March 26, 2025

Web message boards help track surnames

The two kinds of genealogists are what I call the “doers” – those who actively pursue their ancestors, and the “viewers” – those who peruse query columns and maybe browse the Internet to see what pops up.

There’s nothing wrong with being a viewer, and message boards are a great place to spend some time. A Web site called offers countless message boards by surname, all following the same formula.

If I wanted to check the message board for Sauciers, I would go to

You can browse the messages, choosing only those you want to read because each has a topic. If you get brave, it’s simple to post a message yourself.

A few months ago, I put a message on the Hildreth message board, hoping to find ancestors for my Henry True Hildreth of New Hampshire. No luck yet.

Recently I decided to peek at the message board for the surname Given. All I knew about my great-great grandfather from New Brunswick was that his name was Thomas and he was supposed to be Irish. Searching various Canadian Web sites had yielded little.

On the message board, I found a note inquiring about a James Given, who was possibly the father of a Thomas Given, and a brief response to that note from another researcher.

I posted a message to the responder, and asked whether this Thomas might be the one who was the father of my Thressa Given Steeves, who came to Maine from Saint John in 1911.

Very quickly I got an answer that indeed this was the right Thomas, and that his parents were James Given and Margaret Orr, both born in Ireland. After 24 years, I have my Irish immigrants!

Moreover, it turns out that this “new” cousin remembers my great-grandmother, who used to visit her family in Saint John. We are now exchanging information. I also have “met” a couple of other Given cousins through this Web site, including one who lives in Maine.

Funeral and burial records can be a great help in tracing our roots, and it’s wonderful to see more facilities allowing their older records to be published.

Here are some of the records you will find published in book form:

. “Funeral Records of the Harvey Funeral Home, Carmel, Maine,” three volumes, 1919-1937, available at Bangor Public Library, Maine State Library in Augusta and the University of Maine’s Fogler Library in Orono.

. “Lawry Bros. Funeral Records, Aug. 11, 1885-Nov. 26, 1923, Fairfield, Maine,” nine volumes, Maine State Library.

. “Burial Records, 1717-1962, of the Eastern Cemetery, Portland, Maine,” by William B. Jordan, Fogler Library and Maine State Library.

. “Burial Records, 1811-1980, of the Western Cemetery in Portland, Maine,” by William B. Jordan, Fogler Library and Maine State Library.

. “Baptismal, Marriage and Funeral Records of Rev. Albert Cole (1818-1881) of Cornish, Maine,” Maine State Library.

. “Burials of the Auclair Funeral Home, Fall River, Massachusetts, 1944-1992,” by Mary Letourneau, Maine State Library.

. “Burials of the Hickey-Grenier Funeral Home, Brockton, Massachusetts, 1911-1987,” Maine State Library.

. “Burials of the Lamoreux Funeral Home, New Bedford, Massachusetts, 1930-1980,” by David Coutu, Maine State Library.

. “Burials of the Alfred Roy and Sons Funeral Home, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1904-1994,” by David Coutu, two volumes, Maine State Library.

Some of the records can be most helpful. For example, the Worcester records tell us that Daniel Dowd, who was born July 28, 1907, in that city and died April 7, 1969, was the son of John J. and Mary (Mageehan) Dowd, both born in Ireland.

3130. LEBRETTON-CORMIER-MELANSON. Looking for information on Val LeBretton family. He was b. about 1870 in Pokemouche, in the Inkerman area of New Brunswick. He md. 1) Jane Cormier; 2) Catherine Melanson. Val lived in Orono and Old Town. Children: Victor, Marie, Leona, Joseph Louis, Henry or Benjamin, probably others. Lewis Gregory Jr., 85 Stratton Road Apt. 1, Jaffrey, NH 03452; or e-mail

3131. BURSE-BEARCE. Seeking death date and burial place for Holmes Burse or Bearce, b. 1774, Pembroke, Mass., resided in Maine towns of Bristol, Newcastle and Starks. Served in War of 1812, alive in 1855. Any help appreciated. Gloria Pickard, 2329 Union St., Bangor, ME 04401.

Send queries to Family Ties, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor, ME 04402; or send e-mail to

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