Wall scoring in fourth quarter preserves Rockland victory

PITTSFIELD – Matt Wall scored seven of his 15 points in the fourth quarter to help the Rockland Tigers hold off Maine Central Institute 70-61 in boys basketball action Friday. Travis Reynolds scored 22 points for the winners, and Don Williams joined Reynolds and Wall…
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PITTSFIELD – Matt Wall scored seven of his 15 points in the fourth quarter to help the Rockland Tigers hold off Maine Central Institute 70-61 in boys basketball action Friday.

Travis Reynolds scored 22 points for the winners, and Don Williams joined Reynolds and Wall in double figures with 12.

Paul Collins’ game-high 26 points paced MCI. Josh Plamondon added 11.

Rockland (12-6) 70

Reynolds 8-4-22, Williams 5-2-12, Wall 4-4-15, Labree 3-2-8, O’Dell 3-1-7, Tower 2-0-4, Stewart 1-0-2, Tolman

MCI (9-9) 61

Collins 8-9-26, Plamondon 5-0-11, Cummings 3-2-8, J. Giallombardo 4-0-8, St. Clair 1-0-2, S. Giallombardo, Vad 2-2-6, O’Brien, Littlefield, Smith, Susi

3-pt. goals: Wall 3, Reynolds 2; Collins, Plamondon Rockland 16 39 52 70 MCI 12 33 47 61

Machias 50, Searsport 45

At Machias, Mike Whitney scored all eight of his points to spark a Machias’ fourth-quarter comeback.

Ben Edwards and Ben Reynold each added 12 points for the winners while Seth Kilton tossed in 10.

Ben Dudley led Searsport with 17 points and Nate Hall had 14.

Searsport (4-14) 45

Dudley 7-0-17, Hall 7-0-14, Tripp 4-1-9, Kenney 1-0-2, Light 1-0-2, Tupper 0-1-1, Saucier, Ward Machias (11-7) 50

Edwards 5-2-12, Reynolds 4-3-12, Kilton 4-1-10, Whitney 3-1-8, Buck 1-0-2, Snowdeal 1-0-2, Michaud 1-0-2, McCarthy 1-0-2, Strachan, Frutchey, Trott, LeRoy

3-pt. goals: Dudley 3; Reynolds, Kilton, Whitney Searsport 19 25 38 45 Machias 8 17 32 50

JV: Searsport 62, Machias 49 (OT)

MDI 67, Stearns 57

At Millinocket, Justin Norwood scored eight of his game-high 20 points in the fourth quarter to help Mount Desert Island hold off a Stearns rally.

Ian Jones had 19 points for MDI and Chris Seeley accounted for 13.

Corey Streams’ 19 points, Jon Neal’s 13, and Matthew Ayotte’s 12 points paced Stearns.

MDI (14-4) 67

Norwood 5-7-20, Jones 7-2-19, Seeley 6-1-13, Ingrisano 2-2-6, Pratt 1-0-2, Roix 1-3-5, Wardman 1-0-2, Watson, Fye, Hebron, Walls

Stearns (4-14) 57

Streams 7-3-19, Neal 6-0-13, Ayotte 3-6-12, L. Cote 1-0-2, Carr 0-1-1, Comber 4-0-8, Fling 1-0-2, J. Cote, G. Civiello

3-pt. goals: Jones 3, Norwood 3; Streams 2, Neal MDI 19 38 49 67 Stearns 14 30 43 57

JV: MDI 72, Stearns 64

Dexter 53, Deer Isle-Stonington 48

At Deer Isle, Bill Keyte and Greg Haven scored 10 points in the win.

Jake Whitsett paced the Mariners with 21, while Chris Hutchinson notched 14. Foul trouble and a stingy defensive effort held star Nick Wiberg to eight.

Dexter (9-9) 53

Keyte 4-0-10, Haven 3-4-10, Bogan 3-3-9, Cooper 3-3-9, Patterson 1-5-7, Vafiades 1-0-2, Mountain 1-2-4, Conners, Small 1-0-2 Deer Isle-Stonington (10-8) 48

Whitsett 8-3-21, Hutchinson 3-7-14, Wiberg 4-0-8, Carter, Eaton 1-0-2, Williams 1-1-3, M. Billings, Albert, Hardy, J. Billings 0-1-1, Bye

3-pt. goals: Keyte 2; Whitsett 2 Dexter 13 34 42 53 Deer Isle-Stonington 11 22 32 48

Islesboro 73, Vinalhaven 60

At Islesboro, Ross Carver scored 12 points in the fourth quarter and Ben Dove added eight to power a 30-20 surge for the victory.

Carver finished with 29 points, 22 in the second half, and Dove had 14.

Jacob Thompson paced Vinalhaven with 18 points and Brandon Lazaro and Chris Guptill added 16 each.

Vinalhaven (7-10) 60

K. Lazaro 1-0-3, Guptill 6-3-16, Pratt 1-2-5, B. Lazaro 7-1-16, Thompson 7-3-18, Grant 1-0-2 Islesboro (12-5) 73

Shand 0-3-3, Johnson 3-1-8, Carver 13-3-29, Grindle 0-1-1, Gallant 2-1-5, Dove 7-0-14, Miller 4-0-9, B.J. Frank 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: K. Lazaro, Guptill, Pratt, Thompson; Johnson, Miller Vinalhaven 11 29 40 60 Islesboro 18 29 43 73

Bucksport 70, George Stevens 59

At Blue Hill, Josh Clough tossed in 20 points and Buzz Simpson added 11 as the Bucks won.

Cameron Giroux pitched in with 10 for Bucksport.

Chad Mattson scored 21 points and handed out eight assists for the Eagles. Nick Malinowski added 12 points and 10 rebounds.

Bucksport (4-14) 70

Gray 1-0-3, Austin, Gilman, Simpson 4-0-11, Pollard 2-0-4, Beck 2-2-6, Gifford 4-0-8, Harvey 0-3-3, Giroux 4-2-10, Astbury 2-1-5, Clough 9-2-20 George Stevens Academy (4-14) 59

Mattson 9-1-21, Poole 2-0-4, Austin 1-3-5, Malinowski 5-2-12, Cole 3-0-8, Allen 1-0-2, Sadlier 3-0-7, Hutchins, Ryan, Davies, Lewandowski, Foss

3-pt. goals: Gray, Simpson 3; Mattson 2, Cole 2, Sadlier Bucksport 20 37 51 70 George Stevens 13 30 40 59

Greenville 51, Bangor Chr. 41

At Eastern Maine Tech’s Johnston Gym in Bangor, Tom Deming and Jake Waldron scored 18 points each as the Lakers topped Bangor Christian.

Chip Foss scored 10 points and grabbed 10 rebounds for the Patriots. Haverson Silva pulled down 12 rebounds.

Greenville (3-15) 51

Morrill 1-1-3, Deming 6-5-18, Aucoin 2-0-4, Waldron 6-5-18, Driscoll 1-0-2, Lavigne 1-0-2, Dinkins 1-0-2, Diemor, Narbus Bangor Christian (4-14) 41

Silva 3-3-9, Foss 5-0-10, McKenna 2-0-5, Schroeher 1-0-3, Bassett 1-1-3, Reitsma 2-0-4, Conley 1-2-4, Howard 1-0-3

3-pt. goals: Deming, Waldron; McKenna, Schroeher, Howard Greenville 14 24 41 51 Bangor Christian 9 16 22 41

Medomak 56, Waterville 47

At Waldoboro, Medomak Valley connected on 16 of 20 free throws in the fourth quarter to seal the win.

Joe Kay paced the Panthers with 19 points and Jon Spear added 13.

Lucas Provost tossed in 12 points for Waterville, Sean Flood contributed 11, and J.T. Trinward added 10.

Waterville (6-8) 47

Weisser 1-2-4, Trinward 4-2-10, Fellows, Donato, Caron, DeGuzman 3-1-7, Smith 1-1-3, Flood 5-1-11, Provost 4-2-12 Medomak Valley (8-5) 56

Nash 0-4-4, Kay 7-3-19, Benner, Spear 3-7-13, Starr, Andrei 3-3-9, Jones 1-1-3, Lufkin 0-2-2, Athearn, Curtis 2-0-5, Havener 0-1-1, Miller, Simmons

3-pt. goals: Provost 2; Kay 2, Curtis Waterville 12 21 33 47 Medomak Valley 8 22 36 56

Maranacook 84, Mount View 74 (2OT)

At Thorndike, Brian Gerrity scored 19 of his game-high 39 points in two overtimes to propel Maranacook.

Greg Creek tossed in 12 points for the Black Bears of Readfield, and Justin Olsen had 10.

Three players scored more than 20 points for Mount View, with Cedric Rogers leading the way with 26. Warren Ard and Kevin Roberts added 22 and 21 points, respectively.

Maranacook (12-6) 84

Smith 2-0-5, Rollins 1-3-5, Gifford, Rains 1-0-2, G. Creek 4-4-12, Gerrity 15-8-39, T. Creek 3-3-9, Ellis 1-0-2, Olsen 4-2-10 Mount View (2-16) 74

Rogers 9-7-26, Ard 7-6-22, Roberts 10-1-21, P. Fitzpatrick 2-1-5, B. Fitzpatrick, Leonard, Harriman, VonOesen, Brugger, Dusoe, Fletcher

3-pt. goals: Smith, Gerrity; Rogers, Ard 2 Maranacook 18 28 36 56 69 84 Mount View 11 27 44 56 69 74

JV: Maranacook 53, Mount View 38

John Bapst 66, Ellsworth 58

At Bangor Auditorium, Mike Mathien scored 30 points and Tim Mathien added 11 more as the Crusaders topped the Eagles.

Nick Johnston led Ellsworth with 16, while Mike Seltzer notched 15 and Ben Donaldson had 10.

Ellsworth (13-5) 58

Johnston 5-3-16, Seltzer 6-0-15, Donaldson 3-4-10, Alley 1-2-4, McDonald 2-0-4, Lindsey 1-1-3, Sirois 1-0-2, Chan 1-0-2, Conley 1-0-2 John Bapst (13-5) 66

M. Mathien 11-8-30, T. Mathien 4-3-11, T. Tremble 3-3-9, S. Tremble 3-2-8, Ford 3-2-8, Healey, Kirkpatrick

3-pt. goals: Johnston 3, Seltzer 3 Ellsworth 10 20 37 58 John Bapst 20 32 44 66

JV: John Bapst 36, Ellsworth 23

Hermon 68, Orono 35

At Hermon, Rhett Bartlett scored 12 of his 16 points in the first half as Hermon vaulted out to a 45-17 lead.

Scott Smith added 12 points for the winners.

Ian Torrey led Orono with 14 points.

Orono (3-15) 35

Doucette 0-1-1, Wade 1-0-3, Johnson 0-2-2, Stinson, Means 3-0-7, Enos 2-0-4, Bishop 0-1-1, Chandler, Torrey 3-8-14, Morkowsky 0-3-3 Hermon (11-7) 68

R. Garland, Pelletier 0-1-1, Cox 1-0-3, Pelton, Scripture 1-0-2, Wyman 2-1-5, St. Louis 2-0-4, T. Garland 3-2-8, Gray 3-1-7, Tweedie, Smith 5-0-12, Frederik, Phinney 3-0-6, Bartlett 8-0-16, Dobbins 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Cox, Smith 2; Wade, Means Orono 9 17 20 35 Hermon 22 45 56 68

JV: Orono 58, Hermon 43

Girls basketball

Belfast 82, Lincoln Academy 69

At Belfast, Abby Peaslee fired in 23 points to pace Belfast. Jamie Marden added 16.

Stephanie Newell finished with 15 points for Lincoln Academy of Newcastle, while Beth Powell pumped in 14 and Heather Taylor added 10.

Lincoln Academy (4-14) 69

St. Newell 6-2-15, Powell 4-4-14, Taylor 3-4-10, Cartier 3-0-8, Sa. Newell 3-2-8, Giberson 4-0-8, Williams 1-1-3, Bates 1-2-4, Mitchell, Cline Belfast (6-12) 82

Peaslee 10-3-23, Marden 3-10-16, McClure 2-4-9, Herbig 2-4-8, Redman 2-2-6, Faulkingham 2-0-4, Flood 2-1-5, Kelley 2-0-4, Welch 0-1-1, Brown 1-4-6

3-pt. goals: Powell 2, Cartier 2, St. Newell; McClure Lincoln Academy 11 31 51 69 Belfast 19 37 57 82

JV: Belfast 56, Lincoln Academy 44

MDI 55, Stearns 43

At Mount Desert, Katy Lawson scored 12 of her game-high 19 points in the second half as Mount Desert Island pulled away and ended a three-game losing streak.

Melissa Gott added 13 points for the Trojans, and Crystal Graves posted 11.

Amanda Ripton and Brianna Page led the Minutemen from Millinocket with a dozen points each.

Stearns (6-12) 43

Ripton 4-1-12, Page 5-2-12, Boynton 3-1-9, Larlee 2-0-4, Berube 2-0-4, Legassey 1-0-2, Shedd MDI (14-4) 55

Lawson 8-3-19, M. Gott 4-5-13, Graves 4-2-11, Haskell 3-0-6, J. Gott 1-1-3, Walls 1-0-3, Reed, Kaldro

3-pt. goals: Ripton 3, Boynton 2; Graves, Walls Stearns 10 25 34 43 MDI 12 28 43 55

JV: MDI 44, Stearns 35

Vinalhaven 56, Islesboro 45

At Islesboro, Samantha Carter scored 14 of her game-high 22 points in the second half as Vinalhaven pulled away.

Lindsay Carter added 17 points for the winners.

Tracey Wuori led Islesboro with 17 points and Annie Bolduc had 11. Robin Pendleton pulled down 11 rebounds.

Vinalhaven (14-3) 56

S. Carter 11-0-22, L. Carter 7-3-17, Sakai 1-0-2, Hopkins 2-0-4, Woodcock 2-0-4, Bickford 2-3-7 Islesboro (9-5) 45

Wuori 7-0-17, A. Bolduc 5-1-11, Pendleton 3-0-6, Delaney 4-0-8, Robinson 1-1-3, N. Bolduc, Leach, Johnson

3-pt. goals: Wuori 3 Vinalhaven 13 24 36 56 Islesboro 7 18 32 45

Dexter 57, DI-Stonington 30

At Deer Isle, Sam Haskell scored 16 points as Dexter cruised.

Morgan Titus and Megan Hughes each added 11 points for the winners.

Angie Douglass had 13 points and 13 rebounds for Deer Isle-Stonington.

Dexter (10-7) 57

Titus 5-1-11, Clukey 3-1-7, McKusick, Haskell 8-0-16, Hughes 5-1-11, McKinley, McCormick 2-1-5, Herring 0-2-2, Gilbert 0-5-5 DI-Stonington (5-13) 30

Douglass 5-3-13, Douvarjo 2-0-4, Christensen 2-0-4, Santospago 1-2-4, Ab. Gross 1-1-3, Fifield 1-0-2, Ap. Gross, Monteith, Barbado, Thompson

3-pt. goals: none Dexter 7 21 36 57 DI-Stonington 9 16 24 30

Central 47, Searsport 36

At East Corinth, Monica Downs scored eight of her 13 points in the fourth quarter as the Red Devils pulled away from the Vikings.

Jodie Larrabee led Searsport with 11 points, and Sarah Webster had 10.

Searsport (7-11) 36

Larrabee 4-3-11, Robert 1-7-9, Webster 4-2-10, Lavway 2-1-5, Suppes 0-1-1, Harriman, Benjamin Central (4-14) 47

Downs 5-1-13, Matulis 3-2-8, Blish 4-0-8, Cookson 4-0-8, Libby 0-4-4, Young 1-0-2, Rozelle 1-0-2, Strout 1-0-2, Greatorex

3-pt. goals: Searsport 8 20 27 36 Central 8 18 31 47

JV: Central 44, Searsport 29

John Bapst 53, Ellsworth 36

At the Bangor Auditorium, Kira Young scored eight of her 13 points in the first quarter as the Crusaders took the lead for good.

Vanessa Moore and Meaghan Young added 11 and 10 points, respectively.

Erica Page powered the Eagles with a game-high 14 points.

Ellsworth (6-12) 36

Page 6-2-14, Saunders 3-0-9, Lemar 2-1-6, Smallidge 1-0-2, Beekman 1-0-2, Johnston 1-0-2, Dill 0-1-1, MacDonald, Merchant, Smith, Sirois John Bapst (10-8) 53

K. Young 4-4-13, Moore 3-5-11, M. Young 4-1-10, Albair 1-6-8, Pooler 3-0-6, Evans 1-0-2, Crotty 0-2-2, Brazier 0-1-1, E. Young, Noble, Sockbeson

3-pt. goals: Saunders 3, Lemar; K. Young, M. Young Ellsworth 9 18 28 36 John Bapst 13 24 35 53

JV: John Bapst 35, Ellsworth 32

Bangor Chr. 60, Greenville 42

At Eastern Maine Tech’s Johnston Gym, senior Rachel Sobey tossed in 15 points and her sophomore sister Larisa scored 10 more as the Patriots handled Greenville.

Sam Ross pitched in with 10 points for Bangor Christian.

Laura Folsom and Linda Christensen notched 12 points apiece for the Lakers.

Greenville (1-15) 42

L. Folsom 3-6-12, Christensen 4-4-12, Tezer 1-0-2, Douglass 2-4-8, K. Folsom 1-0-2, Belmont 0-1-1, Shaw 1-0-2, Brown 1-0-2, Munster 0-1-1, Barlay Bangor Christian (15-3) 60

R. Sobey 7-1-15, Carmichael 1-0-2, Meserve, Brewster 3-2-8, L. Sobey 4-2-10, Niles 1-4-6, Moores 1-2-4, Sage 1-0-2, Ross 2-5-10, Mick, Haverlock 1-1-3, Johnson

3-pt. goals: Ross Greenville 8 17 32 42 Bangor Christian 11 28 45 60

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