September 21, 2024



At Gorham

Southern Maine (1-2-1) 22, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (0-3-1)


At Howland

Foxcroft Acad. 45, Mattanawcook Acad. 10

103: double forfeit, 112: double forfeit, 119: Brad Pingree (FA) by forfeit, 125: Max Kennedy (FA) pinned Mike Lebrun 4:33, 130: Matt Wentworth (FA) by forfeit, 135: K.J. Gosselin (FA) pinned Mike Springer 5:27, 140: Corey McDonald (MA) by forfeit, 145: Noah Kennedy (FA) dec. Virgil Rideout 9-4, 152: double forfeit, 160: Chris Tash (MA) major dec. over Josh Miller 13-0, 171: double forfeit, 189: Jeff Steinke (FA) by forfeit, 215: Jared Johnson (FA) by forfeit, 275: Trey Merrill (FA) by forfeit

Foxcroft Acad. 37, Old Town 36

103: Scott Murray (OT) by forfeit, 112: Todd Baker (OPT) by forfeit, 119: Brad Pingree (FA) pinned Matt Marquis 1:09, 125: Max Kennedy (FA) by forfeit, 130: Matt Wentworth (FA) by forfeit, 135: Danny Davis (OT) dec. K.J. Gosselin 14-7, 140: Jason Adams (OT) by forfeit, 145: Noah Kennedy (FA) by forfeit, 152: Shaun Newell (OT) by forfeit, 160: Brad Goody (OPT) dec. Josh Miller 16-9, 171: Sean Cunningham (OPT) by forfeit, 189: Jared Johnson (FA) dec. Corey VonOeson 6-5, 215: Jeff Steinke (FA) dec. Jake Ela 11-2, 275: Trey Merrill (FA) by forfeit

At Brewer

Dexter 41, Bucksport 28

103: Kyle Perkins (Bu) pinned Matt Ward, 4:48; 112: Keith Thompson (D) dec. Greg Burrill 14-2; 119: Josh Patterson (D) pinned Dave Soper 1:53; 125: Dave Maguire (Bu) pinned Matt Berry 0:50; 130: Josh Pelletier (B) dec. Vinny Greene 6-3; 135: Shawn Costigan (Bu) dec. Travis Thompson 12-4; 140: Ross Palmer (D) pinned Mike Chavarie, 5:32; 145: Kevin Armstrong (D) dec. Adam Bourgoin (Bu) 4-0; 152: Aaron Thomas (D) pinned Anthony Maguire 1:20; 160: Josh Bishop (D) dec. Evan Cottrell 12-4; 171: Eric Kennard (Bu) by forfeit; 189: Adam Carter (Bu) dec. Cooper Page 9-6; 215: Matt Kinney (D) pinned Ryan Detour 0:49; 275: Mike Burton (D) pinned Kyle Milan 2:46

Dexter 63, Brewer 18

103: Ward (D) by forfeit; 112: Keith Thompson (D) by forfeit; 119: Josh Bishop (D) by forfeit; 125: Berry (D) pinned Sean Somers, 1:59; 130: Josh Roberts (B) by forfeit; 135: Thompson (D) pinned Tyler Paine 1:00; 140: Kyle Wilson (D) dec. Scott Phillips 12-10; 145: Armstrong (D) pinned Chris Noyes 2:31; 152: Thomas (D) pinned Ryan Hahl 1:02; 160: Bishop (D) pinned Jordan Crane 1:52; 171: Ryan Elliott (B) by forfeit; 189: Kinney (D) pinned Travis Kimball 1:02; 215: Page (D) pinned Matt Knowles 1:44; 275: Rob Cameron (B) pinned Burton 2:41

Brewer 54, Nokomis 21

103: Sean Campbell (N) by forfeit; 112: double forfeit; 119: Chase (B) by forfeit; 125: Pat Morse (N) pinned Somers 1:23; 130: Roberts (B) by forfeit; 135: Paine (B) by forfeit; 140: Phillips (B) by forfeit; 145: Danny Hall (N) dec. Noyes 12-6; 152: Hahl (B) pinned Eric Leone 1:20; 160: Crane (B) pinned Matt Chamberlin 1:20; 171: Elliott (B) pinned John Arbo 1:24; 189: Matt Larabee (N) pinned Kimball 1:49; 215: Knowles (B) pinned Kyle Munn 3:58; 275: Cameron (B) pinned Jeff Nickerson 3:45

Dexter 66, Nokomis 18

103: Campbell (N) pinned Ward 0:32; 112: K. Thompson (D) by forfeit; 119: Patterson (D) by forfeit; 125: Morse (N) pinned Berry 0:53; 130: Greene (D) by forfeit; 135: T. Thompson (D) by forfeit; 140: Palmer (D) by forfeit; 145: Armstrong (D) pinned Hall 1:26; 152: Thomas (D) pinned Leone 1:31; 160: Bishop (D) pinned Chamberlin 1:01; 171: Arbo (N) by forfeit; 189: Kinney (D) pinned Larrabee 3:01; 215: Page (D) pinned Munn 3:13; 275: Burton (D) pinned Nickerson 3:59

At Howland

Penobscot Valley 40, Old Town 36

103: Aaron Priest (P) dec. Justin Rouse 8-0; 112: Todd Baker (OT) dec. Josh Carrier 8-4; 119: Matthew Marquis (OT) pinned Nick Poirier :52; 125: Erik Tozier (P) by forfeit; 130: Ricky McKechnie (P) by forfeit; 135: Danny Davis (OT) by forfeit; 140: Jason Adams (OT) dec. Jon Hallett 11-6; 145: James McCausland (P) won by forfeit; 152: Shaun Newell (OT) pinned Robby Humphrey 3:31; 160: Keith Champion (P) pinned Brad Goody 5:27; 171: Sean Cunningham (OT) by forfeit; 189: Bryce Robichaud (OT) pinned Ed McKenney 2:55; 215: Adam Poulin (P) by forfeit; 275: Ray Lane (P) by forfeit

Penobscot Valley 54, Mattanawcook 15

103: Aaron Priest (P) won by forfeit; 112: Josh Carrier (P) by forfeit; 119: Justin McKechnie (P) by forfeit; 125: Mike Lebrun (M) pinned Erik Tozier 3:07; 130: double forfeit;135: Ricky McKechnie (P) pinned Mike Springer 5:40; 140: Cory McDonald (M) pinned Jon Hallett 3:47; 145: Virgil Rideout (M) dec. James McCausland 7-6; 152: Chris Tash (M) by forfeit 160: Keith Champion (P) by forfeit; 171: double forfeit; 189: Ed McKenney (P) by forfeit; 215: Adam Poulin (P) by forfeit 275: Ray Lane (P) by forfeit

Penobscot Valley 66, John Bapst 12

103: Aaron Priest (P) by forfeit 112: Josh Carrier (P) by forfeit; 119: Andy Galipeau (JB) pinned Nick Poirier :34 125: Erik Tozier (P) by forfeit; 130: Ricky McKechnie by forfeit; 135: double forfeit; 140: Jon Hallett (P) dec. Tom Poirier (Bangor) 19-13; 145: James McCausland (P) by forfeit; 152: Robby Humphrey (P) by forfeit; 160: Keith Champion (P) pinned Dave Rocha (JB) 1:39; 171: John Robinson (JB) by forfeit; 189: Ed McKenney (P) by forfeit; 215: 215: Ziko Tsoulas (B) pinned Adam Poulin 3:29; 275: Ray Lane (P) by forfeit

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