September 20, 2024

Fort Kent tops Foxcroft by 14

DOVER-FOXCROFT – Mindy Morneault scored 15 points and Ashley Pelletier added 14 to lead the Fort Kent Warriors to a 71-57 schoolgirl basketball victory over the Foxcroft Academy Ponies Saturday.

McKenzie Boucher contributed 13 for the Warriors.

Fort Kent (1-2) 71

Labbe, Nadeau 1-0-2, Cyr 3-0-6, Pelletier 5-0-14, Minzy 2-5-9, Desjardins, Daigle, Morneault 7-0-15, Kelly, Saucier 4-0-8, Boucher 4-413, Hartman 2-0-4

Foxcroft (0-3) 57

Snow 5-0-10, Haskell 1-0-2, Cartwright 3-1-8, Stone 0-1-1, Hall 2-0-4, Curry, Jackins 2-0-4, Champion 2-0-4, Dow 6-2-14, Ryder 1-0-2, Goggin 4-0-8

3-pt. goals: Pelletier 4, Morneault, Boucher; Cartwright

Fort Kent 13 37 54 71

Foxcroft 12 25 42 57

J-Beals 66, DI-Stonington 63

At Deer Isle, Jonesport-Beals went on a 9-0 run in the fourth quarter to gain the lead and the win.

Asten Smith led the Royalettes with 22 points while Jody Pinkham scored nine of her 17 in the fourth. Katie Griffin contributed with 14 points.

Jonesport Beals (2-1)

Griffin 7-0-14, Smith 10-2-22, Look 2-4-8, Woodward 2-1-5, Pinkham 6-4-17, Hunkier, Church, Beal, Chandler

Deer Isle-Stonington (0-2) 63

Eaton 1-4-6, McDonnell 0-3-3, Oliver 4-6-14, Murphy 4-0-10, Bray 3-1-7, Wiberg 6-1-13, Steele 1-0-2, Brewer 4-0-8, Hutchinson

3-pt. goals: Pinkham; Murphy 2

Jonesport 14 29 43 66

Deer Isle-Stonington 10 21 43 63

Fort Fairfield 34, CAHS 25

At Mars Hill, Danielle Searles scored 15 points to lead Fort Fairfield to the win.

Gabrielle Smith led Central Aroostook with 14 points.

Fort Fairfield (1-3) 24

Searles 4-7-15, Langworthy 3-0-6, M. Butler 1-3-5, S. Butler 1-0-2, Enman 1-0-2, DeMerchant 2-0-4, Gardener

Central Aroostook (2-2) 25

Smith 6-0-14, Michaud 2-1-5, Fletcher 1-0-2, Robinson 10-2, Collins 1-0-2, Caron, Barton, Gosselin

3-pt. goals: Smith 2

Fort Fairfield 9 12 28 39

Central Aroostook 7 13 18 25

JV: Central Aroostook 26-22

So. Aroostook 60, Washburn 45

At Washburn, Nicki Lyons racked up 18 points and Kristi Brooker chipped in with 13 as Southern Aroostook of Dyer Brook stopped Washburn.

The Warriors broke the game open in the third, using a fullcourt press to outscore the Beavers 21-4. Tiffany Hartin tallied seven of her nine points during the run.

For Washburn, Amber Blakney recorded 18 and Liza Maynard put in 11.

Southern Aroostook (3-0) 60

T. Hartin 4-1-9, A. Hartin 0-1-1, Brooker 3-7-13, Lyons 8-0-18, Toothaker 2-2-6, B. Crandall 1-0-2, McGary 3-1-7, A. Crandall 1-0-2, Hersey 1-0-2, Bergan, Violette

Washburn (2-1) 45

C. McLaughlin 2-0-4, N. McLaughlin 3-0-6, L. Maynard 3-5-11, Blakney 5-8-18, Campbell 2-0-4, C. Maynard, Knox 1-0-2, McIntosh, Carter, Avar, Howe, Wright, Farley

3-pt. goals: Lyons 2

Southern Aroostook 11 27 48 60

Washburn 12 24 28 45

JV: Southern Aroostook 45-17

Nokomis 39, Houlton 31

At Houlton, Danielle Clark tossed in 18 points and Lindsey Welch contributed 14 as Nokomis of Newport rallied for the victory.

The Warriors trailed 27-24 heading into the final period, but Clark (3-4 from the free throw line) and Welch (5-7 from the free throw line) scored five points apiece in the final quarter to spark the win.

Hannah Socoby led the Shiretowners with 10 points.

Nokomis (1-0) 39

Welch 3-7-14, Gould 0-1-1, Murray 1-1-4, Paradis 1-0-2, Clark 6-6-18, Lowe, Merrow

Houlton (1-2) 31

Beasley 3-0-6, Cleary 2-0-6, Goodrich, Thompson, Brown 1-0-2, Cole 3-0-6, Lenentine 0-1-1, Socoby 3-4-10, Botting

3-pt. goals: Welch, Murray; Cleary 2

Nokomis 6 14 24 39

Houlton 5 11 27 31

JV: Nokomis 46-40

GSA 52, Washington Acad. 39

At East Machias, Michala Bunton scored 27 points and pulled down 15 rebounds to lead George Stevens Academy to the win.

Emily Mawhinney led Washington Academy with nine points.

George Stevens Acad. (1-2) 52

Bunton 11-5-27, Clapp 5-2-12, Youcis 3-0-6, Roberts 2-1-7, Driscoll, Bowden, Markle, Allen, Grindle

Washington Acad. (1-3) 39

Mawhinney 4-1-9, Almendinger 3-2-8, A. Govoni 3-0-6, L. Govoni 3-0-6, Gaddis 2-0-4, Stauffer 2-0-4, T. Smith 1-0-2, Albee, Livingstone, Farren

3-pt. goals: Roberts 2

George Stevens 11 27 42 52

Washington Acad. 6 17 31 39

JV: GSA 51, 46

Shead 52, Highview Christian 21

At Bangor, Vanessa Bouchard netted 14 points and Alicia Mitchell contributed 10 as Shead of Eastport halted Highview Christian of Charleston.

Sarah Lewis led Highview Christian with seven.

Shead (1-1) 52

McPhail 3-0-6, Bowen 1-1-3, V. Bouchard 7-0-14, Preston 3-0-6, Davis 3-1-7, Stubbs 1-2-4, Beaulie, Mitchell 5-0-10, N. Bouchard 0-1-1, Lingley

Highview Christian (0-2) 21

Lewis 2-0-7, Plourde, Long 1-0-2, Perora 0-4-4, Day 2-0-4, Scott 1-0-2, Cary 1-0-2, Crooker, Smith, Cooper

3-pt. goals: Davis; Lewis

Shead 11 22 38 52

Highview Christian 4 10 14 21

Calais 58, Lee Academy 54

At Lee, Lanna Martin scored 15 points for Calais as well as tying the game with a layup late in the fourth quarter.

Katie Frost had 18 points for the Pandas while Morgan Drew added 11.

Calais (4-0) 58

C. Martin 1-4-6, L. Martin 6-2-15, Feck 3-0-8, Frost 6-3-18, Drew 5-1-11, O’Brien, Welch

Lee Acad. (3-1) 54

Harris 2-0-6, Linscott 3-1-10, Deidra Ham 3-6-12, Hersom 1-0-2, Cole 1-1-3, Pickering 8-5-21, Bird, Gifford

3-pt. goals: Frost 3, Feck 2, Martin; Linscott 3, Harris 2

Calais 9 25 34 52 58

Lee 14 23 37 52 54

JV: Calais 48-22

Limestone 58, Easton 17

At Easton, Traci Weatherhead scored 10 points and tore down 14 rebounds as Limestone/Maine School of Science and Mathematics stopped Easton.

Jessica Stackhouse added 10 points for the winners.

Katie Lovely led the Bears with eight points.

Limestone (3-0) 58

A. Weatherhead 1-0-2, Beaulieu 3-0-6, Stackhouse 4-2-10, Babock, Bickford 3-0-6, St. Pierre, Brooker 3-0-7, Molherin, Michaud 2-4-8, Beaton 2-4-8, T. Weatherhead 2-6-10, Hancock

Easton (0-4) 17

O’Mara, Carbone, Lovely 4-0-8, Patterson, Ptylak 0-1-1, Ferris 1-0-2, Alexander 2-2-6, Hickey, Blosser

3-pt. goals: Brooker

Limestone 21 35 49 58

Easton 6 8 15 17


Win-Dale 5, Houlton-Hodgdon 3

At Kents Hill, John Mitchell and Lee St. Hilaire scored two goals apiece and Brendan Ellis made 24 saves to pace Win-Dale.

Ben Carton had two goals for Houlton-Hodgdon and Chris Weber had the other. Nick Fitzpatrick made 25 saves.

Orono 4, Houlton-Hodgdon 2

At Houlton’s Millar Arena Saturday, Pat Skall, Mark Caggiano and Will Toner scored unanswered third-period goals to supply Orono with its second win in as many games. Anthony Hegstrom made 18 saves.

Jared Sylvia had the other Blackhawk goal with Carton and David Carmichael each collecting an assist. Brandon Carmichael made 21 saves for 0-4 Houlton-Hodgdon.

Boys basketball

Calais 83, Mattanawcook 66

At Calais, Joe Footer poured in 21 points and Andy Frost pitched in with 19 more as the Blue Devils rolled over the Lynx.

Nathan Pelletier added 17 points and James Provencher had 16 for Calais.

Tyler Libby paced Mattanawcook of Lincoln with 16 points.

Mattanawcook (0-2) 66

LaPlante 2-0-4, Kite 2-5-9, Pete 2-2-6, Cousineau 2-0-6, Malone 2-3-7, Garland 4-0-8, Libby 7-2-16, Carney 4-2-10

Calais (3-0) 83

Pelletier 6-5-17, Morrell 0-1-1, Provencher 6-4-16, McLean 0-2-2, Frost 3-10-19, Footer 3-15-21, LaPointe 3-1-7

3-pt. goals: Cousineau 2; Frost

Mattanawcook 12 27 36 66

Calais 25 50 65 83

JV: Mattanawcook 74-40

Foxcroft 48, Fort Kent 35

At Dover-Foxcroft, Dan White pumped in 22 points and Matt Carey scored 13 as Foxcroft outlasted Fort Kent.

For the Warriors, Nick Thibodeau recorded 12 points and Dustin Nadeau netted 11.

Fort Kent (1-2) 35

Pelletier, Garanatowski 0-1-1, Boucher, E. Raymond, J. Raymond, Duval, Nadeau 2-7-11, Wood 1-0-3, Lamarr 4-0-8, Ouellette, Thibodeau 5-2-12, Bourgoin, Rossignol

Foxcroft (2-1) 48

Robinson 0-2-2, Withee 1-2-5, White 6-9-22, Croan, Lizotte, Imbert 1-0-2, Kennedy 1-0-2, Carey 4-4-13, Hall 1-0-2, Robinson

3-pt. goals: Wood; Withee, White, Carey

Fort Kent 10 15 24 35

Foxcroft 9 15 28 48

East Grand 76, Lubec 35

At East Grand, James Godley scored 28 points and had eight steals to lead the Vikings.

Rhett Mortland scored 11 points for East Grand while Richard Byers added four and pulled down 12 rebounds.

Noah Buehner led Lubec with 13 points.

Lubec (1-3) 35

Jones 1-0-3, Blake 1-2-4, Mallar 2-3-7, Buehner 5-2-13, Lyons 1-0-2, Hall 2-0-4, Boutin 0-2-2, Marston, Seavey, Scoville

East Grand (2-0) 76

Godley 10-3-28, Byers 2-0-4, Faulkner 2-1-5, Zugelder 3-1-7, Mortland 5-0-11, Shain 1-0-2, Irish 3-0-7, E. Hannington 1-5-8, Preston 0-2-2, M. Hannington 0-2-2, Scott, Gray, Parker

3-pt. goals: Jones, Buehner; Godley 5, Mortland, Irish, Hannington

Lubec 6 12 21 35

East Grand 17 37 63 76

Orono 54, Caribou 51

At Caribou, Derek Sinclair recorded nine of his 18 points to help the Red Riots outscore the Vikings 21-4 in the fourth quarter en route to the victory.

Joel Griffeth posted 22 points for Caribou. Matt Nason pitched in with 10.

Orono (2-1) 54

J. Miller 2-0-4, Heitmann 1-1-3, Perron 3-0-6, Sinclair 7-3-18, Socoby 1-0-2, White 1-1-3, Saucier 4-6-14, Levesque 2-0-4, B. Miller, Gavett

Caribou (0-3)

St. Peter 2-0-5, Nason 4-2-10, Griffeth 8-6-22, Cyr 1-0-2, Beaulieu 1-2-4, Giles 4-0-8, Nadeau, Chasse

3-pt. goals: Sinclair; St. Peter

Orono 15 23 33 54

Caribou 12 28 47 51

JV: Orono 65-44

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