I think Ken Starr and all those responsible for putting the video of the president on TV deserve a very special place in hell for their efforts.
What insufferable, unforgiving creatures we’ve become! Sept. 21 was a black day in American history. Dorothy Symanski Bangor
In his Sept. 22 column, Dana Wilde says it perfectly: “I dont think we should be calling for the president to resign. It means we are siding with assassins.”
The chief assassin being Starr. Harvard Reynolds Bangor
Will someone enlighten this country bumpkin regarding grand jury testimony? I am not sure if I watch too many movies of the week or have just been misled by quick-talking lawyers. Is it confidential or not?
I certainly would not want to find my face on the evening news testifying for the second time on inappropriate behavior. If we want the big guy to face the music as would an ordinary citizen, don’t we owe him the courtesy the ordinary citizen would receive?
Where is the ACLU when you need it? It pops up for everyone else. Does anyone else sense a possible political agenda? Sam Bacon Bangor
Clinton has abused his office and the trust of the American people. His constant careful language has gotten old and pathetic. Does anyone really think he has told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about smoking pot, the draft, Filegate and the China mess? The time is definitely right for President Albert Gore Jr. William Pearson Corinna
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