March 23, 2025


10 years ago – Nov. 22, 1991

(As reported in the Bangor Daily News)

BANGOR – The new director of Bass Park has plans to bring off-track betting to the facility.

“From a marketing point of view, it fits really well into our business,” said Kurt Rogerson, Bass Park director. “Fans come to our facility to enjoy the sport they like.”


BANGOR – Ever since Daniel Larcombe became a soldier in the war on poverty and despair, he has been guided by the principle that it is better to give than to receive.

But being in the Salvation Army, where a big part of his mission is to find others to help him provide for the needy, doesn’t necessarily guarantee that people will automatically donate a few coins when they see him on the street.

So when the holidays roll around, Larcombe gets into the military-style uniform unique to his church, shivers beside the familiar kettle that bears the Salvation Army logo, and relies on the magnetic power of the bell.

“The bells are a tradition,” said Larcombe. “People hear the bells and they know exactly what it is. They know it’s the Salvation Army, and that it’s a call to come and help the needy.”

25 years ago – Nov. 22, 1976

WINTERPORT – Notables from all sides of the potato and local shipping industries congregated aboard the ship Kirstin Skou here Saturday night for cocktails, canapes and informal conversation. Among those in attendance to mark their first potato shipment from their new docking facility was dock owner and Aroostook County potato grower Forrest Ayer.

The Kirstin Skou docked here Friday to load potatoes supplied through a group of growers from Aroostook County. Ayers said the shipment was bound for France and is expected to sail from Winterport Friday.


BANGOR – Although the connection isn’t clear, it seems that after eating a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast on Thursday, many people get the urge to go shopping and jam stores on Friday and Saturday after the holiday. At least that has been the case this year at many stores in Bangor and Brewer according to a random telephone survey of retail department stores in the area.

50 years ago – Nov. 22, 1951

BANGOR – The sophomore academy class of girls at John Bapst High School presented a Thanksgiving program Wednesday before a large audience. Sylvia Curran was mistress of ceremonies for the holiday program.

She presented an address, “Give Thanks to God,” and two plays were given – one titled “Thanksgiving for Latin” and another, written by a group of Bapst girls. Reading and music were also featured on the program which closed with prayer and the singing of the Bapst song.


ORONO – The Orono High School football squad and members’ fathers were honored at a banquet given in the hot lunch room in the town hall by the Orono Junior Chamber of Commerce. Harold Westerman, head football coach and physical education instructor at the University of Maine, spoke to the group, stressing good sportsmanship. He also showed football movies.

100 years ago – Nov. 22, 1901

BANGOR – Thursday was a remarkable day at the Bangor Opera House. The Frankie Carpenter company always plays to large business here, but the Thanksgiving crowds were unprecedented. The house had been practically sold out, both for matinee and night performances the day before, and on Thursday not much was left except standing room.


BREWER – George Sargent of South Brewer, who has been employed as foreman in D. Sargent Sons’ mill for the past season, will leave for Laconia, N.H., next week where he has accepted a similar position in a sawmill.

Miss Lucy Merrill of East Eddington is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. P. Thomas, in this city for a short time.

Walter Thock of the Bangor Seminary will give a chalk talk next Thursday evening in the Second Congregational chapel, South Brewer. Mr. Thock speaks under the auspices of the M.B. club.

Compiled by Mark Haskell

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