September 20, 2024

Bubar free throw lifts Tigers

VAN BUREN – Brianne Bubar’s free throw provided the only scoring in overtime as Fort Fairfield topped previously undefeated Van Buren 34-33 Saturday in schoolgirl basketball action.

Bubar led Fort Fairfield with a game-high 15 points. Jessica Ireland added 10 points.

Denise Marquis paced Van Buren with 13 points.

Fort Fairfield (7-2) 34

Ireland 4-2-10, Bubar 3-7-15, Cyr 1-0-2, Van Der Wende 1-0-2, Shaw 1-0-3, McCree 1-0-2, Barnes Van Buren (6-1) 33

Marquis 4-5-13, Corbin 2-4-8, Gagnon 1-2-4, Wright 1-1-3, Ayotte 2-0-4, Sirois, Lagasse 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Bubar 2, Shaw Fort Fairfield 7 19 27 33 34 Van Buren 7 16 25 33 33

JV: Van Buren 42-27

Cen. Aroostook 52, Washburn 45

At Washburn, Tonya Alexander’s 3-pointer with 20 seconds left put Central Aroostook up by five points and the Panthers held on for the win.

Misty Pratt topped Central Aroostook of Mars Hill with 14 points. Lindsay Boyd added 10 points.

Krista Doody paced Washburn with 12 points and 11 rebounds.

Central Aroostook (6-2) 52

Pratt 6-2-14, Robinson 1-3-5, Bell 1-2-4, Alexander 4-0-9, Lundeen 1-0-2, Long 2-2-8, Boyd 4-2-10, Walsh Washburn (2-5) 45

Doody 6-0-12, Howard 3-1-9, Maynard, Blakeney, Flanagan 4-1-9, Fitzherbert 4-1-9, Umphrey 1-4-6

3-pt. goals: Long 2, Alexander; Howard 2 Central Aroostook 14 22 41 52 Washburn 6 24 38 45

JV: Washburn 40-24

Fort Kent 52, Hodgdon 48 (OT)

At Hodgdon, Jessica Gagnon scored eight of her 16 points in overtime to lead the visiting Fort Kent Warriors to overtime win.

Michelle Saucier scored 12 points and Nicole Cyr added 10 for the Warriors.

Holly Quint scored 21 to lead the Hawks and Amanda Quint added 17 in addition to 10 rebounds. The Quint sisters went 4-for-4 from the free throw line in the final seconds to send the game into OT.

Fort Kent (4-3) 52

Saucier 2-8-12, Gagnon 3-10-16, Cyr 2-4-10, Caron, Foreman 3-0-6, Long 2-0-4, Harvey, Dufour, Taggett, Jandreau 2-0-4 Hodgdon (5-2) 48

H. Quint 4-11-21, A. Quint 7-3-17, Wallace 1-0-2, Suitter 1-0-2, Fitzpatrick 2-2-6, Bell, London, Griffin

3-pt. goals: Cyr 2; H. Quint 2 Fort Kent 12 16 30 41 52 Hodgdon 7 19 27 41 48

JV: Hodgdon 41-36

Jones.-Beals 76, DI-Stonington 50

At Deer Isle, Tricia Carver scored 22 of her game-high 30 points in the first half as Jonesport-Beals downed Deer Isle-Stonington.

Sonya Andrews added 12 points for the Royalettes.

Angela Douglass paced the Mariners with 21 points and Mindy Douvarjo added 15.

Jonesport-Beals (7-2) 76

Stewart 1-0-2, J. Woodward 2-1-5, Griffin 2-0-4, Andrews 3-6-12, T. Carver 15-0-30, C. Carver 3-2-8, Merchant 3-0-6, Durkee 1-2-4, A. Carver 0-4-4, Smorch, C. Woodward Deer Isle-Stonington (1-7) 50

Douglass 9-3-21, Ab. Gross 1-2-4, Douvarjo 7-0-15, Ap. Gross 3-2-8, Thompson 1-0-2, Monteith, Steele, Dunham, Barbato, McDonnell

3-pt. goals: Douvarjo Jonesport-Beals 22 44 55 76 DI-Stonington 6 20 39 50

JV: Jonesport-Beals 40-28

Bangor Christian 61, Shead 52

At Bangor, the Patriots put four players in double figures and got a 15-point, 11-rebound effort from Heidi Niles in the win.

Sam Ross pitched in with 14 points and seven assists, while Lari Sobey and Trish Matula netted 10 each.

Sara Ricker notched 28 points for Shead of Eastport. Morgan Seeley added 12.

Shead (3-5) 52

Townsend, C. Lingley 1-0-2, Smith, Seeley 4-4-12, Suddy 2-0-5, Davis 0-1-1, Calder, Ricker 8-12-28, R. Lingley 1-0-2 Bangor Christian (4-3) 61

Brewster 1-1-3, Niles 7-1-15, Sobey 4-2-10, Matula 5-0-10, Ross 4-3-14, Mick 0-2-2, Moores 2-0-4, Sage 0-3-3, R. Haverlock, V. Haverlock, Ossinger

3-pt. goals: Suddy; Ross 3 Shead 8 24 38 52 Bangor Christian 12 30 49 61

George Stevens 79, Narraguagus 41

At Blue Hill, Nikki Allen led three Eagles in double figures with 17 points as George Stevens claimed the victory.

Mandi Allen added 16 points and Lora Trenkle contributed 15 for the Eagles.

Sarah Snider and Missa Meserve scored nine points each to lead Narraguagus of Harrington.

Narraguagus (6-2) 41

Snider 4-0-9, Meserve 3-3-9, Woodsum 1-0-2, Skinner 2-1-5, K. Barbee 2-0-4, Beal 3-0-6, Howe 3-0-6, N. Barbee, Bailey, Caler, Farnsworth George Stevens (8-1) 79

N. Allen 8-0-17, M. Allen 8-0-16, Trenkle 6-2-15, Jackson 2-1-5, Astbury 0-2-2, Ashe 0-1-1, Wood 1-0-2, Hewitt 2-0-5, Haney 1-0-2, Pemberton 3-1-7, Bunten 3-1-7, Van Klodt

3-pt. goals: Snider; N. Allen, Trenkle, Hewitt Narraguagus 8 20 29 41 George Stevens 18 40 64 79

JV: George Stevens 52-33

Calais 70, Houlton 57

At Calais, Lanna Martin scored 12 points in the third quarter as Calais built a 10-point lead before going on to the win.

Martin led Calais with a game-high 34 points. Katie Frost added 21 points.

Kelly Socoby paced three Houlton players in double figures with 12 points. Jessica Prosser netted 11 points and Erica McGary had 10.

Houlton (3-3) 57

K. Socoby 4-3-12, McGary 5-0-10, Prosser 4-3-11, Weber 4-0-8, Beasley 2-0-5, H. Socoby 2-3-7, Berry 2-0-4, Botting, Goodrich Calais (7-0) 70

Martin 14-4-34, Frost 7-6-21, Churchill 1-0-2, Redding 0-1-1, Drew 2-0-4, Clark 1-1-3, Feck 2-0-5, Goodine, DeWitt, Foster, Reynolds

3-pt. goals: Socoby; Martin 2, Frost, Feck Houlton 14 33 42 57 Calais 10 33 52 70

JV: Houlton 40-27

Mattanawcook 61, Woodland 51

At Lincoln, Brooke Turner scored 20 of her 22 points in the second half as the Lynx topped the Dragons.

Mattanawcook Academy’s Cassie Carver scored 11 points and grabbed 10 rebounds. Allison McLaughlin added 10 points.

Angela Robb led Woodland with 18 points and Ashley Marble contributed 10.

Woodland (3-4) 51

Robb 8-0-18, Marble 3-4-10, Smith 2-5-9, Seavey 3-0-6, Noyes 1-0-2, Knights 1-4-6, Boston, Brown Mattanawcook (7-1) 61

Turner 9-4-22, McLaughlin 4-2-10, Carver 3-5-11, Comeau 1-2-4, Rideout 2-3-7, Taylor 0-2-2, Haines 0-1-1, Coombs 1-2-4, Fleming, Pickering

3-pt. goals: Robb 2 Woodland 20 33 42 51 Mattanawcook 12 22 44 61

JV: Mattanawcook 50-26

Foxcroft 90, PCHS 18

At Dover-Foxcroft, the Ponies used a balanced scoring attack to roll past the Pirates of Guilford.

Becky Warren scored 18 points and notched seven assists for the winners. Amy Kelly chipped in with 13 points, eight rebounds and six steals while Holli Nichols added 10 points.

Catherine Riitano scored six points for Piscataquis Community.

Piscataquis (0-6) 18

Riitano 2-2-6, Post 1-3-5, Korsman 1-0-2, Drew 1-0-2, Galuski 0-1-1, Pulkkinen 1-0-2, Sa. Kelly, Garrett-Young, Burdin, Regan, Su. Kelly Foxcroft Acad. (4-4) 90

Warren 6-3-18, Kelley 5-3-13, Nichols 4-0-10, Hartford 1-0-2, Merrill 4-0-8, Glover 3-3-9, Dow 3-0-6, Zimmerman 1-2-4, Laita 3-0-6, Chase 2-2-6, Frasz 3-2-8

3-pt. goals: Warren 2, Nichols 2 Piscataquis 4 4 6 18 Foxcroft 16 40 66 90

JV: Foxcroft 56-27

Mt. Blue 69, Messalonskee 54

At Oakland, Heather Ernest scored 13 points in the third quarter and recorded 41 in the Cougars’ victory.

Ernest went 7-for-7 from the free-throw line in the fourth quarter and Brandy Sloan added 14 points for Mt. Blue of Farmington.

Bonnie Smith poured in 28 points, including 10 in the second quarter. Meghan Ferriter contributed 12 points for the Eagles.

Mt. Blue (4-1) 69

Yates, Sloan 6-2-14, Kiernan, Maguire, Ernest 15-11-41, Woodcock 3-1-9, Vining, James, Tuttle, Alexander 1-0-3, Rollings 1-0-2 Messalonskee (2-3) 54

Lewis 1-0-2, Colby, E. Smith 1-3-5, Foster, LaPlante, Wacome, B. Smith 12-3-28, Sirois, LeTendrisse 2-1-5, Tardiff 1-0-2, Ferriter 6-0-12

3-pt. goals: Woodcock 2, Alexander; Smith Mt. Blue 14 36 53 69 Messalonskee 8 22 31 54

JV: Mt. Blue 35-29

Penquis 41, Penobscot Valley 39

At Milo, Megan Russell converted a pair of free throws with 40 seconds left in the fourth quarter, providing Penquis with the win.

Russell led the Patriots with 13 points. Erynn Bailey added eight points and 10 rebounds.

Mitchelle Doyon scored 11 points to lead the Howlers of Howland.

Penobscot Valley (3-4) 39

Dawson 0-2-2, McGinn 3-1-7, Doyon 5-1-11, Drost 2-1-5, Cyr 3-1-8, Gifford, Colbath, Wakefield 1-0-2, Trafton, Porter, Oldenburgh 2-0-4 Penquis (5-1) 41

Russell 5-3-13, L. Gerrish 1-0-2, Allen 1-2-4, Hamlin 4-0-8, A. Gerrish, Cail 3-0-6, Bailey 4-0-8, Nuite, Newbert

3-pt. goals: Cyr Penobscot Valley 11 20 33 39 Penquis 8 18 32 41

JV: Penobscot Valley 47-26

Bangor 50, Nokomis 37

At Bangor, Alison Smith scored 12 points and pulled down nine rebounds as Bangor remained undefeated.

Jlynn Frazier added 11 points for the Rams.

Laura Pelkey hit six 3-pointers and finished with a game-high 21 points for Nokomis of Newport.

Nokomis (3-1) 37

McKenzie, Mendell, Pelkey 7-2-21, Palmer, Pine, Cray 3-1-7, Raymond 2-5-9, Nickerson Bangor (5-0) 50

Dionne 1-0-2, Strout 2-0-4, Achorn, Capehart, Miller, Frazier 4-1-11, Curtis 2-2-7, Wright 1-0-2, Smith 4-4-12, Kenny 2-0-4, Crockett 4-0-8, Warner

3-pt. goals: Pelkey 6; Frazier 2, Curtis Nokomis 12 17 29 37 Bangor 12 30 41 50

JV: Bangor 39-34

Sumner 45, Dexter 43

At Dexter, Sam Scott connected on two free throws with four seconds left in the game to lift the Tigers of East Sullivan to the win.

Scott finished the game with 17 points. Jennifer Reynolds added nine.

Kristen Gilbert paced Dexter with 11 and Sarah Clukey scored 10.

Sumner (2-5) 45

Willey 2-2-6, Mickel 3-2-8, Reynolds 3-3-9, DeFilippo, Lane, Young 2-1-5, Scott 4-9-17 Dexter (5-4) 43

Titus 4-1-9, Clukey 4-2-10, McKusick 3-2-8, Hogan 1-1-3, Veazie, McCormick 0-2-2, Buzzell, Nelson, Haiko, Gilbert 4-3-11, Currier

3-pt. goals: None Sumner 12 22 31 45 Dexter 12 19 29 43

JV: Dexter 42-35

MDI 52, Stearns 24

At Mount Desert Island, Coley Stetler scored 16 points, lifting the Trojans past the Minutemen.

Melissa Gott scored 10 points, grabbed 10 boards and blocked four shots for Mount Desert Island.

Jennifer Raymond scored seven points to lead Stearns of Millinocket.

Stearns (1-6) 24

Boynton 1-2-4, Nason 0-2-2, Jewers 1-0-2, Legassy 1-3-5, Pelletier 2-0-4, Raymond 3-1-7, Sirois, Nicholson, Berube, Little, Achorn Mount Desert Island (6-0) 52

M. Gott 4-2-10, Stetler 7-2-16, Graves 1-0-2, Reed 2-1-5, J. Gott 1-3-5, Walls 2-0-4, Kaldro 1-0-2, Doyle 1-0-2, Renault 3-0-6, Chernowsky, Osier

3-pt. goals: none Stearns 4 13 14 24 MDI 13 30 40 52

JV: MDI 46-37

Lee 56, Central 42

At East Corinth, Victoria Nute had 11 points and a game-high 19 rebounds to lead the Lee Academy Pandas to the victory over Central.

Deidra Ham scored 15 points while Ashley Linscott had 11 for Lee. Danielle Jipson had 10 points and 14 rebounds.

Jen Allen and Jen Greatorex each scored nine for the Red Devils.

Lee (4-3) 56

Ham 4-7-15, Linscott 4-3-11, Nute 3-5-11, Jipson 3-4-10, Raymond 2-0-5, Scott 1-0-2, Moore 1-0-2, Pickering, House, Moores, Byrd, Beaulieu Central (2-5) 42

Allen 1-7-9, Greatorex 2-5-9, Young 4-0-8, Strout 1-4-6, Stevens 0-4-4, Shaw 1-0-2, Iwaniszek 1-1-3, Libby 0-1-1, Parker

3-pt. goals: Raymond Lee 11 27 36 56 Central 5 13 27 42

JV: Lee 50-38

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