March 24, 2025

Webber Oil seeks food items to fuel holiday drive

Whether going to or from work, running errands, or stopping by the corporate offices, the employees of Webber Oil Co. in Bangor hope all will participate in their first food drive.

Webber’s Jennifer Brewer said Webber employees started a food drive the day after Thanksgiving that will continue through Friday, Dec. 15.

“We will take that food to Manna the following week,” she said.

Located at 180 Central St., Manna Ministries operates a soup kitchen, day care and food bank to serve the needy in the Greater Bangor area.

Brewer said any type of canned goods, nonperishable items and baby food would be appreciated. He said goods could be dropped off at the corporate office, where a box for food-drive items has been placed in the reception area.

Webber Oil will gladly accept donations from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at 700 Main St. in Bangor.

Anyone with questions about the food drive may call Brewer at 942-5501, Ext.162.

Local Telephone Pioneers invite the public to participate in a Christmas tree lighting at 5 p.m. today, behind the Verizon building parking lot at 59 Park St. in Bangor.

Verizon’s Maureen Hathaway said that people have paid $3 each to have the name of a friend or loved one read at the ceremony, and that all proceeds will benefit Maine veterans.

She said the money is sent to the VA Center at Togus to be distributed to veterans needing help with utility expenses.

Today’s lighting of the 15-foot Christmas tree will feature music and refreshments for those who’ve gathered to remember loved ones and celebrate the season.

The young people of Glenburn are doing a great job in their effort to raise funds to create the Andy Butler Memorial Skate Park in that community.

“Fund raising is coming along very well,” said adult committee member Brenda Makahusz. “We’re up to $12,000 in 13 weeks. The kids are very encouraged, and very excited about this.”

The next event is a spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9, at the Glenburn Elementary School on the Hudson Road. Rep. John Baldacci will be the guest chef, and WABI-TV personality Jeff Matthews will participate from 5 to 6 p.m.

Entertainment will be provided by the locally popular Maple Brothers, who sing and play guitar, Makahusz said. “And we have tons of door prizes ranging from CDs to sandwiches, a bracelet and necklace from G. M. Pollack and tanning salon coupons.”

The cost of the dinner is $5 for adults, $3 for children and a maximum charge of $12 per family.

Anyone who would like more information or directions to the supper may call Makahusz at 947-6176, or visit

As a way of saying thank you, director Jan Cox and members of the Brewer Hometown Band invite all to attend their gala holiday concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Brewer Auditorium.

Through community generosity, the band last fall traveled to Washington, D.C., where it participated in the celebration of the national capital’s centennial.

To offer thanks for making that dream trip a reality, the band promises a wonderful time at this free event, which features carols, door prizes, sweets, an opportunity to learn about some of the highlights of the D.C. trip and, of course, their terrific music.

The public is invited to attend the event they are also calling their winter appreciation concert.

The United Way of Aroostook’s Santa’s Sleigh project will be sorting toys for needy children Wednesday, Dec. 20, and Thursday, Dec. 21. Anyone who would like to contribute to this important countywide effort is asked to do so by Tuesday, Dec. 19, at the latest.

Individuals and organizations willing to provide new toys, games and other gifts for needy children should call UWA at 764-5197.

With the help of the U.S. Marine Reserves Toys for Tots program, WAGM-TV, civic organizations and individuals, last year’s UWA Santa’s Sleigh project distributed gifts to more than 1,200 children in 24 Aroostook County communities.

UWA sends a reminder that many of those children might not have had anything to open on Christmas morning if it weren’t for the generosity of those who donated to the project.

Fran Bowen and members of the Whitcomb-Baker VFW Post & Auxiliary 4633 remind Hampden senior citizens that they are cordially invited to attend the VFW Christmas dinner and party at noon Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Post Hall on the Canoe Club Road in Hampden.

Bower said those attending the traditional holiday event “have an awful good time. They look forward to it, and we enjoy doing it.”

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.

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