CORINNA – Selectmen here began a detailed budget review Wednesday night hoping to fulfill the needs of the changing community and still maintain its static tax rate.
For three years running, the town has sustained a tax rate of $15 per $1,000 of property valuation. At the same time, equipment has deteriorated and road maintenance has suffered.
Proposals to purchase a new firetruck and a public works truck, and also put $30,000 into road maintenance and construction, threatens to increase the rate.
Selectmen are hoping to contain the rate at $15.50 or less.
“If everything passed as proposed, it would mean a tax rate of $15.10 with a very small overlay,” Town Manager Judy Doore said Thursday.
She cautioned the rate did not include final figures for county and school taxes.
In 1999, Doore predicted a tax rate of $15.50 for 2000 that did not materialize. She explained municipal expenditures and the school assessment were less than expected.
The board began its budget review with the fire department, authorizing an article for the March town meeting. Voters will decide whether to purchase a new firetruck. Fire Chief Alan Clark explained one of the department’s trucks will be removed from service Jan. 1 because it is no longer roadworthy. Clark believes the department needs to replace the truck.
The administration budget also was reviewed with little change. The board will resume budget discussions Jan. 3.
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