Shaw sparks Hawks Late layup turns back Caribou

HERMON – Wayne Shaw hit a layup in the final seconds to put Hermon in the lead and give the Hawks a 50-48 boys basketball win Tuesday night. Shaw finished with 15 points, and Joey Schacht contributed with 14 for Hermon. Joel…
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HERMON – Wayne Shaw hit a layup in the final seconds to put Hermon in the lead and give the Hawks a 50-48 boys basketball win Tuesday night.

Shaw finished with 15 points, and Joey Schacht contributed with 14 for Hermon.

Joel Griffeth led Caribou with 17 points while Tyler Giles added 13.

Caribou (8-8) 48

Nadeau 3-0-9, Chasse 1-0-2, Griffeth 6-5-17, Cyr 2-1-5, Peterson 1-0-2, Giles 6-1-13, St. Peter, Levasseur

Hermon (6-9) 50

Schacht 5-3-14, Ouellette 2-2-7, Shaw 5-3-15, Porter 4-0-8, King 3-0-6, Robinson, McLeod, Ouellette Watson

3-pt. goals: Nadeau 3; Shaw 2, Schacht

Caribou 11 22 33 48

Hermon 15 26 41 50

JV: Hermon 68-52

Bangor 52, Ellsworth 26

At Bangor’s Red Barry Gym, Buddy Nickerson scored 13 points and Zak Ray and Nick Achorn combined for 17 more as the Rams triumphed.

Bangor jumped out to a 13-2 lead after the first eight minutes and upped the lead to 17 at the half.

Jake King’s nine points paced Ellsworth.

Ellsworth (7-9) 26

King 4-1-9, Mayo, DeWitt, Luchini 2-0-4, Bradford, Smith 0-4-4, Wood 0-2-2, Sawyer 0-1-1, Morse 2-0-4, McMillan 1-0-2

Bangor (10-2) 52

Rambo 1-1-3, Achorn 3-0-8, Ray 4-1-9, Gallant 1-2-4, Dowe 1-0-2, Bombardier 1-0-2, Prentiss, Nickerson 4-1-13, Civiello 2-1-5, K. Flynn, Sutcliffe, R. Flynn 1-0-2, Guerette, Shain 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Nickerson 4, Achorn 2

Ellsworth 2 7 14 26

Bangor 13 24 41 52

Foxcroft 71, Central 46

At Foxcroft, Danny White poured in 25 points to lead the Ponies to the win.

Josh Withee scored 13 for Foxcroft, Ty Kennedy had 11, and Matt Carey chipped in with 10.

Seth Strout and Mike Rollins each scored 10 points for Central of Corinth.

Central (2-15) 46

S. Strout 4-2-10, Rollins 4-1-10, Joe Allen 2-0-5, Jason Allen 3-0-7, Kane 1-5-7, A. Allen 0-1-1, Partridge 0-1-1, Libby 1-2-5, Logue, T. Strout, M. Strout, Gray

Foxcroft (7-9) 71

White 6-10-25, Withee 5-1-13, Ty Kennedy 3-5-11, Carey 5-0-10, Robinson 1-0-2, Lizotte 3-0-6, Imbert 1-0-2, Hall 1-0-2, Croan, Gosslin, Perry

3-pt. goals: Rollins, Libby; White 3, Withee 2

Central 13 22 38 46

Foxcroft 14 37 52 71

JV: Foxcroft 65-43

Lee 64, Woodland 49

At Lee, the Pandas found the range on their long shots, hitting seven 3-pointers in the first half as they pulled away.

Frank Carpenter and Ty Thurlow each posted a dozen points to pace the Pandas, who ended up making 10 3-pointers in the game.

Frank Severance led Lee the rebounders with 10.

Kevin Worster topped the Dragons with a game-high 17 points.

Woodland (3-12) 49

Worster 8-0-17, McCoubrey 2-3-7, Nicholson 3-0-6, Cross 2-0-4, Scott 2-0-4, Williams 2-0-4, Smith 1-0-2, Roussel 1-0-2, Potter 0-1-1, Moody 0-1-1, Gillespie 0-1-1, Knowles, Sabattus, Kochendoefer, Tupper

Lee (3-12) 64

Carpenter 5-1-12, Thurlow 5-0-12, Severance 1-2-4, Thompson 3-0-8, J. Ham 3-0-8, Worster 3-0-7, Dow 2-0-6, Mallett 0-3-3, Pickering 1-0-2, Currie 1-0-2, Rideout, A. Ham

3-pt. goals: Worster; Thurlow 2, Thompson 2, J. Ham 2, Dow 2, Carpenter, Worster

Woodland 8 23 35 49

Lee 19 36 51 64

JV: Woodland 64-49

Calais 72, Mattanawcook 58

At Lincoln, James Provencher scored 11 of his 21 points to spark Calais’ 25-14 first quarter en route to the victory.

Joe Footer paced the winners with 22 points and 13 rebounds, and Andy Frost added 15 points.

Matt Malone and Jon Carney each scored 18 points to lead the Lynx while Carney grabbed 12 rebounds.

Calais (16-1) 72

Morrell 2-3-7, Provencher 7-4-21, McLean, Frost 6-3-15, Woodside 2-1-5, Footer 9-4-22, LaPointe 0-2-2

Mattanawcook (10-6) 58

LaPlante, Kites 0-1-1, Pete 3-2-8, Cosineau 2-1-5, Malone 7-3-18, Libbey 4-0-8, Carney 9-0-18

3-pt. goals: Provencher 3; Malone 2

Calais 25 35 51 72

Mattanawcook 14 20 41 58

Brewer 71, MDI 48

At Brewer, Jon Bell scored 10 of his 14 points in the first half as Brewer took a 30-18 lead into the intermission and pulled away in the second half.

Chad Gomm also had 14 points for the winners while Isaac Bell accounted for eight more.

Ryan Colbeth’s 12 points and eight apiece from Eric Staples and Brandon Colbeth led MDI.

MDI (4-12) 48

Jones 1-2-4, Dargis 0-1-1, Staples 4-0-8, Dow 0-2-2, Suvlu 1-1-3, B. Colbeth 2-4-8, O’Connell 1-0-2, Fellis 2-0-4, Stratton 1-2-4, R. Colbeth 6-0-12

Brewer (9-3) 71

Bernier 3-0-7, Sargent 3-0-7, Bouzan-Kaloustian 2-1-6, Doucette 1-0-2, J. Bell 5-1-14, I. Bell 2-2-8, Drillen 2-1-5, Breindel 3-0-6, King 1-0-2, Gomm 6-2-14, Stewart, Griffin, Rohn, Caver

3-pt. goals: J. Bell 3, I. Bell 2, Bouzan-Kaloustian, Bernier, Sargent

MDI 10 18 33 48

Brewer 18 30 49 71

JV: Brewer 45-40

Old Town 46, Orono 44

At Orono, Sean Kenniston scored 19 points and hit two free throws with three seconds remaining in the game to put Old Town in the lead and give them the win.

Kevin Emerson contributed with 15 points for the Indians.

Nick Heitman led Orono with 11 points while John Saucier grabbed 13 rebounds and had seven blocks.

Old Town (4-9) 46

Kenniston 5-4-19, Emerson 5-1-15, Petrie 1-0-2, Brown 2-3-7, Miller 1-1-3, Tracewski, Tewhey

Orono (6-10) 44

J. Miller 2-0-5, Heitman 3-2-11, Perron 2-1-5, Sinclair 2-1-5, Socoby 2-0-5, White 2-3-7, Saucier 3-0-6, B. Miller

3-pt. goals: Kenniston 5, Emerson 4; Heitman 3, J. Miller, Socoby

Old Town 6 18 35 46

Orono 11 21 30 44

JV: Old Town 57-49

Camden Hills 83, Rockland 49

At Rockport, Troy Gabriele nailed nine 3-pointers and finished with 31 points to lead the Windjammers past the Tigers.

Tyler Warren chipped in with 11 points for the winners while Sam May and Tim Stammen each had 10.

Casey Kenniston paced the Tigers with 19 points.

Rockland (8-8) 49

Gushee, Oliver 0-6-6, Worster, Hynes, Curtis 2-0-4, LaBree 0-2-2, Baker 0-2-2, Kenniston 6-7-19, Brown 0-2-2, Ross 2-0-4, Williams, Widdecomb 4-0-8, Creamer 1-0-2

Camden Hills (15-1) 83

Davis 1-2-4, Crupi, May 4-0-10, Gabriele 11-0-31, Moro 2-3-9, Wood, T. Stammen 4-2-10, G. Stammen, Warren 4-3-11, Fitzgerald 0-1-1, O’Brien 1-0-2, W. Dennen, T. Dennen 0-1-1, Lippman 1-0-2, Massey 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: May 2, Gabriele 9, Moro 2

Rockland 15 26 41 49

Camden Hills 25 44 59 83

JV: Rockland 56-43

East Grand 83, Islesboro 46

At the YMCA in Old Town, the Vikings outscored the Eagles 25-7 in the second quarter to pull away.

James Godley headed a list of four double-figure scorers for East Grand of Danforth with 24 points. Rhett Mortland tossed in 15, while Jim Zugelder and Eric Hanington added 10 each.

Rory Diffin paced Islesboro with 19 points, 15 rebounds and five blocked shots. Jon Bolduc netted 12 points.

East Grand (15-2) 83

Zugelder 4-2-10, Byers 2-1-5, Shain 1-1-3, Godley 10-4-24, Mortland 7-1-15, Parker 2-2-6, E. Hanington 3-4-10, Preston 2-0-4, Irish 1-0-2, Scott 1-0-2, M. Hanington 1-0-2, Gray

Islesboro (8-9) 46

Bolduc 5-0-12, Zlotkowski 1-0-2, Kerr 3-0-6, Grindle 2-1-5, Thomas 1-0-2, Diffin 8-3-19, Roberts, Gorham

3-pt. goals: Bolduc 2

East Grand 22 47 65 83

Islesboro 16 23 29 46

MCI 53, Mount View 39

At Pittsfield, Andrew St. Clair and Derek Saunders scored six points apiece in the fourth quarter as Maine Central Institute gradually extended a two-point lead it held after three periods.

St. Clair finished with a game-high 17 points and Saunders added 15.

Roy Goodale’s 11 points and Anthony Greenlaw’s eight led Mount View of Thorndike.

Mount View (9-7) 39

Krueger 3-0-7, Miles, Elwell, Crichton, R. Goodale 4-3-11, McCorrison, Spaulding, Flewelling 2-0-4, Greenlaw 4-0-8, Higgins, C. Goodale 1-3-5, Philbrook 0-1-1

MCI (12-4) 53

Arakaki 1-2-4, Asato 3-0-6, Bennett, McGowan, St. Clair 8-1-17, Vad 1-0-2, Bedford 2-2-6, Miyako 1-1-3, Saunders 6-3-15, Godfrey

3-pt. goals: Krueger, McCorrison

Mount View 7 24 32 39

MCI 7 20 34 53

JV: MCI 58-47

DI-Stonington 75, Searsport 55

At Searsport, Chris Gross scored 10 of his 16 points in the final quarter as the Mariners turned back the Vikings.

Josh Bolton poured in 28 points, including 16 in the second quarter, for Deer Isle-Stonington, and Roger Hardy added 11.

Jake Manner led Searsport with 15 points, and Josh McFarlin had 13.

Deer Isle-Stonington (5-10) 75

Hardy 5-1-11, Wallace 1-0-2, Bolton 11-5-28, Smith 1-2-4, C. Gray 2-3-7, Gross 6-4-16, Trundy 0-1-1, B. Gray 0-4-4, Douglass, Gielarous, Ciomei 1-0-2

Searsport (2-14) 55

McFarlin 4-4-13, Manner 3-9-15, A. Lockhart 2-0-4, Weaver 2-4-8, Grove 2-0-4, Mercer, Mercier 1-3-5, Garton, Quisenberry 3-0-6, K. Lockhart

3-pt. goals: Bolton; McFarlin

DI-Stonington 14 37 47 75

Searsport 8 25 40 55

JV: Searsport 55-48

Girls basketball

Bangor 59, Bucksport 26

At Bucksport, Erinne Magee scored 17 points to help the Rams beat the Golden Bucks.

Laura Clarke netted 10 points for Bangor, while Marissa McLeod and Katherine Miller added nine each.

Jana Richards paced Bucksport with eight points.

Bangor (9-3) 59

Magee 8-1-17, Clarke 5-0-10, McLeod 3-2-9, Miller 3-3-9, McCrum 1-2-5, Russell 1-0-2, Johnson, Hayden, Woodcock 1-0-3, Robertson 0-2-2, L’Italien 1-0-2, Chase

Bucksport (2-13) 26

Ja. Richards 3-1-8, Andrews, Ji. Richards, Pappas, Craig, Gordon 1-4-6, Taylor 2-0-4, Sawyer, Carmichael 2-0-4, Carter 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: McLeod, McCrum, Woodcock; Ja. Richards

Bangor 10 19 44 59

Bucksport 2 9 19 26

JV: Bangor 46-25

Central 69, Foxcroft 32

At Corinth, Katie Ahearn scored nine points in the first quarter and Jenny Rollins added six as the Red Devils bolted to an early lead and cruised to the win.

Ahearn poured in 29 points for the game, and Rollins had 17.

Casey Snow topped the Ponies with eight points.

Foxcroft (2-14) 32

Snow 3-0-8, Haskell 3-0-6, Cartwright 2-0-4, Hall 2-0-4, Dow 2-0-4, Jackins 1-0-2, Ryder 1-0-2, Goggin 1-0-2, Stone, Curry

Central (7-9) 69

Ahearn 9-11-29, Rollins 8-1-17, Davis 4-0-8, Collins 2-0-4, Daniel 1-2-4, Bell 1-2-4, Parker 1-0-2, Lyford 0-1-1, Brown, Griffiths

3-pt. goals: Snow 2

Foxcroft 7 16 22 32

Central 18 30 50 69

JV: Central 37-32

Hampden 72, John Bapst 29

At Hampden, Megan Magoon popped in 16 points to pace the Broncos past the Crusaders.

Emmy Russell and Kaitlin McBee added eight points each for Hampden.

Julie Crotty, Meghan Sekera, Sara Miller, and Stacy Allen each had five for John Bapst of Bangor.

John Bapst (2-10) 29

Crotty 2-1-5, Sekera 1-2-5, Miller 2-1-5, Allen 1-3-5, Sturgeon 1-2-4, Yeo, Andrle 0-1-1, Mitchell-Storer, Zitaner 1-0-2, Hunter, Ryder, Ginn, Picard 1-0-2

Hampden (11-2) 72

Magoon 7-0-16, Webb 1-0-2, Shaw 2-2-7, Caron 0-2-2, Littlefield 1-0-2, Wilson, Campbell 3-0-6, Bragg 2-2-6, Martin 1-0-2, Russell 3-2-8, Robinson 0-4-4, Spaulding 1-0-2, Ireland 2-0-4, Hessert 2-0-4, McBee 2-4-8

3-pt. goals: Sekera; Magoon 2, Shaw

John Bapst 5 11 19 29

Hampden 15 29 52 72

Calais 72, Mattanawcook 30

At Lincoln, three Blue Devils scored in double figures as Calais remained unbeaten with the win over the Lynx.

Lana Martin had 16 points while Katie Frost scored 13 points and Crystal Smith tossed in 12 for Calais.

Codi Slike had 10 points for Mattanawcook Academy.

Calais (15-0) 72

Smith 1-0-2, Smith 4-4-12, Martin 7-2-16, N. Feck 4-0-9, O’Brien 1-0-2, D. Feck, Welch, Frost 4-4-13, McGinley, Smith 1-0-2, Mahan, Drew 4-1-9

Mattanawcook (5-10) 30

Pietras, Harvey 1-0-2, Cousineau 1-0-2, Littlefield 2-0-4, Shorey 2-0-4, Gulesian, Reed 1-2-4, Woodman, Slike 4-2-10, Sochulak, Keegan, Head 2-0-4, McKinnon

3-pt. goals: N. Feck, Frost

Calais 15 39 63 72

Mattanawcook 8 15 17 30

Lubec 60, Highview Christian 24

At Eastern Maine Technical College in Bangor, Leeann Pike’s 14 points paced the Hornets to victory.

Meghan Day scored 11 points and Breanne McPherson added nine for Lubec.

Sarah Lewis led Highview Christian Academy of Charleston with seven points.

Lubec (7-8) 60

N. Day 1-1-3, Lavalley 3-1-7, Matthews 1-0-2, S. McPherson 2-0-4, Pike 6-2-14, B. McPherson 4-1-9, Flynn 1-1-3, Seavey, Newman 3-0-7, M. Day 4-2-11

Highview Christian (2-10) 24

Plourde, Scott 2-0-4, Day, Lewis 3-0-7, Cooper, Long01-1, Cary 3-0-6, Pereira 2-2-6, Crooker

3-pt. goals: Newman; Lewis

Lubec 18 33 54 60

Highview Christian 4 8 14 24

Nokomis 55, Ellsworth 35

At Newport, Danielle Clark scored 20 points, pulled down 10 rebounds, and had five steals to help lead the Warriors to victory.

Michelle Murray added 12 points for Nokomis, while Lindsey Welch chipped in with 11.

Jodi Merchant was top scorer for Ellsworth with 14 points.

Ellsworth (9-8) 35

Chan 1-0-2, Silsby 0-1-1, Patten 2-1-6, Merchant 5-3-14, Pelletier 1-0-2, Oleson 4-1-9, Tripp 0-1-1, Eaton, Kimball, Collins, Bickford, Page

Nokomis (11-2) 55

Welch 4-0-11, Murray 4-2-12, Snow 1-3-5, Paradis 1-1-3, Merrow 1-0-2, Lowe 0-2-2, Clark 7-6-20, J. Gould, K. Gould, MacKenzie, Perry

3-pt. goals: Merchant; Welch 3, Murray 2

Ellsworth 15 24 31 35

Nokomis 13 28 43 55

JV: Ellsworth 46-43

Belfast 46, Lincoln Academy 38

At Belfast, Ashley Bryant and Kate Ross combined for 11 third-quarter points as Belfast outscored Lincoln Academy of Newcastle 18-6 to transform a two-point halftime lead into a 14-point bulge.

Bryant finished with 15 points.

Justine Flagg’s nine points led Lincoln Academy.

Lincoln Academy (5-11) 38

Gaeth, Wyman, Flagg 4-0-9, Hagar 2-3-7, Mara 3-1-7, Hope 2-2-6, Lane 2-0-4, Allen 1-1-3, York 1-0-3

Belfast (10-6) 46

Crandell 3-0-6, A. Bryant 7-0-15, L. Bryant 1-0-2, Groening 1-0-2, Brown, Ross 2-0-5, Murphy 2-2-6, Ellis 1-1-4, Bailey 1-0-2, Mehuren 2-0-4

3-pt. goals: Flagg; A. Bryant, Ross, Ellis

Lincoln Academy 6 15 21 38

Belfast 7 17 35 46

JV: Belfast 48-38


Foxcroft 7, Old Town 4

At Bangor’s Sawyer Arena, Derek Smith scored both of his goals in the first period and Hunter Wilbur scored one of his two as the Ponies took a 3-1 lead into the first intermission and never trailed.

Mike Freese and Corey Beaulieu had a goal and two assists apiece for 3-10 Foxcroft and Brandon Johnson had the other goal. Ryan McNulty had a pair of assists, Josh Sands had one, and Dan Perkins kicked out 19 shots.

Josh Buzzell, Nick Buck, Josh Fournier, and Meghan King scored for 2-10 Old Town with Fournier, Mike Perkins, Mike Millett, and Brad Goody notching an assist apiece. J.P. Stowe finished with 22 saves.

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