January 09, 2025
Sports Column

Fan Feedback

Coverage is fine

My response to Edward Grant’s wish to have more information on the New York Yankees (BDN, April 17) is for him to move to New York. This is New England and you do a good job of covering the local and New England sports.

By the way, the Red Sox recently beat the “best team in baseball” three out of four times. Good job on reporting about the Red Sox and keep it up! You can’t make everyone happy!

Todd Albert


Yankee go home

Having lived in Maine all my life, I am a New England sports fan: Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox, Patriots!!! Mr. Grant, who wants more Yankee articles (BDN, April 17) is a “jump-on-the-band-wagon fan.”

I’ve known him for 30 years. He used to be a Red Sox fan until George Steinbrenner came along and started buying championships. He was a Bruins fan when they were good, then he was a Wayne Gretzky fan, so he changed from the Bruins. He was a 76ers fan, then Celtics, then Bulls.

I say take a poll and see how many people in the state of Maine want more news on the Yankees. I do as long as it’s bad.

Joel Vail


Home isn’t hone

Gary Thorne’s column (BDN, April 18) makes reference to a need of pro sports to “go back and retool their publicity efforts to hone in on the rivalries.”

Just how does one go about preparing to “hone in” on anything?

Does he mean the teams should sharpen their publicity tools? Did he make an error and mean “home in”? Several dictionaries and Roget’s Thesaurus address the “home in” usage in that context .

Could it be a common error, made by many and thus accepted by most?

Perhaps the proofreaders – again?

Bradford A. Small


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