calais with 16 points, Jason Redding netted 14 and George Sabattus added 10.

Calais (9-9) 59

McMannis 4-5-16, Redding 7-0-14, Sabattus 4-2-10, Gookin 1-0-2, DeVoe 1-0-3, Reardon 3-3-9, Dow 2-1-5, Tomoyoki Woodland (12-6) 61

Thornton 7-6-26, Robb 9-0-20, Chandler 1-2-4, Huwa 2-1-5, Speed 2-0-4, Tribou 0-2-2, Nicholson, Oakes

3-pt. goals: McMannis 3, DeVoe; Thornton 6, Robb 2 Calais 16 32 47 59 Woodland 18 34 45 61

JV: Calais 65, Woodland 58 (OT)

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