February 02, 2025

Shame on UMaine!

The Bangor Daily News reported that UMaine beat Boston University 4-2 in men’s ice hockey at the Alfond Arena last Friday evening. What the sportswriter left out of the story was the sad display of sportsmanship by the Maine fans.

On the lower level under the band and the Maine “Pep Crew” there was a whole cheering section whose obscene cheer toward BU seemed to be part of the whole Maine cheering effort. Behind us a single, very loud voice kept up an extremely vulgar attack on the BU goalie.

I was digusted and embarrassed for Maine. There were other voices as well. At the intermission I asked a senior usher if they did anything about digusting language. The answer saddened me. No. They did nothing.

What was Alfond’s policy regarding language? Answer, “Don’t know.” I persisted. “Go find one of those cops back there at the entrance.”

Prior to the game, I attended a reception at the Black Bear Inn for BU fans, most of whom were parents of team members who follow their sons from college to college. Some of the comments were: “Better take off that BU pin and cap.” “Maine fans are the worst of any college.” “We have been pushed, sworn at.” “Their favorite trick is to pour beverages down on us from the balcony.” “They have a policy of splitting up the guest team fan seats to keep us from sticking together.” “Worst is their favorite, obscene cheer.”

In a state where sports often appear to be as important as academics, what kind of message does this send down to our high schools? As a retired educator (and BU graduate) who has taught for many years in Maine, I wonder where good sportsmanship and civility were at the Alfond last Friday evening. Shame on UMaine! Peter Duston Cherryfield

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