September 20, 2024



At Bucksport

Bucksport 51, Dexter 20

103: Kyle Perkins (B) pinned Matt Ward 3:17; 112: Greg Burrill (B) pinned Keith Thompson 2:37; 119: Josh Patterson (D) def. Dave Soper 9-1; 125: Dave Maguire (B) pinned Matt Berry 2:46; 130: Josh Pelletier (B) def. Vinny Greene 6-3; 135: Shawn Costigan (B) pinned Travis Thompson 1:56; 140: Ross Palmer (D) def. Mike Chavaree 13-2; 145: Kevin Armstrong (D) def. Adam Bourgon 8-3; 152: Anthony Maguire (B) by forfeit; 160: Josh Bishop (D) def. Evan Cottrell 6-5; 171: Adam Carter (B) by forfeit; 189: Eric Mitchell (B) pinned Matt Kinney 3:14; 215: Cooper Page (D) pinned Ryan Detour :36; 275: Kyle Milan (B) pinned Mike Burton :42

Bucksport 78, Calais 6

103: Kyle Perkins (B) pinned Mike Francis 1:14; 112: Greg Burrill (B) by forfeit; 119: Dave Soper (B) by forfeit; 125: Dave Maguire (B) by forfeit; 130: Josh Pelletier (B) pinned Dan Barnard 1:21; 135: Shawn Costigan (B) by forfeit; 140: Mike Chavaree (B) pinned Dustin Christiansen :57; 145: Adam Bourgon (B) pinned Jamie Barnard :22; 152: Anthony Maguire (B) pinned Josh Wescott :47; 160: Evan Cottrell (B) pinned Adrian Arsenault 1:50; 171: Adam Carver (B) by forfeit; 189: Dan Reed def. Eric Mitchell, disqualification; 215: Ryan Detour (B) pinned Matt Colpitts :31; 275: Kyle Milan (B) by forfeit

Dexter 63, Calais 12

103: Matt Ward (D) pinned Mike Francis 3:42, 112: Keith Thompson (D) by forfeit; 119: Joey Hanscom (D) by forfeit; 125: Matt Berry (D) by forfeit; 130: Vinny Greene (D) pinned Dan Barnard :45; 135: Travis Thompson (D) by forfeit; 140: Ben Pomerleau def. Dustin Christiansen 9-3; 145: Kevin Armstrong (D) pinned Jamie Barnard 1:23, 152: Josh Wescott (C) by forfeit; 160: Josh Bishop (D) pinned Adrian Arsenault 1:24; 171: double forfeit; 189: Matt Kinney (D) by forfeit; 215: Cooper Page (D) pinned Matt Colpitts :21; 275: Mike Burton (D) by forfeit

Bucksport 71, Woodland 12

103: Kyle Perkins (B) pinned Carissa Johnston :13, 112: Greg Burrill (B) by forfeit; 119: Billy Romanelli (W) pinned Dave Soper 1:03; 125: Dave Maguire (B) by forfeit; 130: Josh Pelletier (B) by forfeit; 135: Shawn Costigan (B) by forfeit; 140: Mike Chavaree (B) pinned Jeremy Clark :50; 145: Adam Bourgon (B) pinned April Webber :09; 152: Anthony Maguire (B) def. Daniel Newman 19-4; 160: Evan Cottrell (B) def. Nathan Laplant 3-2; 171: Adam Carter (B) def. Mike Proulx 9-1; 189: Greg Moore (W) by forfeit; 215: Ryan Detour (B) pinned Chris Bailey 1:33; 275: Kyle Milan (B) pinned Jason Cilley 1:07

Dexter 70, Woodland 12

103: Matt Ward (D) pinned Carissa Johnston 1:50; 112: Keith Thompson (D) by forfeit; 119: Josh Patterson (D) def. Billy Romanelli 7-0; 125: Matt Berry (D) by forfeit; 130: Vinny Greene (D) by forfeit; 135: Travis Thompson (D) by forfeit; 140: Ross Palmer (D) pinned Jeremy Clark :40; 145: Kevin Armstrong (D) pinned April Webber :24; 152: Dan Newman (W) by forfeit; 160: Josh Bishop (D) pinned Marlon Lutz 1:58; 171: Mike Proulx (W) by forfeit; 189: Matt Kinney (D) pinned Greg Moore 1:09; 215: Cooper Page (D) pinned Chris Bailey :58; 275: Mike Burton (D) pinned Jason Cilley 1:17

At Howland

Penobscot Valley 66, John Bapst 15

103: Aaron Priest (Penobscot Valley) by forfeit; 112: Josh Carrier (PV) by forfeit; 192: And Galipeau (JB) pinned Justin McKechnie 1:14; 125: Chris Tozier (PV) by forfeit; 130: Ricky McKechnie (PV) by forfeit; 135: James Rackley (PV) by forfeit; 140: Jon Hallett (PV) by forfeit; 145: James McClausland (PV) by forfeit; 152: Robby Humphrey (PV) pinned Dave Rocker 0:49; 160: Keith Champion (PV) by forfeit; 171: John Robinson (JB) by forfeit; 189: Ed McKinney (PV) by forfeit; 215: Alex Desmond (JB) def. Adam Poulin 12-5; 275: Ray Lane (PV) by forfeit

At Hermon

Hermon 54, Foxcroft 24

103: Rod Russell (Hermon) by forfeit; 112: double forfeit; 119: Marc Willey (H) pinned Josh Marquis 0:58; 125: Max Kennedy (Foxcroft) pinned Kyle Stark 3:44; 130: Dustin Cyr (H) by forfeit; 135: KJ Gosselin (F) by forfeit; 140: Chris Beck (H) by forfeit; 145: Derek Langway (H) pinned Noah Kennedy 1:53; 152: Erlon Noyes (H) pinned Clint Williams 1:39; 160: Lucas Brewer (H) pinned Josh Miller 5:08; 171: Matt Hinton (H) by forfeit; 189: Jake Adams (H) by forfeit; 215: Jared Johnson (F) pinned Josh Shorey 1:59; 275: Trey Merrill (F) pinned Jarred Ross 0:46

Hermon 46, Ellsworth 28

103: Rod Russell (H) by forfeit; 112: double forefeit; 119: Matt Burns (E) pinned Mack Willey 1:29; 125: Scott Strout (E) def. Kyle Stark 13-3; 130: Jim Strout (E) pinned Dustin Cyr 5:19; 135: Brian Cobb (E) by forfeit; 140: Chris Beck (H) pinned Josh Norris 1:33; 145: Derek Langway (H) def. Doug Hardison 14-5; 152: Erlon Noyes (H) by forfeit; 160: Lucas Brewer (H) pinned Brian Norris 0:37; 171: Matt Hinton (H) by forfeit; 189: Joe Lane (E) pinned Corey Mahoney 0:55; 215: Josh Shorey (H) by forfeit; 275: Jarred Ross (H) by forfeit

At Blue Hill

George Stevens Academy 39, Old Town 30

103: Scott Murphy (OT) def. Justin MacLeod, 11-5; 112: double forfeit; 119: Matt Marquis (OT) def. Jack Titcomb, 7-5; 125: James Gagne (GSA) by forfeit; 130: Brent Warren (GSA) by forfeit; 135: Davis (OT) pinned Mike Clark, 0:39; 140: Ryan Lawson (GSA) def. Avery Allen, 11-4; 145: Wayne Temple (OT) by forfeit; 152: Travis Bannister (GSA) pinned Von Parent, 1:25; 160: Luke White (GSA) pinned Roger Cole, 2:46; 171: Sean Cunningham (OT) pinned Harrison Hines, 1:42; 189: Paul Hall (GSA) pinned Cory Veneson, 1:34; 215: Jake Ela (OT) pinned Rob Grindle (GSA) 0:58; 275: Tom Allen (GSA) by forfeit

George Stevens Academy 59, Nokomis 12

103: Justin MacLeod (GSA) pinned Sean Campbell, 1:41; 112: double forfeit; 119: Jack Titcomb (GSA) by forfeit; 125: James Gagne (GSA) by forfeit; 130: Brent Warren (GSA) by forfeit; 135: Mike Clark (GSA) by forfeit; 140: Ryan Lawson (GSA) by forfeit; 145: double forfeit; 152: Travis Bannister (GSA) tech. fall Eric Jeone, 24-8; 160: Luke White (GSA) by forfeit; 171: Justin Connell (Nok) pinned Harrison Hines, 0:39; 189: Paul Hall (GSA) pinned Cory Cook, 4:58; 215: Rob Grindle (GSA) pinned Kyle Muan, 3:33; 275: Jeff Nickerson (Nok) pinned Dustin Astbury, 1:45

George Stevens Academy 60, Mattanawcook Academy 9

103: Justin MacLeod (GSA) by forfeit; 112: double forfeit; 119: Jack Titcomb (GSA) by forfeit; 125: James Gagne (GSA) pinned Mike Lebrun, 5:36; 130: Brent Warren (GSA) by forfeit; 135: Mike Springer (MA) def. Mike Clark, 13-10; 140: Cory MacDonald (MA) pinned Ryan Lawson, 1:24; 145: double forfeit; 152: Travis Bannister (GSA) by forfeit; 160: Luke White (GSA) pinned Chris Tash, 3:18; 171: Harrison Hines (GSA) by forfeit; 189: Paul Hall (GSA) by forfeit; 215: Rob Grindle (GSA) by forfeit; 275: Jared Anderson (GSA) by forfeit

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