Raiders stop tenacious Tigers

EAST MACHIAS – Bob Richardson and Stephen Holmes each scored eight points in the fourth quarter as the Washington Academy Raiders pulled away for an 84-68 schoolboy basketball victory over Sumner Friday night. Richardson finished with a game-high 29 points, Jared Gray contributed 22, and…
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EAST MACHIAS – Bob Richardson and Stephen Holmes each scored eight points in the fourth quarter as the Washington Academy Raiders pulled away for an 84-68 schoolboy basketball victory over Sumner Friday night.

Richardson finished with a game-high 29 points, Jared Gray contributed 22, and Holmes had 10. Jason Ramsdell grabbed 10 rebounds.

Mike Hardy topped the tenacious Tigers of East Sullivan, who had cut an 18-point deficit to four late in the third quarter, with 23 points. J.J. Phinney added 21, including five 3-pointers, and Ross Grammer had 11 points.

Sumner (7-4) 68

Duke 1-1-3, Hardy 8-7-23, Malloy 0-2-2, Jordan 1-0-2, Phinney 8-0-21, Winslow 2-2-6, Grammer 5-1-11, Polk, Trombley, Hills

Washington Acad. (7-2) 84

Emery 3-0-6, Ramsdell 2-2-6, Berry 1-0-2, Fagonde 2-0-4, Gibson 2-1-5, Holmes 5-0-10, Richardson 9-7-29, Gray 6-10-22, Stevens

3-pt. goals: Phinney 5; Richardson 4

Sumner 10 27 56 68

Washington Acad. 20 38 62 84

JV: Sumner 76-43

Narraguagus 63, Machias 42

At Machias, Jason Snider led Narraguagus to victory with 16 points.

Luke Shaw and Jason DiGioia followed up with 15, and 14 points respectively.

Joe Richards and Jeff Copp led Machias with 12 points apiece.

Narraguagus (5-6) 63

Snider 7-2-16, L. Shaw 6-1-15, DiGioia 6-2-14, Knapp 3-0-6, Skeate 2-0-4, Fraser 1-1-3, Alley 1-1-3, Bailey 1-0-2, Beal, Emerson, Pelletier, T. Shaw

Machias (2-9) 42

Richards 4-3-12, Copp 4-3-12, Getchell 3-1-7, Loughlin 2-0-4, Day 1-0-3, Smith 0-2-2, Millay 1-0-2, Hassleman, Parker, Stuart

3-pt. goals: L. Shaw 2; Richards, Copp, Day

Narraguagus 17 37 46 63

Machias 9 24 32 42

JV: Narraguagus 61-47

Cent. Aroostook 74, Washburn 61

At Washburn, Craig Allen carried Central Aroostook of Mars Hill to their eighth win by netting 35 points.

Lance Bradstreet contributed 15 points to the Panther’s final score.

Ben Umphrey led Washburn with 16 points and 13 rebounds. Tyler Bragg and Darren Pesut added 13, and 10 points respectively.

Central Aroostook (8-3) 74

Allen 11-11-35, Bradstreet 7-1-15, Durost 3-1-8, Codrey 3-1-7, Grew 3-0-6, Woodworth 1-1-3, Brewer, Simonson, Walsh

Washburn (4-8) 61

Umphrey 7-2-16, T. Bragg 5-0-13, Pesut 4-2-10, Worsley 3-0-7, Plucker 2-0-6, Milton 2-0-4, Irving 1-1-3, Maynard 1-0-2, Thomas, S. Bragg

3-pt. goals: Allen 2, Durost; T. Bragg 3, Worsley, Plucker 2

Cent. Aroostook 17 37 59 74

Washburn 18 31 42 61

JV: Central Aroostook 70-34

Katahdin 90, Fort Fairfield 57

At Fort Fairfield, Brandon McCarthy scored 35 points for Katahdin while Dan Cullen added 19.

For Fort Fairfield, Tim Blier had 13 while Ryan Dorsey scored 11 and Jame McLaughlin chipped in with 10.

Katahdin (12-0) 90

McCarthy 15-3-35, Willigar 1-0-2, Atkinson 3-0-8, McNally 2-1-5, Cullen 8-3-19, Heath 2-0-4, Cyr 1-3-5, Carson 2-1-5, D. Rodgerson 2-0-4, Sullivan 0-3-3, Lane, T. Rodgerson

Fort Fairfield (1-8) 57

Esancy 1-1-3, Blier 5-1-13, Bernaiche 1-0-2, Helstrom 1-0-2, arato 2-2-6, McLaughlin 4-0-10, Dorsey 5-1-11, Armstrong 2-2-6, DeMerchant 2-0-4, Bubar

3-pt. goals: McCarthy 2, Atkinson 2; Blier 2, McLaughlin 2

Katahdin 18 40 64 90

Fort Fairfield 14 23 40 57

JV: Katahdin 62-47

Wisdom 70, Ashland 50

At St. Agatha, Chad Gervais paced Wisdom by netting 14 points.

Ryan Paradis, and Andrew Gervais contributed 12 and 11 points, respectively. Craig Michaud recorded eight rebounds for the Pioneers.

Randall Perry led Ashland with 13 points. Eric Ham followed up with 11 points.

Ashland (2-7) 50

Perry 6-1-13, Ham 5-1-11, Oakes 4-1-9, LeBlanc 2-4-8, Junkins 4-0-8, Lovewell 0-1-1, Durrell

Wisdom (4-6) 70

C. Gervais 5-2-14, Paradis 5-1-12, An. Gervais 4-0-11, C. Michaud 3-3-9, Aa. Gervais 3-0-8, Gerrett 3-0-7, T. Thibeault 2-0-4, N. Michaud 1-1-3, Hebert 1-0-2, B. Thibeault

3-pt. goals: C. Gervais 2, Paradis, An. Gervais 3, Aa. Gervais 2, Gerrett

Ashland 6 21 34 50

Wisdom 25 45 58 70

JV: Ashland 62-49

So. Aroostook 71, Limestone 55

At Limestone, Corey and Jordan Shields dominated the court, scoring 30 and 24 points, respectively, for Southern Aroostook of Dyer Brook.

Jordan Shields also recorded nine rebounds.

Adam McPerson and Josh Stackhouse netted 11 points apiece for Limestone.

So. Aroostook (6-6) 71

Edkins 2-1-6, J. Shields 9-2-24, Grant 1-2-4, Nadeau 2-1-5, C. Shields 9-12-30, Hersey 1-0-2, McCluskey, Wilkins, Putnam

Limestone (2-8) 55

McPherson 5-1-11, Luna 2-0-4, Hardwick 4-1-9, Buckley 3-1-7, Longlais 2-2-7, Stackhouse 5-1-11, Patterson 2-0-4, Knoll 1-0-2, Poisson, O’Neal, Prosper, Beck

3-pt. goals: Edkins, J. Shields 4; Longlais

So. Aroostook 21 46 61 71

Limestone 8 17 36 55

JV: Southern Aroostook 53-47 (OT)

Jones.-Beals 78, DI-Stonington 74

At Deer Isle, Alvin Beal grabbed a rebound off a missed free throw and scored with eight seconds left to give the Royals the winning edge.

Beal paced the winners with 22 points and Shane Alley added 15. Jamie Alley and Pat Robinson each chipped in with 12 points and D.R. Alley netted 11.

Bennett Gray scored 15 points for the Mariners, Josh Bolton added 14 and Matt Perez and Hank Gielarowski had 11 apiece.

Jonesport-Beals (9-1) 78

Al. Beal 7-8-22, S. Alley 4-7-15, J. Alley 5-2-12, Robinson 4-4-12, D. Alley 4-3-11, Mitchell 2-1-5, J. Beal, Kelly, Abr. Beal, Merchant

DI-Stonington (5-5) 74

Gray 4-5-15, Bolton 6-2-14, Perez 4-3-11, Gielarowski 5-1-11, Boyce 3-2-8, Martin 2-0-4, Hardy, Wallace 1-2-5, Ray 3-0-7

3-pt. goals: Gray 2, Wallace, Ray

Jonesport-Beals 18 38 51 78

DI-Stonington 15 30 56 74

JV: DI-Stonington 70-62

Girls basketball

Bangor Christian 42, Katahdin 29

At Sherman Station, Renee Mick nailed 9-of-11 free throws to help the Patriots steadily pull away from the Cougars.

Mick finished with 23 points for the winners and Samantha Ross added 10.

Sonya McCarthy paced Katahdin with 10 points and Angela Qualey netted seven.

Bangor Christian (10-1) 42

Mick 7-9-23, Ross 1-8-10, Miller 2-1-5, Page, Moores, Simmons 2-0-4, Haverlock

Katahdin (6-5) 29

McCarthy 4-2-10, Qualey 3-1-7, Perrin 1-0-2, L. Duffy-Stanley 1-0-2, McMoarn, K. Duffy-Stanley, Me. Libby 2-0-4, Mi. Libby 2-0-4, Willett

3-pt. goals: none

Bangor Christian 8 21 32 42

Katahdin 13 19 23 29

JV: Katahdin 31-30

Central Aroostook 51, Ashland 28

At Ashland, Jessica Long scored nine of her 15 points in the first quarter as the Panthers raced by the Hornets for the win.

Gabrielle Smith topped Central Aroostook of Mars Hill with 16 points and Sarah McCrum added 10 points.

Kate Collier, Amanda Martin, Andrea Millett and Amber Smith scored six points each for Ashland.

Central Aroostook (5-5) 51

Smith 7-0-17, Carvel, Caron, Robinson, Bell, McCrum 5-0-10, Fletcher 2-4-8, Barton, Lundeen 1-0-2, Michaud, Long 6-2-15

Ashland (2-7) 28

Millett 1-3-6, Muffler 1-0-2, Martin 3-0-6, Collier 2-2-6, Caron 1-0-2, Smith 3-0-6, Campbell

3-pt. goals: Smith 2, Long; Millett

Central Aroostook 18 25 42 51

Ashland 6 13 19 28

Van Buren 58, Fort Kent 40

At Van Buren Thursday, Nicole Corbin scored a game-high 23 points as undefeated Van Buren won for the 10th time.

Kristy Wright had 12 points, Heather Parent scored 11 and Danielle Gagnon had eight points and 13 rebounds for the winners.

Parent’s six first-quarter points staked Van Buren to a lead it would never relinquish.

Nicole Saucier’s 11 points and Danielle Harvey’s eight led Fort Kent.

Fort Kent (2-7) 40

Saucier 3-5-11, L. Pelletier 1-2-4, Boucher 2-1-5, B. Nadeau 1-0-2, Harvey 3-1-8, Minzy 0-2-2, A. Pelletier 0-1-1, MacDonald 3-0-6, A. Nadeau, Kelly

Van Buren (10-0) 58

Corbin 8-7-23, Wright 5-0-12, H. Parent 4-3-11, D. Gagnon 3-2-8, T. Gagnon 0-1-1, Porter, Caron, Hews, Devilbliss, Cyr

3-pt. goals: Harvey; Wright 2

Fort Kent 7 11 25 40

Van Buren 16 30 46 58

JV: Van Buren 51-39

Woodland 74, East Grand 32

At Danforth Thursday, Ashley Marble scored a game-high 21 points to pace the Dragons past the Vikings.

Kaitlyn Leeman contributed 13 points for the Dragons.

Amanda Godley topped the Vikings with 11 points, and Lindsay Faulkner had eight.

Woodland (9-2) 74

Marble 6-7-21, Brown 1-0-2, Huwa 2-0-4, Leeman 6-1-13, Smith 2-5-9, Troiani 3-2-8, Lord 2-3-7, Holmes 0-1-1, Noyes 2-0-4, Knights 2-1-5

East Grand (3-7) 32

Cropley 2-0-4, Faulkner 2-3-8, Gilman 1-0-2, Godley 2-7-11, Osnoe 2-0-4, Parker 1-1-3, Page, Whitney, Hanington

3-pt. goals: Marble 2; Faulkner

Woodland 22 39 59 74

East Grand 4 14 21 32

JV: East Grand 48-34

Searsport 60, Penobscot Valley 43

At Searsport, Andrea Blanchard scored 16 points to help the Vikings record their eighth victory.

Jessica Larrabee added 14 points for the winners, Holly Gracie put in 13, and Erica Curtis netted 10.

Meghan Cyr paced Penobscot Valley with 17 points, and Alicia Drost netted 10.

Penobscot Valley (2-8) 43

Porter 0-3-3, Drost 5-0-10, Cyr 6-4-17, S. Trafton 2-0-4, Beshai 1-0-2, K. Trafton, McGinn

Searsport (8-3) 60

Plourde 3-0-6, Blanchard 8-0-16, Smith 0-1-1, Larrabee 6-2-14, Curtis 3-2-8, Gracie 5-0-13, Benjamin, Vasilauskas

3-pt. goals: Cyr; Curtis 2, Gracie 2

Penobscot Valley 8 20 31 43

Searsport 11 25 46 60

Averill 47, Islesboro 29

At Islesboro, Brittany Rauscher scored 14 of her 28 points in the third quarter, leading Averill to victory.

Tabby Quintal helped out with 10 points.

Annie Bolduc netted 12 for Islesboro while Nikki Pisciotta grabbed 10 rebounds.

Averill (9-0) 47

Rauscher 13-1-28, Quintal 5-0-10, Oraitt 1-0-2, Mallar 1-0-2, jenkins 2-1-5, Gowan, Harris

Islesboro (0-7) 29

Bolduc 5-2-12, Delaney 4-0-8, Kerr 2-1-5, Johnson 2-0-4, Pisciotta, Hauprich

3-pt. goals: Rauscher

Averill 8 14 34 47

Islesboro 5 13 19 29

Penquis 53, Central 40

At Corinth, Megan Russell led all scorers with 27 points and led the unbeaten Penquis Patriots of Milo to the win.

Lindsay Hamlin chipped in with 12 points for the Patriots.

For the Red Devils, Jen Allen had 21 points and 10 rebounds while Katie Ahearn finished with 12 points.

Penquis (9-0) 53

Russell 11-2-27, L. Hamlin 5-2-12, L. Gerrish 1-2-4, Cail 2-0-4, Robinson 2-0-4, J. Hamlin 1-0-2, B. Hamlin, S. Gerrish, Cobb, Dolley

Central (2-10) 40

Davis 2-1-5, Lawrence 1-0-2, Allen 8-5-21, Ahearn 4-4-12, Bell, Parker, Lyford

3-pt. goals: Russell 3

Penquis 12 27 42 53

Central 6 23 27 40

JV: Penquis 40-32

Camden Hills 52, Belfast 38

At Camden, the Windjammers used a 17-9 scoring run in the second quarter to pull away from the Lions.

Lauren Withey scored 15 points for the winners and Karinna Russo netted nine.

Belfast (4-6) 38

Crandall 0-2-2, A. Bryant 2-0-5, K. Bryant 3-1-9, Brown 0-2-2, Lane, Marden 1-0-2, Billings, Mehuren 2-4-8, LaHaye 5-0-10

Camden Hills (8-2) 52

Dailey 2-0-4, Russo 3-1-9, Rokes, Sommo 2-2-6, Robbins 3-0-6, Wood 2-0-5, Croce 0-3-3, Withey 5-04-14, McIntyre 1-0-2, Goodale, Hoffman 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: A. Bryant, K. Bryant 2; Russo 2, Wood

Belfast 12 21 24 38

Camden Hills 12 29 38 52

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