The following Central High School students received scholarships and awards for the 1998-99 school year:
Alice Whitney Memorial Scholarship: Jessica Moody, $275.
American Legion East Corinth Post 115 Scholarship: Hattie Martin and Linwood Rumney, $300 each.
BARCO Federal Credit Union Scholarship: Anna Wickett, $500.
Bertha W. Tiplady Scholarship: Megan Stinson, $300.
Berly C. Dow Scholarship Assistance Fund: Linwood Rumney, $2,000.
Carmel High School Alumni Association Scholarship: Angela Higgins, $500.
Cass Roberts CHS Scholarship Fund: Leslie Rozelle, $1,000.
Charleston Masonic Lodge Olive Branch Scholarship: Marie Cannon and Benjamin Smith, $500 each.
Corinna Union Academy Alumni Association Scholarship: Jason Ansden, $300.
Corinth Area Kiwanis Scholarship: Allison Lancaster and Megan Stinson, $200 each.
Corinth Volunteer Fire Department Benefit Association Scholarship: Megan Stinson, $125.
David H. Chase Memorial Scholarship: Ryan Rivera, $200.
East Corinth Academy Trustees Scholarship: Jason Amsden, Marie Cannon, Thomas Creeley, Angela Higgins, Allison Lancaster, Katrina Libby, Timothy McDonald, Nelson Noel, Ryan Rivera, Linwood Rumney, Megan Stinson and Anna Wickett, $400 each.
East Corinth Academy-Central High School Alumni Scholarship: Monica Downs and John King, $200 each.
Geneave Mae Smith Trust Fund Scholarship: Janet Foy and Gabriel Smith, $800 each; Cassie Betters, April Cushman, Darcie Darling, Nathan Frace, Kenneth Huntley and Christopher Rines, $1,000 each; Monica Downs and Jessica Moody, $1,200 each; Katrina Libby, Timothy McDonald, Linwood Rumney and Megan Stinson, $2,000 each.
Gloria McPherson Westhrin Scholarship: Katrina Libby and Anna Wickett, $100 each.
Heidi Bowden Memorial Scholarship: Leslie Rozelle, $600.
Hudson-Bradford PTA Scholarship: Nelson Noel and Thomas Creeley, $100 each.
James T. Pappas Memorial Scholarship: Linwood Rumney, $500.
Kenduskeag Masonic Lodge Scholarship: Allison Lancaster, $500.
Lynn Boone LeBlanc Memorial Scholarship: Marie Cannon, $100
Maine Lesbian and Gay Political Alliance: Thomas Creeley, $500.
Maude Roberts Arnold Award: Nelson Noel, $650.
SAD 64 Support Service Personnel Scholarship: Katrina Libby, $100.
SAD 64 Teachers’ Association Alice Whitney Memorial Scholarship: Allison Lancaster, $250.
SAD 64 Teachers’ Association Alma Page Memorial Scholarship: Thomas Creeley, $250.
SAD 64 Teachers’ Association Lester Felt Memorial: John King, $250.
Myron Foster Scholarship: Jessica Moody and Monica Downs, $200 each.
Nettie Parker Memorial Scholarship: Jason Amsden, $100.
Paul Eufene Bean Memorial Scholarship: Nelson Noel, $100.
Piscataquis Valley Fair Association Scholarship: Allison Lancaster, $100.
Powerline Prowlers: Jessica Moody, $50.
Robert E. Girvan Memorial Scholarship: Leslie Rozelle, $300.
Robert E. Strout Memorial Scholarship: Nelson Noel, $150.
Robert Palmer and Dorothy Palmer Everett Scholarship Fund: Hattie Martin, $200.
Sen. George J. Mitchell Scholarship: Marie Cannon, $4,000.
Stetson Family English Award: Thomas Creeley, $100.
Thelma Foster Trust Fund Scholarship: Monica Downs and Kenneth Huntley, $100 each; Katrina Libby, Timothy McDonald, Jessica Moody, Linwood Rumney and Megan Stinson, $150 each.
Tiffanie Lynn Goldsmith Memorial Scholarship: Katrina Libby, $100.
Verna Pierce Baker Scholarship: Nichole Brawn, $50.
Wayne Richard Wiggin Memorial Scholarship: Hattie Martin, $100.
Willing Workers’ Kenduskeag Union Church: Jason Amsden, $100.
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