January 10, 2025

There is discord in Hermon — some taxpayers are not happy with their superintendent and school board. At the July 12 meeting convened to address controversial decisions regarding the firing of a teacher and the creation of two new administrtive positions along with other issues, many townspeople left the high school auditorium in anger and frustration.

Following a two-hour session dominated by the self-promotion and defensive posture adopted by the board and superintendent, the meeting was gaveled to a close by the chairperson whose action was precipitated by a confrontation with a teacher who had been terminated from his contract. The teacher sought answers as to what prompted his release. No answers were given and none would be forthcoming.

Recall petitions are being circulated in the community in an attempt to unseat three members for not “acting in the best interst of the community.” Whether this recall succceeds or not, an effort has been made to advise the present board that there is dissatisfaction with the manner in which school business is being conducted in Hermon. The board too frequently has been condescending and insensitive to citizens’ concerns and there has been an unwillingness to discuss issues relying totally on the “expert and professional judgment” of the superintendent in their decision-making. This represents an unhealthy situation when the control of the school system rests solely in the hands of one person regardless of that person’s background and experience.

A mailed communique to townspeople from the board stated that the board “was concerned that recent actions on their part had either been miscommunicated or misunderstaood by the citizens,” and “there is a tremendous amount of misinformation that is being circulated throughout the community.” After two hours the superintendent and the board had done little to identify or address these concerns. The communique also stated that “the public forum scheduled for July 12 will give all parties ample opportunity to both seek and understand the rationale for the school committee’s actions.” This did not happen as the meeting was summarily closed at the request of one board member when discussion appeared to become heated.

Observers of this exercise by the board and superintnedent might conclude a clear view of the issues was obscured in smoke presented by those loftily seated on the stage. A few more meetings similar to this one might result in an erosion of whatever support this group now has. George Albert Ann Albert Hermon

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