September 20, 2024

Narraguagus edges George Stevens Snider’s layup Proves winner

HARRINGTON – Jason Snider’s driving layup with 35 seconds remaining snapped a 57-57 tie and Luke Shaw added a free throw with 11 seconds left Monday night at Narraguagus held off George Stevens Academy for a 60-58 schoolboy basketball victory.

Snider finished with 19 points, Shaw contributed 15 and Jason DiGioia popped in nine more. Steven Knapp grabbed nine rebounds to go with his seven points.

Ryan Hutchins had 24 points and 12 rebounds, both game highs, for George Stevens Academy of Blue Hill.

Nick Henry chipped in with 13 points.

George Stevens (5-3) 58

Black 1-0-2, Astbury 1-0-2, Smith 2-2-6, Ledien 2-1-7, Henry 5-3-13, Clapp 2-0-4, Hutchins 10-4-24

Narraguagus (4-5) 60

Snider 8-3-19, Shaw 7-1-15, Beal, Emerson, Alley 2-0-4, Fraser 3-0-6, Knapp 3-1-7, DiGioia 4-1-9

3-pt. goals: Ledien 2

George Stevens 12 20 38 58

Narraguagus 14 26 47 60

JV: Narraguagus 85-82 (OT)

Katahdin 70, Bangor Christian 67

At Husson College in Bangor, Brandon McCarthy’s 30-point performance helped the Cougars hold off the Patriots and remain undefeated.

Dan Cullen tossed in 19 points for Katahdin of Sherman Station.

David Chrisos led the way for Bangor Christian with 22 points, including 13 free throws. Josh Madden scored 14 points, with Kyle Bradford and Matt Conley hitting for 10 each.

Katahdin (10-0) 70

McCarthy 9-9-30, Cullen 8-3-19, Robinson 4-1-9, Kelley 3-1-9, McNally 1-0-2, Atkinson 0-1-1, Perry, T. Rodgerson, D. Rodgerson

Bangor Christian (4-7) 67

Chrisos 4-13-22, Madden 5-0-14, Bradford 4-0-10, Conley 4-0-10, Patterson 1-0-2, McCleary 3-1-7, Sobey 1-0-2, Tyree, Doten

3-pt. goals: McCarthy 3, Kelley 2; Conley 2, Chrisos, Bradford 2, Madden 4

Katahdin 17 33 51 70

Bangor Christian 15 39 47 67

JV: Bangor Christian 57-26

Hodgdon 73, Washburn 44

At Hodgdon, the Hawks outscored the Beavers 28-9 in the fourth quarter to pick up the win.

Tyler Putnam paced Hodgdon with a game-high 26 points, 11 rebounds and eight steals. Adam Bell contributed 11 points and nine rebounds, while Chris Blanchette and Jeremy Kervin added 10 points each.

Allen Milton’s 15 points led Washburn. Darren Pesut added 10.

Washburn (4-6) 44

Irving, S. Bragg 1-0-3, T. Bragg 1-4-7, Plucker 1-0-3, Milton 7-1-15, Woollard, Thomas 1-0-2, Pesut 3-4-10, Maynard 1-0-2, Worsley 1-0-2

Hodgdon (8-1) 73

Day 1-0-2, Sanford, Griffin 2-0-4, Putnam 10-6-26, Blanchette 5-0-10, E. Bither 1-0-2, Williams 2-0-4, A. Bither 1-0-2, Kervin 5-0-10, London 1-0-2, Bell 5-1-11

3-pt. goals: S. Bragg, T. Bragg, Plucker

Washburn 9 22 35 44

Hodgdon 11 22 45 73

JV: Hodgdon 58-51

Washington Acad. 77, Machias 39

At East Machias, Bob Richardson led the Raiders with 19 points while Matt Gibson and Bryan Harmon each added 10.

Kevin Loughlin scored 12 for Machias while Jeff Copp helped out with 10.

Machias (1-7) 39

Copp 3-3-10, Getchell 1-0-2, Loughlin 5-2-12, Day 2-0-6, Parker 0-1-1, Smith 1-0-2, Richards 3-0-6, Hasselmann, Stuart

Washington Acad. (6-2) 77

Emery 3-1-9, Ramsdell 2-0-4, Fagonde 3-0-6, Richardson 8-1-19, Gray 3-0-7, Holmes 1-0-2, Gibson 5-0-10, Reing 0-1-1, Mawhinney 3-0-6, Franz 1-0-3, Harmon 2-4-10, Stevens, G. Richardson, Berry

3-pt. goals: Day 2, Copp; Emery 2, Richardson 2, Harmon 2

Machias 5 17 23 39

Washington Acad. 18 26 57 77

JV: Washington Acad. 59-53

Ashland 69, Limestone 64

At Ashland, Buck Pineau and Geoffrey LeBlanc had 21 and 20 points, respectively, and registered 30 of their 41 points in the second half to help Ashland erase a five-point halftime deficit.

LeBlanc had 16 second-half points and Pineau netted 14. Randall Perry scored 13 points.

Lucien Longlais had 15 points for Limestone and Adam McPherson scored 13 more. Steven Hardwick and Daniel Buckley added 10 each.

Limestone (2-7) 64

Longlais 6-0-15, McPherson 5-3-13, Hardwick 5-0-10, Buckley 5-0-10, Trosper 2-2-6, Luna 0-2-2, Stackhouse 3-2-8, Beck, Cote

Ashland (2-6) 69

Pineau 9-3-21, LeBlanc 7-2-20, Perry 5-3-13, Hitchcock 2-0-4, Dwyer 0-1-1, Ham 1-2-4, Smith 0-4-4, Austin 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Longlais 3; LeBlanc 4

Limestone 20 35 45 64

Ashland 16 30 48 69

JV: Ashland 71-51

East Grand 72, Shead 44

At Eastport, Otto Ruebseman scored eight of his 21 points in the second quarter as East Grand outscored Shead 15-4 to break open a close game.

James Godley finished with a game-high 28 points for the Vikings of Danforth.

Cliff Urquhart’s nine points and eight apiece from Ben Maloney and Ben Toney led Shead.

East Grand (8-1) 72

Godley 12-1-28, Ruebseman 9-3-21, Parker 0-3-3, Mortland 1-0-2, Byers 1-1-3, Gillis 2-2-6, Zugelder 1-3-5, T. Irish 0-1-1, C. Irish 1-0-2, Faulkner, Gray

Shead (5-4) 44

Urquhart 4-0-9, Maloney 3-0-8, Toney 4-0-8, Bowen 3-0-7, Cox 2-0-6, Ingersoll 1-0-2, Constant 1-0-3, Ricker 0-1-1, Smith

3-pt. goals: Godley 3; Cox 2, Maloney 2, Urquhart, Bowen, Constant

East Grand 15 30 54 72

Shead 12 16 24 44

JV: East Grand 58-51

Dexter 69, Stearns 31

At Dexter, Ben Robinson and Dustin Page each scored 13 points to pace the Tigers.

Rick Deloge was the top scorer for Stearns of Millinocket with 12 points.

Stearns (1-7) 31

Fitzpatrick 1-0-2, Defrederico 1-0-2, Deloge 5-2-12, McLaughlin1-0-2, Wheaton 3-0-7, Hartwell 0-1-1, Cote 2-0-4, Mosca 0-1-1, Bragdon, Leino

Dexter (8-4) 69

Russell 1-0-2, Patterson 1-3-7, Mountain 2-0-5, Cooley 3-0-6, Robichaud 2-0-4, Robinson 6-1-13, Vafiades 1-0-2. Foster 1-0-2, Page 6-1-13, Roach 3-0-5

3-pt. goals: Wheaton; Roach 3, Patterson 2, Mountain

Stearns 6 10 24 31

Dexter 13 34 50 69

Belfast 58, Winslow 55

At Belfast, Chad Kosmo scored 10 points in the fourth quarter as the Lions completed their rally against the Black Raiders.

Micah Grant also put on a scoring show as he popped in 12 of his 23 points in the fourth quarter in Winslow’s attempt to regain the lead. Nate Boutin and Pat Dempsey had 15 and 13 points, respectively.

Winslow (4-5) 55

T. Hapworth, Dempsey 4-4-13, Peters, LaBrie, S. Hapworth, Hughes 1-0-2, Krummel, Calvo 1-0-2, Grant 8-6-23, Boutin 6-2-15

Belfast (6-3) 58

Robbins 1-0-2, Pendleton 1-0-2, Crofoot, Morley, Cowan 1-0-2, Duval 3-5-12, Hayes 2-1-5, Horne 6-1-13, Herbig, Reynolds 0-2-2, Kosmo 7-6-20

3-pt. goals: Visitor; Home

Winslow 14 23 37 55

Belfast 6 21 38 58

JV: Belfast 47-46


Stearns 6, Houlton-Hodgdon 3

At Millar Arena in Houlton, Matt Michaud scored four goals and Nick Simon made 42 saves as the Minutemen avenged an early-season 9-1 setback to the Blackhawks.

Sean Jamison and Eric Richard had the other goals for 2-5 Stearns of Millinocket with Richard, Josh Moore, Drew Somers and Aaron Doody each collecting an assist.

Lucas Fitzpatrick, Michael Sussman and Andrew McPartland scored for 3-6 Houlton-Hodgdon. Ben Carton and David Carmichael had assists and Brandon Carmichael made 10 stops.

Girls basketball

Caribou 61, Fort Kent 54

At Fort Kent, the Vikings made their free throws down the stretch to hold off the Warriors.

Ashley Soucie powered Caribou with a game-high 29 points. Erin Bougie netted 13.

Danielle Harvey scored 14 points to pace Fort Kent. Lindsey Pelletier added 10.

Caribou (2-5) 61

Bougie 3-7-13, Soucie 12-5-29, Harrigan, Schloeman 1-0-2, Vincent 0-1-1, King, Drew 0-1-1, Monahan 2-4-8, Willey 3-1-7

Fort Kent (2-5) 54

Nadeau, L. Pelletier 5-0-10, MacDonald 4-1-9, A. Pelletier, Minzy 2-4-8, Soucy 1-0-2, Harvey 6-0-14, Saucier 1-0-2, Boucher 3-2-8, Delisle 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: Harvey 2

Caribou 16 27 42 61

Fort Kent 14 22 40 54

JV: Caribou 37-36

Houlton 77, Schenck 37

At Houlton, the Shiretowners raced to a 24-4 lead and never looked back.

Hannah Socoby paced the winners with 18 points, while Nichole Botting and Sylvia Brown contributed 11 and 10 points, respectively.

Kasey Wyman led Schenck of East Millinocket with 15 points.

Schenck (1-8) 37

Wyman 6-1-15, Gordon 2-1-5, Chavarie 1-3-6, Tapley 1-0-2, Libby 1-0-2, Jones 0-2-2, Cram 2-0-5, Farrington, Davis, Nicholson, Carey, King, Page, Duprey

Houlton (7-3) 77

Brown 4-2-10, Socoby 4-9-18, Botting 5-1-11, Beasley 4-1-9, Cleary 1-2-5, Goodrich 2-0-4, Foster 2-1-5, Cole 1-0-2, Henderson 2-0-4, Miller 4-1-9, Guy

3-pt. goals: Wyman 2, Chavarie, Cram; Socoby, Cleary

Schenck 4 17 28 37

Houlton 24 43 62 77

JV: Houlton 37-23

Ashland 57, Easton 17

At Easton, Katie Collier led Ashland with 14 points while Amanda Martin scored 13.

Robin Caron had 12 points and Andrea Millett chipped in with 10.

Brandi Blanchard was Easton’s top scorer with seven points.

Ashland (2-7) 57

Collier 6-2-14, Caron 6-0-12, Millett 4-2-10, Martin 6-1-13, Campbell 1-2-4, Collins 1-0-2, Michelle Mussler 0-1-1, Smith 0-1-1, Melissa Mussler, Dozier, Levesque, P. Mussler

Easton (0-10) 17

Blanchard 3-0-7, Omara 2-2-6, Lovely 1-0-2, Carbone 1-0-2, Ferris, Patterson, Pytlak, Mondorf, Baker

3-pt. goals: Blanchard

Ashland 21 37 48 57

Easton 7 11 15 17

Van Buren 40, Fort Fairfield 33

At Fort Fairfield, Nicole Corbin scored five of her 15 points to spark Van Buren’s 11-6 fourth-quarter surge.

Danielle Gagnon chipped in with 10 points for the winners.

Miranda Butler paced Fort Fairfield with 13 points and Dani Searles put in 10.

Van Buren (9-0) 40

P. Gagnon, Wright 2-1-6, Corbin 4-7-15, H. Parent 2-0-4, M. Parent 1-0-2, Doucette, Porter 0-3-3, D. Gagnon 5-0-10

Fort Fairfield (4-6) 33

Arato 1-0-2, S. Butler 1-1-3, M. Butler 4-5-13, Churchill 2-0-4, Rogeski 0-1-1, Searles 3-4-10

3-pt. goals: Wright

Van Buren 10 22 29 40

Fort Fairfield 4 14 27 33

JV: Van Buren 38-23

Woodland 64, Lubec 37

At Lubec, the Dragons opened up a 24-6 first-quarter lead en route to their ninth win.

Julia Knights scored 15 points for the winners and Ashley Marble added 11.

Sara McConnell paced Lubec with nine points and Miranda Richardson put in eight.

Woodland (9-2) 64

Marble 4-3-11, Brown 1-0-2, Huwa 0-2-2, Leeman 3-0-6, Smith 2-0-4, Lord 4-0-8, Holmes 1-0-2, Noyes 2-2-6, Knights 5-5-15, Vose 3-0-6, Snowman

Lubec (4-4) 37

Day 1-0-2, LaValley 1-1-3, Farmer 1-0-2, Richardson 3-2-8, McPherson 2-0-5, Pike 3-0-6, Newman 1-0-2, McConnell 3-3-9, Elliott, LeSuer, Jones

3-pt. goals: McPherson

Woodland 24 42 48 64

Lubec 6 15 25 37

JV: Woodland 38-28

Shead 68, Machias 39

At Machias Monday, Sara Ricker led Shead of Eastport with 17 points while Natalie Smith had 13.

Charla Lingley chipped in with 11 points.

Molly Phipps scored 13 for Machias.

Shead (6-3) 68

C. Lingley 4-1-11, Green 1-0-2, Smith 5-3-13, Davis 3-2-9, Ricker 7-2-17, Beaulieu, 3-1-7, Mitchell 1-0-2, Bouchard 1-2-4, K. Lingley 1-1-3, Warren, Preston

Machias (1-7) 39

Henderson 0-4-4, Carter 2-1-5, Irving 0-1-1, Pritchard 2-2-6, M. Phipps 5-3-13, A. Phipps 3-0-6, Rudd 0-4-4

3-pt. goals: C. Lingley 2, Davis, Ricker

Shead 21 30 56 68

Machias 13 22 27 39

JV: Shead 51-37

Nokomis 33, Hampden 28

At Newport, Danielle Clark scored 14 points, grabbed 12 rebounds, made four steals and blocked two shots as the Warriors remained unbeaten.

Nokomis made 13 steals.

Megan Magoon sparked Hampden with 10 points and eight rebounds. Emmy Russell pulled down 12 rebounds and blocked three shots.

ampden (6-2) 28

Caron 1-2-4, Magoon 2-5-10, Wells 1-1-4, Wilson, Bragg 2-0-4, Martin, Russell 2-0-4, Robinson 0-1-1, Hessert 0-1-1

Nokomis (7-0) 33

Welch 0-1-1, Pelkey 2-2-7, Murray, Palmer, Snow, Burnett 2-0-5, Lowe 3-0-6, Clark 4-6-14

3-pt. goals: Magoon, Wells; Pelkey, Burnett

Hampden 5 13 18 28

Nokomis 6 20 25 33

JV: Hampden 52-35

Highview Christian 54, Baxter 23

At Portland, Jen Drinkwater led Highview Christian of Charleston with 11 points.

Jenny Sheedy scored 10 for the Baxter School for the Deaf of Falmouth.

Highview Christian (2-6) 54

Drinkwater 5-0-11, Long 4-0-8, Smith 4-0-8, Plourde 1-0-2, Lewis 2-0-5, Niles 3-0-6, Carey 0-1-1, Pereira 1-0-2, Waite 3-1-7, Crooker 2-0-4

Baxter (0-5) 23

Sheedy 4-1-10, Foote 3-1-7, Danforth 2-1-6, Coffey, Davis, Sargent, Thompson

3-pt. goals: Drinkwater, Lewis; Sheedy, Danforth

Highview Christian 16 27 39 54

Baxter 2 5 16 23

Lincoln Acad. 59, Mount View 48

At Thorndike, Heather Taylor scored 17 points to lead Lincoln Academy of Newcastle to victory.

Kristen Magnusen scored 12 and Erin Stodder chipped in with 10.

Lincoln Acad. (8-1) 59

Prior 1-1-4, Stodder 4-2-10, Page 1-0-2, Taylor 7-2-17, Osier 1-2-4, Giberson 2-2-6, Wagstaff 2-0-4, Magnussen 5-2-12, Mara, Seiders

Mount View (4-4) 48

Goehringer 1-0-2, Mayer 3-2-10, Coddington 4-0-11, Swanson 1-2-4, Drummond 2-0-4, Stevens 7-3-17, Bernard, Arute, Swanson

3-pt. goals: Prior, Taylor; Coddington 3, Mayer 2

Lincoln Acad. 21 36 48 59

Mount View 13 22 34 48

JV: Lincoln Acad. 53-20

Bangor 63, John Bapst 54

At Red Barry Gym in Bangor, Alison Smith scored 13 first-half points to spark Bangor’s 39-12 lead en route to its sixth victory.

Smith left the game early in the third quarter with an ankle sprain. It’s unsure whether Smith will miss Bangor’s Friday game against Brewer, according to coach Tom Tennett.

Bangor was also without the services of starter Katherine Miller, who was sidelined with the flu. However, the Rams were bolstered by the return of senior guard Jlynn Frazier, who scored 13 points and notched five assists in approximately 16 minutes of action.

Frazier has recuperated from a knee injury and had not played since Dec. 22.

Sarah Michaud chipped in with nine points for the Rams and grabbed nine rebounds. Smith also had nine rebounds.

Meghan Sekera paced the Crusaders with 16 points, Stephanie Sockbeson added 11 and Christina Rich put in 10.

John Bapst (3-4) 54

Rich 1-8-10, Crotty 1-4-7, Sekera 5-2-16, Yeo, Novak 1-3-5, Mitchell-Storer 1-0-3, Wakeling, Cluff, Sockbeson 4-3-11, Kegon

Bangor (6-1) 63

Prudente 1-1-3, Tower, Achorn 2-0-4, Frazier 4-4-13, Curtis 3-2-8, Capehart, Smith 4-4-13, Michaud 4-1-9, Woodcock 1-0-3, Magee 4-0-10, Warner, Clark

3-pt. goals: Crotty, Sekera 4, Mitchell-Storer; Frazier, Smith, Woodcock, Magee

John Bapst 5 12 37 54

Bangor 20 39 49 63

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