September 20, 2024

Narraguagus’ Snider sinks GSA

HARRINGTON – Sarah Snider’s two free throws with 17 seconds left secured the Narraguagus Knights’ 43-41 schoolgirl basketball win over the George Stevens Academy Eagles Monday night.

Snider finished with 19 points for the winners. Brittnay Howe added eight points and eight rebounds and Shelby Howe grabbed 10 rebounds and had five steals.

Michala Bunten paced George Stevens Academy of Blue Hill with 22 points. Jamie Wood chipped in with 12 points.

GSA (4-12) 41

Bunten 10-2-22, Wood 4-2-12, Clapp 1-0-2, Roberts 1-0-2, Kenniston 1-0-2, Markle 0-1-1, Driscol, Allen, Bowden

Narraguagus (10-4) 43

Snider 8-2-19, B. Howe 4-0-8, S. Howe 2-0-4, L. Barbee 2-0-4, C. Barbee 1-1-3, M. Barbee, Sawyer 1-0-2, Farnsworth 1-0-3, Pounder, Perry, Tenney

3-pt. goals: Wood 2; Snider, Farnsworth

GSA 4 13 28 41

Narraguagus 5 17 30 43

JV: Narraguagus 56-40

Lee Acad. 60, So. Aroostook 47

At Dyer Brook, Deidra Ham scored 22 points for Lee Academy while Tori Nute netted 10.

Nicki Lyons had 12 for Southern Aroostook.

Lee Acad. (13-4) 60

Ham 7-8-22, Mallett 1-0-2, Bird 1-3-5, Harris 2-0-6, Linscott 4-0-9, Cole 1-0-2, Nute 5-0-10, Gifford 1-2-4, Hersom

Southern Aroostook (12-5) 47

Lyons 5-1-12, Hartin 2-0-4, Chambers 4-0-8, Brooker 3-2-8, Toothaker 1-2-4, Dickinson 3-0-6, Green 2-0-5, McGary

3-pt. goals: Harris 2, Linscott; Lyons

Lee Acad. 15 26 39 47

Southern Aroostook 14 26 39 47

JV: Lee Acad. 60-21

Limestone 55, Madawaska 45

At Limestone, Nikki Michaud led the Eagles with 24 points while Rachel Lee netted 12.

Kristine Cyr scored 17 for Madawaska and Meghan Marshall and Kay Gerald each chipped in with 11.

Madawaska (7-4) 45

Cyr 7-2-17, Marshall 4-3-11, Gerald 5-1-11, Lavertu 1-0-2, Sirois 1-0-2, Martin, Morneault

Limestone (9-7) 55

Michaud 11-2-24, Brooker 6-1-4, Lee 5-2-12, Stackhouse 1-0-2, J. St. Pierre 1-0-3, Bickford, Bernier

3-pt. goals: Cyr; Brooker, St. Pierre

Madawaska 11 21 30 45

Limestone 18 32 47 55

JV: Madawaska 36-27

Central Aroostook 59, Wisdom 44

At St. Agatha, Sarah McCrum scored all eight of her points in the second quarter as Central Aroostook outscored Wisdom 19-8 to take a lead it would never relinquish.

Jessica Long, Tiffany Lunden and Melissa Robinson paced the winners with 13, 12 and 11 points, respectively.

Kelly Cyr’s 12 points and Becky Chamberlain’s 10 led Wisdom.

Central Aroostook (10-6) 59

Smith 3-2-8, Carvell, Caron, Robinson 5-1-11, Bell 3-0-6, McCrum 3-2-8, Barton, Lunden 6-0-12, L. Michaud 0-1-1, Long 5-3-13

Wisdom (5-12) 44

Picard 3-0-7, Tardif 2-0-4, Anderson, Cyr 5-2-12, Harris 0-1-1, Lizotte 1-0-2, N. Michaud 4-0-8, Chamberland, Bourgoin, Sirois, Chamberlain 4-0-10

3-pt. goals: Chamberlain 2, Picard

Central Aroostook 10 29 46 59

Wisdom 13 21 35 44

JV: Central Aroostook 37-26

Katahdin 69, Ashland 47

At Sherman Station, Lacey Willet led the Cougars with 25 points while Bethany Perrin added 15.

Amanda Martin scored 18 for Ashland and Andrea Millet netted 12.

Ashland (2-13) 47

Martin 5-7-18, Millett 3-6-12, Caron 1-0-2, Mussler 2-2-6, Smith 4-1-9, D’Ozier, Levesque, Campbell

Katahdin (10-6) 69

Willett 8-9-25, Perrin 6-2-15, L. Duffy Stanley 1-0-2, McMoran 1-2-4, Willigar 1-0-2, K. Duffy-Stanley 0-2-2, Megan Libby 1-0-3, F. McAvoy 0-1-1, McCarthy 3-0-6, Qualey 2-0-3, Mindy Libby 2-0-4, Violet, K. McAvoy, Duffy

3-pt. goals: Martin; Perrin, Qualey

Ashland 9 19 31 47

Katahdin 18 34 47 69

JV: Katahdin 50-21

Washburn 67, Easton 24

At Washburn, 12 players scored at least two points or more to power the Beavers.

Amber Blakney paced the winners with 11 points and Liz Howard netted 11.

Brandi Blanchard scored nine points for Easton.

Easton (0-15) 24

Ferris 1-0-2, Lovely, Blanchard 4-0-9, Patterson, Pytlak 0-2-2, Carbone 2-0-4, O’Mara 3-1-7, Baker

Washburn (7-9) 67

C. McLaughlin 1-1-3, Flanagin 4-1-9, N. McLaughlin 2-0-4, Howard 4-2-10, J. Maynard 2-2-6, L. Maynard 2-0-4, Snyder 1-0-2, C. Blakney 3-2-8, A. Blakney 5-1-11, Jordan 1-0-2, Campbell 2-0-4, Doody 2-0-4, Morrow

3-pt. goals: Blanchard

Easton 3 9 13 24

Washburn 17 36 49 67

JV: Washburn freshmen 37, Presque Isle 25

WA Raiders 65, Jones.-Beals 51

At Jonesport, Diana Bourdeau scored 24 points for Washington Academy of East Machias for the victory.

Miranda Fergerson contributed with 14 for the winners.

Chelsea Carver scored 15 for Jonesport-Beals while Amber Colbeth added 11.

Washington Acad. 65

Bourdeau 8-6-24, Copeland 3-0-6, Fergerson 6-2-14, N. Stauffer 2-0-4, Mawhinney 2-0-5, Almendinger 2-0-4, Fivgas 1-0-2, K. Stauffer 1-0-2, L. Govoini 1-0-2, A. Govoni 1-0-2, Dennison

Jonesport-Beals 51

Colbeth 5-1-11, Woodward 1-4-6, Look 1-0-3, Beal 1-0-2, Carver 7-1-15, Davis 1-4-6, Garnett 3-2-8, Church, Libby, Stewart

3-pt. goals: Mawhinney; Look

Washington Acad. 21 36 52 65

Jonesport-Beals 13 32 38 51

JV: Washington Acad. 49-43

Islesboro 45, Vinalhaven 41

At Kents Hill, Annie Bolduc led the Huskies with 25 points while Kacee Johnson scored 12 points and grabbed 14 rebounds.

Chelsea Osgood was Vinalhaven’s top scorer with 20 points.

Vinalhaven (2-14) 41

C. Osgood 8-1-20, Bickford 2-1-5, Walker 2-2-6, Dickie 0-2-2, Carlton 2-0-4, B. Osgood 2-0-4, Jones

Islesboro (5-9) 45

Bolduc 12-1-25, Johnson 4-4-12, Kerr 3-0-6, Delaney 1-0-2, Prisciotta, Hauprich

3-pt. goals: Osgood 3

Vinalhaven 8 17 27 41

Islesboro 6 22 32 45

Boys basketball

Jonesport-Beals 104, Lubec 71

At Lubec, Jamie Alley had nine second-quarter points and Alvin Beal scored eight more as Jonesport-Beals outscored Lubec 23-12 to build an 18-point halftime lead.

Jamie Alley finished with 22 points, Jason Beal had 21 and D.R. Alley and Alvin Beal combined for 31 more.

Nick Boutin’s game-high 26 points, Dylan Lord’s 16 and William Feltner’s 14 points and 17 rebounds led Lubec. Jordan Hall had six assists.

Jonesport-Beals (14-2) 104

D.R. Alley 8-0-16, Bryant 1-2-4, Mitchell 1-0-2, J. Beal 9-0-21, Kelley 1-0-2, Al. Beal 6-3-15, Robinson 1-0-2, Ab. Beal 3-1-8, S. Alley 1-0-2, Martin 3-2-8, J. Alley 10-2-22.

Lubec (1-13) 71

Feltner 7-0-14, Boutin 12-1-26, Buehner 2-3-7, Lord 5-6-16, Mallar 1-0-2, Campbell 2-0-5, Hall, Marston, Jones, Seavey, Gross

3-pt. goals: J. Beal 3, Ab. Beal; Boutin, Campbell

Jonesport-Beals 30 53 75 104

Lubec 23 35 47 71

JV: Jonesport-Beals 52-34

Calais 73, Machias 43

At Machias, James Frost led Calais with 16 points while James MacDonald chipped in with 12.

Jeff Copp scored 13 for Machias and Nick Smith had 11.

Calais (15-1) 73

Frost 6-2-16, MacDonald 5-2-12, Leavitt 4-1-9, Footer 3-2-8, Adams 3-2-8, Morrell 1-2-4, S. MacDonald 2-0-4, A. Frost 2-04, LaPointe 2-0-4, Lynch 0-2-2, Johnson 1-0-2, Pelletier, McMannis

Machias (3-13) 43

Copp 5-1-13, Smith 4-3-11, Loughlin 4-0-8, Hasselman 2-1-6, Millay 1-0-3, Getchell 1-0-2, Day, Parker, Stuart

3-pt. goals: Frost 2; Copp 2, Hasselman, Millay

Calais 25 41 63 73

Machias 7 16 25 43

JV: Calais 71-62 (OT)

Presque Isle 83, Houlton 70

At Presque Isle, Nick Casavant turned in a fine all-around game with 16 points, nine rebounds, six steals and five assists to power the Wildcats.

Ryan Graves paced the PI offense with 24 points and Denis Saucier added 19. Chad Robertson had six assists.

Peter Bates and James Skehan each scored 19 points for Houlton and Joe Fitzpatrick netted 11.

Houlton (4-11) 70

Bates 9-1-19, Skehan 7-5-19, Fitzpatrick 4-3-11, J. O’Connell 3-2-9, L. O’Connell 1-5-7, Belyea 1-0-3, Brown 1-0-2, Donahue, Drake

Presque Isle (8-6) 83

Graves 12-0-24, Saucier 6-5-19, Casavant 5-6-16, James 1-1-3, Griffin 1-1-3, Bard 2-0-5, Robertson 1-2-4, Fortin 4-1-9, Nadeau, Bird

3-pt. goals: J. O’Connell, Belyea; Saucier 2, Bard

Houlton 17 39 45 70

Presque Isle 30 50 61 83

JV: Presque Isle 69-52

Bucksport 60, Ellsworth 56

At Ellsworth Friday night, Jason Harvey connected for 15 of his game-high 39 points in the fourth quarter, making five of seven foul shots, to lift the Golden Bucks past the Eagles.

Bucksport made nine of 11 from the line in the final eight minutes to hold off Ellsworth, which cut the deficit to two points with 1:30 left.

Derek Awalt hit five 3-pointers en route to 27 points for the Eagles. Steven Dewitt scored 11.

Bucksport (10-5) 60

Lalonde, Maycey, Porter, Allard 1-2-4, Nason 2-0-4, Guilford 3-2-8, Harvey 13-11-39, Ogden 0-3-3, Dow 1-0-2

Ellsworth (7-8) 56

Richards 0-1-1, Mayo, Dewitt 3-5-11, Murray, Smith 2-3-7, Awalt 8-6-27, Morse 2-3-7, Boles 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: Harvey 2; Awalt 5

Bucksport 10 25 39 60

Ellsworth 11 26 36 56

JV: Bucksport 50-47

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