March 18, 2025

Teen hopes ‘scaring’ party sparks support group

With the guidance of several caring adults, 14-year-old Casey Dubay-Baker of Bangor is trying to form a support group for teens with physical disabilities who live in eastern and central Maine.

And he’s hoping a “Scaring and Caring” organizational party set for 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, in Mason Auditorium at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor will attract lots of young people ages 12-18 who like his idea.

“We will have pizza and soda, and kids come in costume if they want,” he said of the party that will have a Halloween theme.

Casey and his mother, Sharon Dubay, have been meeting with staff at EMMC who support Casey’s idea, and everyone is hoping it will meet with good response.

“The support group would be for helping teens cope with any feelings they might have about issues that affect them,” Casey explained.

“There are lots of things they can talk about,” Sharon Dubay said. “They can support each other by talking about social issues, wheelchairs, personal hygiene, even sexuality. They have to have safe people to talk to.”

She foresees the possibility of an adult facilitator assisting the support group, but hopes it will evolve into the youngsters “just talking through things themselves.”

Casey and his mom have been meeting with physicians, a social worker and Pediatric Outpatient Special Clinic director Joyce Engelmann, all of whom “have been very helpful,” Sharon Dubay said.

Young people and their parents are invited to attend the “Scaring and Caring” party.

If you are unable to attend on such short notice, but would like information about forming this special support group for teens, call Casey or his mom at 942-3815 or Engelmann at 973-7558.

Since its inception in April 1998, Eastern Maine Project Linus members have made and given away 582 blankets to children in need of comfort.

From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Make-A Difference Day, Saturday, Oct. 27, at Rangeley Hall on the campus of Eastern Maine Technical College in Bangor, the “blanketeers” hope to make 100 more.

Quilters, knitters and those who crochet, no matter what skill level, are invited to join members of Project Linus in this needlecraft event to make blankets for children here at home as well as those affected by the tragedies of Sept. 11.

The first 100 blankets made will be used for Maine children, with the remaining blankets going to help comfort children affected by the terrorist attacks.

The organization needs dozens of people to work on blankets and donate supplies such as fabric, batting, thread and yarn.

People who plan to attend are encouraged to bring their own tools and small machines.

Any incomplete or completed Project Linus blanket can also be dropped off that day.

Door prizes will be offered, and snacks, drinks and lunch will be available for a donation.

To volunteer or to receive information about Eastern Maine Project Linus, call coordinator Merlene Sanborn, 965-8005, or e-mail

The New Renaissance Singers is an area community choral group, which was founded in the spring of 1991.

The singers, directed by Sandra Blanchette and accompanied by Catherine Souza, perform all types of music from madrigals to carols, chanteys, classical works pop and jazz.

The New Renaissance Singers present “The Best of the NRS” at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28, at the First United Methodist Church, 703 Essex St. in Bangor.

Admission is by donation.

The group is open to anyone, male or female, and welcomes everyone who likes to sing choral music to join them.

NRS practices 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Monday at the Essex Street Methodist Church in Bangor.

For more information about this event, or this group, call Carol Higgins at 942-3808.

Director Jan Cox and members of the Brewer Hometown Band invite you and your family to a “Halloween Fun Concert” beginning at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28, at the Brewer Auditorium.

Besides the great music, you can expect door prizes and some strange and funny happenings.

The concert is free, but donations for the band will be graciously accepted.

Looking for a great night out with the family, and a chance to help some very musical youngsters?

Members of the Bangor Area Children’s Choir invite you to attend a Dinner Buffet & Youth Group Fund-Raiser from 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28, at the Oriental Jade’s Banquet Room on Bangor Mall Boulevard.

Your contribution of $11 per person or $6 for children under age 12 will be accepted at the door, and a major portion of the proceeds will benefit the BACC travel fund.

The event is sponsored by Oriental Jade’s Youth Group Fund-Raiser Program.

It’s hard to believe it’s time for this activity but scraping frost off the car windows in the early-morning dark makes you realize the holidays are, indeed, just around the corner.

Volunteers are needed to help wrap and sort gifts for the Sea Coast Mission Christmas program.

The program, which distributes 3,000 gifts each year to people in need, is asking community-minded residents to help sort and wrap gifts from 9 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the mission, 127 West St. in Bar Harbor.

Individuals and groups are welcome, and anyone interested in this community activity can call Christmas program coordinator Terri Hanson at 288-5097 or (888) 824-7250.

For more information about the mission, visit

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.

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