Carvell lifts CAHS by Fort Fairfield in OT Raiders, Eagles, Hornets, Dragons earn wins

FORT FAIRFIELD – Junior Jocelyn Carvell’s only point of the game – a free throw with two seconds remaining in overtime – gave the Central Aroostook Panthers a 50-49 schoolgirl basketball victory over the Fort Fairfield Tigers Tuesday night. Gabrielle Smith scored 15 points and…
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FORT FAIRFIELD – Junior Jocelyn Carvell’s only point of the game – a free throw with two seconds remaining in overtime – gave the Central Aroostook Panthers a 50-49 schoolgirl basketball victory over the Fort Fairfield Tigers Tuesday night.

Gabrielle Smith scored 15 points and Lindsay Michaud netted 13 for the Panthers.

Dani Searles tallied 14 to pace the Tigers. Maranda Butler added 11 and Amanda Churchill contributed 10.

Central Aroostook (5-5) 50

Caron 1-0-3, Smith 5-2-15, Barton, Robinson 1-4-6, McCrum 2-2-7, Fletcher 1-3-5, Carvell 0-1-1, Gosselin, Michaud 6-1-13

Fort Fairfield (4-6) 49

Enman, Beaulieu, S. Butler, M. Butler 2-6-11, K. Searles, Churchill 3-4-10, DeMerchant 2-3-7, Longworthy 3-1-7, D. Searles 6-2-14

3-pt. goals: Caron, Smith 3, McCrum; M. Butler

Central Aroostook 6 14 26 42 50

Fort Fairfield 5 18 26 42 49

JV: Fort Fairfield 39-32

Wash. Academy 78, J-Beals 67

At Jonesport, Andrea Govoni scored a game-high 23 points and Krystal Stauffer contributed 15 as Washington Academy upended Jonesport-Beals.

Emily Mawhinney chipped in with 14 points, Stefany Almendinger had 11 and Krystle Gaddis had nine points for WA.

Ami Carver and Katie Griffin scored 13 points apiece for Jonesport-Beals; Jeanna Woodward and Shafay Look had 12 each and Jody Pinkham scored nine points.

Washington Academy (6-4) 78

Mawhinney 5-2-14, Almendinger 5-0-11, A. Govoni 7-7-23, Stauffer 7-1-15, Gaddis 3-3-9, L. Govoni 2-2-6, Albee, Porter, T. Smith, Davis

Jonesport-Beals (4-5) 67

Pinkham 3-2-9, Woodward 4-4-12, Griffin 6-1-13, Look 6-0-12, Carver 5-3-13, Emerson 1-0-2, A. Smith 2-0-4, Chandler 1-0-2, Church

3-pt. goals: Mawhinney 2, A. Govoni 2, Almendinger; Pinkham

Wash. Academy 22 41 62 78

Jonesport-Beals 17 34 48 67

JV: Jonesport-Beals 45-41

Limestone 42, Van Buren 41

At Van Buren, the Eagles stole and inbounds pass and scored in the late going to knock off the previously unbeaten Crusaders.

Traci Weatherhead paced Limestone/Maine School of Science and Mathematics with 16 points and Amanda Brooker tossed in 15 for the winners.

Nicole Corbin’s game-high 19 points paced Van Buren. Danielle Gagnon and Michelle Parent netted 10 points each.

Limestone (6-2) 42

Weatherhead 7-2-16, Brooker 5-5-15, Michaud 3-2-8, Stackhouse 1-1-3, Bickford, St. Pierre

Van Buren (7-1) 41

Corbin 5-7-19, D. Gagnon 5-0-10, Parent 5-0-10, T. Gagnon 1-0-2, Hews, Cyr

3-pt. goals: Corbin 2

Limestone 9 17 26 42

Van Buren 15 20 28 41

Ashland 46, Easton 29

At Ashland, Amber Smith led the Hornets with 16 points.

Caitlin Sherman helped out with 12 points for Ashland.

Nina Alexander was Easton’s top scorer with 15 points.

Easton (0-9) 29

Ferris 1-0-2, Patterson 0-5-5, Alexander 6-3-15, O’Mara 1-5-7, Lovely, Hickey, Tytlak

Ashland (4-5) 46

Martin 2-4-8, Smith 6-4-16, Campbell 0-1-1, Chamberlin 2-0-1, Peters 1-1-3, Sherman 6-0-12, Spooner 1-0-2, Caron, Clark, Carney, Gallant

3-pt. goals: none

Easton 6 9 16 29

Ashland 8 19 29 46

JV: Ashland 55, Presque Isle II 28

Woodland 85, Lubec 45

At Woodland, Katie Smith connected for 19 points to lead the Dragons to victory.

Kelsy Snowman scored 16 points and Julia Knights provided 13 points and 13 rebounds for the winners.

Leann Pike paced Lubec with 19 points and Breena McPherson contributed 13.

Lubec (4-5) 45

Pike 8-3-19, B. McPherson 5-2-13, Lavalley 3-2-8, Daye 2-0-5, S. McPherson, Flynn, Newman

Woodland (8-2) 85

Smith 9-0-18, Snowman 6-4-16, J. Knights 4-5-13, Seavey 4-0-8, Leeman 3-1-7, V. Knights 3-0-6, Lord 1-2-4, Brown 1-1-3, Troiani 0-2-2, Vose 1-0-2, Korchendoerfer 3-0-6, Newman

3-pt. goals: B. McPherson, Daye

Lubec 12 22 24 45

Woodland 18 43 64 85

JV: Woodland 44-19

Boys basketball

Hodgdon 71, Washburn 55

At Washburn, Tyler Putnam poured in a game-high 36 points to pace the undefeated Hawks.

Jimmy Griffin added 18 for Hodgdon.

Jesse Maynard scored 16 points and grabbed 11 rebounds for the Beavers. Darren Pesut notched 12 points while Dan Buckley tossed in 11.

Hodgdon (8-0) 71

Putnam 11-10-36, Hogan 1-0-2, Blanchette, Day 3-2-8, Condon, Sanford 3-1-7, Griffin 5-7-18, Prescott

Washburn (4-6) 55

Bagley 4-0-9, Buckley 5-0-11, D. Pesut 6-0-12, Thompson 1-0-2, Maynard 7-2-16, Vaughn 2-0-5, Worsley, C. Carter, A.J. Carter, Bigby, C. Pesut, Milton

3-pt. goals: Putnam 4, Griffin; Bagley, Buckley, Vaughn

Hodgdon 20 41 59 71

Washburn 15 26 46 55

JV: Washburn 48-47

Presque Isle 59, Houlton 38

At Houlton, Brian Graves connected for a game-high 27 points as the Wildcats beat the Shiretowners.

Fred Bird and Matt Fortin scored 10 points each for Presque Isle.

Andrew Drake and James Skehan led the way for Houlton with 13 points each.

Presque Isle (6-1) 59

Graves 11-3-27, James, Deschene, Saucier, Lockhart, Casavant 2-4-8, Bird 5-0-10, Doughty 0-2-2, Hall 1-0-2, Fortin 5-0-10

Houlton (6-5) 38

Brown 2-0-4, Drake 4-2-13, York, McCann 2-2-6, E. O’Connell 1-0-2, Lloyd, La. O’Connell, Skehan 5-3-13

3-pt. goals: Graves 2; Drake 3

Presque Isle 10 27 44 59

Houlton 9 18 31 38

JV: Houlton 55-38

Calais 71, Shead 53

At Eastport, Joe Footer lit it up for 33 points to lead the Blue Devils to their 10th victory.

Andy Frost chipped in with 16 points for the winners.

Billy Curtis paced Shead with 12 points and five assists and Ben Toney chipped in with 11 points and 13 rebounds.

Calais (10-1) 71

Footer 16-1-33, Frost 8-0-16, Morrell 3-0-6, Demolet 1-0-2, McLean 1-4-7, McPhee 1-2-4, LaPointe 1-0-2, Provencher, Lloyd, Woodside

Shead (5-4) 53

Curtis 4-4-12, Toney 5-1-11, Maloney 2-1-5, Altvater 1-1-3, Moores 1-0-3, Bones 2-0-4, Constant 3-1-9, Demmons 3-0-6, Ricker, Ellington, Marshall

3-pt. goals: McLean; Moores, Constant 2

Calais 18 31 54 71

Shead 6 24 36 53

JV: Calais 69-64, OT

Central Aroostook 68, Easton 43

At Easton, Daniel Codrey scored 10 of his game-high 24 points in the second quarter as the Panthers of Mars Hill pushed their lead to 14 points at halftime.

Bryan Grew added 10 points for Central Aroostook.

Danny Warren led the Bears with 14 points, and Mike Osgood grabbed 11 rebounds.

Central Aroostook (8-2) 68

Woodworth 3-1-7, Clockedile 3-1-7, Clark 2-0-4, Grew 5-0-10, Tapley 0-1-1, Walsh 3-3-9, Kilcollins 2-2-6, Codrey 12-0-24, Collins, Grivois

Easton (1-10) 43

Carlow 1-3-6, D. Warren 4-4-14, Osgood 2-2-6, P. Warren, Desmond 3-1-7, Bradley, Tompkins 1-0-3, McMann 1-0-2, Perry 2-0-4, Marquis

3-pt. goals: D. Warren 2, Carlow, Tompkins

Central Aroostook 16 33 50 68

Easton 11 19 32 43

Ashland 70, Limestone 60

At Limestone, Matt Eastman scored eight of his 10 points in the second quarter as Ashland outscored Limestone 22-11 to break open a close game.

Buck Pineau had a game-high 20 points for Ashland, Alan Hitchcock scored 13 and Eric Ham and Eastman added 10 each.

Josh Stackhouse’s 14 points, Josh Knoll’s 10 and Steve Hardwick’s nine led Limestone.

Ashland (4-5) 70

Ham 5-0-10, Hitchcock 4-4-13, Eastman 3-4-10, Pineau 10-0-20, Smith 1-4-6, Oakes 4-0-8, Bessey 1-1-3

Limestone (4-4) 60

Tamburello 1-2-4, Poisson 2-0-4, Longlais 1-6-8, Hardwick 4-1-9, Knoll 5-0-10, Cote 1-0-2, Patten 0-2-2, Patterson 1-1-3, Stackhouse 5-2-14, DeLong 1-0-2, Beck 1-0-2, O’Neal, Castonguay

3-pt. goals: Hitchcock; Stackhouse 2

Ashland 16 38 57 70

Limestone 12 23 40 60

GSA 55, Narraguagus 42

At Blue Hill, Nick Henry scored nine of his 17 points to spark George Stevens Academy’s 19-9 first-quarter scoring run.

Jake Lowell chipped in with 10 points for the winners.

Steven Knapp paced the Knights of Harrington with 10 points.

Narraguagus (4-5) 42

Shinn, L. Shaw 2-1-5, Beal 2-0-4, Emerson 2-2-8, Bailey 3-0-6, Stubbs, Rossi, Fraser 0-3-3, T. Shaw 2-0-6, Knapp 4-2-10, Peltier

George Stevens (8-1) 55

Astbury 1-0-2, Clapp 3-01-9, Leiden 2-1-5, Allen, Freeman, Henry 6-5-17, Lowell 4-2-10, Candage 1-1-3, Hutchins 4-1-9

3-pt. goals: Emerson 2, T. Shaw 2; Clapp 2

Narraguagus 9 17 30 42

George Stevens 19 30 43 55

JV: GSA 58-49

Bangor Christian 81, Katahdin 54

At Sherman Station, Kyle Bradford scored all 12 of his points during Bangor Christian’s 24-12 first-quarter scoring surge en route to the win.

Josh Madden paced BC’s balanced attack with 18 points, David Chrisos put in 15, Edward Carey netted 11 and Pat McCleary had 10.

Brothers Doug Rodgerson and Thomas Rodgerson led the Cougars, with Doug scoring 22 points and Thomas adding 11.

Bangor Christian (9-2) 81

D.J. McCleary, Madden 8-1-18, Wilson, Ossinger, Conley, Cole 1-0-2, Patterson 2-0-5, Putnam 2-0-4, Chrisos 5-5-15, Bradford 4-1-12, Doten, Pinkham, Sobey 2-0-4, P. McCleary 4-2-10, Carey 5-1-11

Katahdin (4-4) 54

Grass, Rush, Cyr, Davis 3-1-7, Willigar 1-0-2, Sullivan 1-0-2, Ja. Cullen, McNally 4-0-8, T. Rodgerson 4-2-11, Jo. Cullen 1-0-2, Heath, D. Rodgerson 6-10-22, Qualey

3-pt. goals: Madden, Patterson, Bradford 3; T. Rodgerson

Bangor Christian 24 45 63 81

Katahdin 12 31 42 54

JV: Katahdin 60-41

Piscataquis 59, Foxcroft 44

At Foxcroft, Kyle Pulkkinen netted 14 points to help lead Piscataquis to victory.

Ben Smith contributed 12 points for the Pirates of Guilford.

Ty Kennedy led Foxcroft Academy with 12 points.

Piscataquis (7-0) 59

Pulkkinen 5-2-14, Smith 5-2-12, White 0-2-2, Dawson 3-0-7, Watson 3-0-7, Carson 3-3-9, Young 2-0-4, Tracy 2-0-4, Hoffman, Prescott, Davis Luellen

Foxcroft Academy (4-5) 44

Kennedy 5-2-12, Withey 1-4-7, White 1-3-6, Lizotte 1-0-2, Imbert 2-2-6, Carey 4-0-9, Hall 1-0-2, L. Robinson, Croas, Perry, B. Robinson

3-pt. goals: Pulkkinen 2, Dawson, Watson; Withey, White, Carey

Piscataquis 13 28 46 59

Foxcroft Academy 13 27 41 44

JV: Piscataquis 54-49

MA Lynx 73, Stearns 64 (OT)

At Lincoln, Jon Carney and Matt Malone each scored four points in overtime as the Lynx built a nine-point lead and outlasted the Minutemen from Millinocket.

Carney finished with a team-high 19 points and 14 rebounds, Malone netted 11 points and Wayne Berry added 10.

Derek DiFrederico and Kevin McLaughlin connected for 21 and 20 points, respectively, to pace Stearns.

Stearns (3-5) 64

Leino 3-2-9, Arsenault, Fitzgerald, DiFrederico 9-1-21, D. Johnson 1-0-2, I. Johnson 3-0-6, McLaughlin 10-0-20, Mat. Legassey 3-0-6, Mar. Legassey

Mattanawcook (6-4) 73

LaPlante 3-3-9, Kites 2-0-4, Pete 3-2-8, Cousineau 0-4-4, Berry 3-4-10, Malone 4-2-11, Libbey 3-2-8, Carney 9-1-19

3-pt. goals: Leino, DiFrederico 2; Malone

Stearns 14 32 51 62 64

Mattanawcook 13 34 44 62 73

JV: Mattanawcook 71-51

Lee Acad. 72, Penobscot Valley 60

At Lee, the Pandas rattled off seven unanswered points in the first 19 seconds of the fourth quarter en route to their first win of the season.

Frank Severance, who led Lee Academy with 20 points (18 in the second half) and 12 rebounds, ignited the burst with a conventional three-point play. Jeremy Ham and Frank Carpenter then turned steals into layups as the Pandas extended their advantage to 13.

Carpenter contributed 16 points and 12 rebounds while Ham netted 14 points for Lee. Jason Mallett pulled down 15 rebounds.

Brad Harris led Penobscot Valley of Howland with 19 points. Matt Mulligan provided 14 points and 10 rebounds, while Morgan Doyon netted 10 points.

Penobscot Valley (4-4) 60

Harris 9-1-19, Mulligan 7-0-14, Doyon 4-0-10, Cummings 2-1-5, Cloukey 2-0-4, N. Slowikowski 4-0-8, Artes, Pelkey

Lee Acad. (1-7) 72

Severance 9-1-20, Carpenter 5-4-16, J. Ham 6-2-14, Mallett 3-1-7, Pickering 4-1-9, Thurlow 0-1-1, A. Ham 0-2-2, Dow 1-0-2, Worster 0-1-1, Rideout, Thompson, House

3-pt. goals: Doyon 2; Severance, Carpenter 2

Penobscot Valley 17 28 43 60

Lee Acad. 19 27 49 72

JV: Lee 57-54 (OT)

Dexter 77, Central 66

At Dexter, Travis Patterson scored 13 of his game-high 29 points in the third quarter as Dexter erased a four-point deficit by outscoring Central 26-10.

Patterson also hauled down 10 rebounds to complement his 29 points. Dustin Paige finished with 19 points, Erik Cooley scored 13 and Cody Roach contributed nine points and 10 rebounds.

Joey Kane’s 15 points; Seth Strout’s 13 and 10 apiece from Jason Allen and Matt Libby paced Central.

Central (1-9) 66

Logue 1-0-2, S. Strout 5-3-13, J. Allen 4-2-10, T. Strout 1-0-2, Kane 4-7-15, A. Allen 2-0-4, Gray, Libby 3-3-10, Rollins 2-2-6, M. Strout 2-0-4

Dexter (6-2) 77

Martin, Patterson 9-10-29, Towle, Cooley 2-9-13, Russell, Hersey 0-1-1, Mountain 1-2-4, Vafiades, Paige 7-5-19, Roach 2-5-9

3-pt. goals: Libby; Patterson

Central 11 32 42 66

Dexter 9 28 54 77

JV: Dexter 57-32

Brewer 54, Old Town 48

At Old Town, Chad Gomm, J.T. Breindel and Jon Bell scored 11 points apiece as the Witches prevailed.

Matt Sargent added 10 more for Brewer.

Shawn Kenniston scored 22 points and Ryan Brown netted 10 for the Indians.

Brewer (6-1) 54

Gomm 4-3-11, Breindel 3-5-11, Bell 4-1-11, Matt Sargent 4-1-10, Drillen 3-0-6, Doucette 1-0-3, Bouzan-Kaloustian, Bernier 0-2-2

Old Town (1-6) 48

Kenniston 7-7-22, Brown 4-2-10, Tewhey 2-2-6, Emerson 1-2-5, Reardon 1-0-2, Petrie, Tracewski 0-3-3, King

3-pt. goals: Bell 2; Emerson

Brewer 15 28 43 54

Old Town 13 21 34 48

JV: Old Town 51-50

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