September 23, 2024

Central girls knock off Searsport 58-54 MDI, Lions, Ellsworth, Stearns win

SEARSPORT – Jenny Rollins scored a game-high 22 points as the No. 6 Central Red Devils stunned the No. 3 Searsport Vikings 58-54 in a Class C girls basketball playoff Tuesday night.

The Red Devils of Corinth outscored the Vikings 32-4 from the free throw line. Searsport had won their two regular season meetings.

Central was 32-for-40 from the foul line, including 12-for-16 in the fourth quarter, and Searsport went 4-for-8.

Casey Davis scored 10 points and Nicole Daniel and Shawna Bell combined for 17 more.

Jessica Plourde’s 20 points, Lura Carroll’s 13 and Holly Gracie’s nine paced Searsport.

Central (9-10) 58

Collins, Davis 2-5-10, Rollins 3-16-22, Daniel 2-5-9, Bell 2-3-8, Ahearn 2-3-7, Parker 1-0-2

Searsport (14-5) 54

Gracie 4-0-9, Smith 3-0-7, Wilson, Webster, Seekins, Plourde 10-0-20, Shute, Hall, Carroll 5-3-13, Vasiliauskas 2-1-5

3-pt. goals: Davis, Bell; Gracie, Smith

Central 6 21 39 58

Searsport 6 20 40 54

Class B

Houlton 73, Bucksport 39

At Houlton, senior Hannah Sacoby scored the 1,000th point of her career as the Shiretowners cruised past the Golden Bucks.

Socoby finished the game with 20 points while Kasey Cleary connected on four 3-pointers and had 14 points while Nichole Botting added 10 for the Houlton.

Jessica Taylor topped Bucksport with 10 points.

Bucksport (2-17) 39

Taylor 4-1-10, Ja. Richards 0-3-3, Ji. Richards, Andrews 3-0-9, Craig 1-1-3, Gordon 2-4-8, Sawyer 0-2-2, Carter 2-0-4, Pappas, J. Murauckas, Carmichael

Houlton (15-4) 73

Socoboy 7-6-20, Cleary 5-0-14, Botting 5-0-10, Guy 1-0-2, Beasley 4-1-9, Goodrich 2-0-6, Thompson 1-0-2, Brown 1-0-2, Cole 3-0-6, Lenentine 1-0-2, Peters, Henderson

3-pt. goals: Andrews 3, Taylor; Cleary 4, Goodrich 2

Bucksport 10 20 31 39

Houlton 7 28 54 73

MDI 70, Foxcroft 31

At Mount Desert, Bracey Barker poured in 25 points for the No. 1-ranked Trojans in a Northeastern Class B preliminary.

Shelley Gott contributed with 13 points for MDI.

Leigh Cartwright was top scorer for No. 8 Foxcroft with nine points.

Mount Desert Island (18-1) 70

Barker 11-3-25, Gott 6-0-13, Joy 4-0-8, Willson 1-3-5, Gordius 2-0-4, Joseph 2-0-4, Kane 2-0-4, Norwood 1-0-3, Goff 1-0-2, Horton 0-2-2, Boisvert, McGarr, Young, Stanley

Foxcroft (3-16) 31

Cartwright 4-1-9, Jackins 2-1-5, Dow 2-0-4, Hall 1-0-3, Goggin 0-3-3, Snow 1-0-2, Haskell 0-2-2, Curry 0-1-1, Ryder 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Hall; Gott, Norwood

Foxcroft 9 11 17 31

MDI 34 44 56 70

Caribou 52, Fort Kent 27

At Caribou, Jessica Cyr scored 17 points to help lead the No. 3 Vikings to victory.

Lauren Harrigan chipped in with 16 points for Caribou.

Mindy Morneault led Fort Kent with eight points.

Fort Kent (5-14) 27

Nadeau 1-1-3, Cyr 1-2-4, Pelletier 2-0-5, Morneault 4-0-8, Kelly1-0-2, Sacier 0-1-1, Bouchers 2-0-4, Labbe, Minzy, Desjardins, Daigle, Hartman

Caribou (4-10) 52

Bouchard 3-0-6, Harrigan 6-0-16, Ouellette 1-0-2, Cyr 7-0-17, Drew 2-1-5, Sleander 2-0-4, Collins 1-0-2, Burlock, Willey, Philbrick, Walker

3-pt. goals: Pelletier; Harrigan 4, Cyr 3

Fort Kent 11 17 19 27

Caribou 14 27 48 52

Ellsworth 42, Orono 37

At Ellsworth, Ashley Oleson led the No. 4 Eagles with 12 points.

Jessica Wagner was top scorer for No. 5 Orono with 18 points.

Orono (9-10) 37

Dupere 3-2-8, Reed 0-1-1, Wagner 5-8-18, Lint 4-0-8, Saucier 1-0-2, Glencross, See, Alford, Gray

Ellsworth (11-8) 42

Chan 2-3-8, Patten 3-2-8, Merchant 3-1-8, Oleson 1-10-12, Oage 1-0-2, Silsby 0-4-4, Eaton, Collins

3-pt. goals: Chan

Orono 4 18 23 37

Ellsworth 10 21 29 42

Belfast 54, Mount View 46

At Belfast, Ashley Bryant netted 20 points to lead the No. 4 Lions to the win over No. 5 Mount View.

Danielle Mayer scored 16 points for the Mustangs while Heather Carter had 12 and Amy Miles added 10.

Mount View (8-11) 46

Mayer 5-5-16, Hunter 2-0-4, Miles 5-0-10, Swanson 1-0-2, Carter 4-4-12, Drummond 1-0-2, Barnard, York

Belfast (11-8) 54

A. Bryan 5-4-20, L. Bryant 0-1-1, Groening 0-1-1, Brown 3-0-8, Ross 1-0-2, Murphy 2-2-6, Ellis 0-4-4, Bailey 3-2-8, Mehuren 2-0-4, Crandall

3-pt. goals: Mayer

Mount View 14 20 34 46

Belfast 10 24 35 54

Class C

Madawaska 66, Schenck 26

At Madawaska, Kristine Cyr netted 23 points to lead the No. 2 Owls to victory in the Northeastern Class C preliminary.

Kay Gerard contributed with 12 points for Madawaska.

Elizabeth Knight led No. 7 Schenck with 11 points.

Schenck (2-17) 26

Knight 4-0-11, Farrington 1-0-2, Duprey 1-1-3, Carey 1-0-2, Chasse 3-2-8, Bishop, Jarmark, Day, King, Sprague

Madawaska (13-6) 66

Cyr 10-3-23, Gerard 3-6-12, Martin 3-0-6, Plourde 2-0-4, Desjardins 0-2-2, Marshall 2-1-5, Morneault 1-1-3, Dube 0-2-2, Lavertu 2-5-9, C. Cyr, Daigle, Voter

3-pt. goals: Knight 3

Schenck 5 12 16 26

Madawaska 15 27 55 66

Hodgdon 52, Penobscot Valley 45

At Hodgdon, Amanda Fitzpatrick and Erin Foster each scored 12 points to help lead the No. 4 Hawks to the win.

Shanna McGary contributed with 10 points for Hodgdon.

Meagan Cyr led No. 5 Penobscot Valley with 24 points.

Penobscot Valley (6-13) 45

Drost 1-3-5, Cyr 9-3-24, McGinn 2-3-7, Young 4-1-9, Colbath, Garland, Hallett, Snape, Brown

Hodgdon (5-14) 52

Quint 1-0-3, McGary 4-2-10, K. Sloat 1-2-4, Fitzpatrick 3-4-12, Foster 5-2-12, Nightingale 0-2-2, Dwyer 4-1-9, A. Sloat, Tidd, Wilson

3-pt. goals: Visitor; Home

Penobscot Valley 13 20 31 45

Hodgdon 10 26 35 52

Stearns 72, Mattanawcook 27

At Millinocket, the Minutemen outscored the Lynx 22-3 in the second quarter en route to a place in the Class C quarterfinals.

Leslie Osoborne led Stearns with 19 points. Candice Achorn tossed in 10.

Ali Keegan led Mattanawcook Academy of Lincoln with five points.

Mattanawcook (5-14) 27

Pietras 1-0-2, Harvey 2-0-4, Shorey 1-0-2, Gulesian 0-2-2, Reed 0-1-1, Woodman 1-1-4, Slike 1-1-3, Keegan 2-1-5, Head 2-0-4, McKinnon, Littlefield, Cousineau

Stearns (13-6) 72

Osborne 7-4-19, Achorn 5-0-10, Raymond 4-0-8, MacDonald 2-2-6, K. Nason 3-0-6, Legassey 2-0-5, Fitzgerald 1-0-2, J. Osborne 1-0-2, MacKenzie 3-0-7, Boynton 1-2-4, J. Nason 1-1-3, Michaud, Saucier, Rideout

3-pt. goals: Woodman; Legassey, MacKenzie, Osborne

Mattanawcook 7 10 18 27

Stearns 11 33 52 72

Dexter 81, Washington Academy 33

At Dexter, Ashley Ames scored a game-high 18 points and grabbed 15 rebounds and Kristy Veazie contributed 17 points, 12 rebounds, five assists and five steals to pace Dexter.

Ashley Foster scored 11 points for the winners, who jumped out to a 26-12 lead after the first quarter thanks to Ames’ nine points.

Emily Mawhinney’s 11 points paced Washington Academy.

Washington Academy (7-12) 33

A. Govoni 2-2-6, Holmes, Mawhinney 4-1-11, Porter, Gaddis 3-0-6, Livingstone 1-0-3, Almendinger, Stauffer 0-2-2, L. Govoni 1-0-3, Smith, Ashby 1-0-2, Farren

Dexter (18-1) 81

B. Veazie 3-2-8, K. Veazie 5-4-17, Haiko 2-1-6, Palmer, Fogarty 1-0-2, Koscielny, S. Turner, Nelson 2-0-5, Chapman, Pullen 1-5-7, L. Turner, Foster 5-1-11, Ames 8-2-18

3-pt. goals: Mawhinney 2, L. Govoni, Livingstone; K. Veazie 3, Haiko, Nelson, Patterson

Washington Acad. 12 16 23 33

Dexter 26 48 67 81

Calais 72, Sumner 26

At Calais, the No. 1 Blue Devils raced to a 20-3 lead at the end of the first quarter en route to the win over the No. 8 Tigers of East Sullivan.

Lanna Martin scored 17 points to lead Calais and Katie Frost added 12.

Brittany Dunbar paced Sumner with 10 points.

Calais (18-1) 72

L. Martin 7-2-17, Frost 5-2-12, C. Martin 3-0-6, N. Feck 3-1-9, O’Brien 4-0-8, D. Feck 2-0-6, Welch 1-0-2, McGinley 1-0-2, Best 2-0-4, Drew 3-0-6, E. Smith, Eagan, K. Smith, Leon

Sumner (1-16) 25

Dunbar 4-1-10, Beattie 1-2-4, Page 0-3-3, Briscoe 1-0-2, Klausmeyer 3-1-7, Philio, Alley

3-pt. goals: Dunbar; L. Martin, N. Feck 2, D. Feck 2

Sumner 3 6 12 26

Calais 20 37 59 72

Narraguagus 58, George Stevens 41

At Harrington, Sarah Snider scored 18 points and had eight assists as No. 4 Narraguagus defeated No. 5 George Stevens Academy.

Linny Barbee, Missy Barbee and Shelby Howe each scored 11 points for the Knights.

Michala Bunton led GSA with 13 points and 11 rebounds.

George Stevens Academy (7-12) 41

Bunton 6-1-13, Clapp 4-2-12, Allen 2-0-6, Markle 2-0-4, Driscoll 1-0-2, Bowden 1-0-2, Haskell 1-0-2, Kiniston, Roberts, Youcis

Narraguagus (15-4) 85

Snider 4-9-18, L. Barbee 5-0-11, M. Barbee 5-1-11, Howe 4-3-11, Punder 1-1-3, Woodsum 1-0-2, Teenan 1-0-2, Strout, Tenney, Sawyer, Grant, Torrey

3-pt. goals: Clapp 2, Allen 2; Snider, Barbee

GSA 6 25 32 41

Narraguagus 15 29 41 58

Class D

Limestone 47, Katahdin 33

At Limestone, Traci Weatherhead scored 19 points as the No. 3 Eagles defeated the No. 6 Cougars in a Northeastern Class D prelim game.

Ashley Brooker had 11 points for Limestone/Maine School of Science and Mathematics, while Nikki Michaud added 10.

K.C. Duffy-Stanley led Katahdin with 10 points.

Katahdin (11-9) 33

Green 1-0-2, Violette 4-0-9, Duffy-Stanley 4-2-10, S. McAvoy 0-1-1, McCarthy 3-1-7, Qualey 2-0-4, McMoarn, Martin, Anderson, K. McAvoy

Limestone (15-4) 47

St. Pierre 2-1-7, Brooker 4-2-11, Michaud 5-0-10, Weatherhead 4-11-10, Beaulieu, Stackhous, Bickford, Beaton

3-pt. goals: Violette; St. Pierre 2, Brooker

Katahdin 9 16 25 33

Limestone 3 18 32 47

East Grand 61, Jonesport-Beals 59

At Jonesport, Amanda Godley poured in a game-high 32 points as East Grand built a six-point lead after three quarters and held on.

Marie Gilman contributed 15 points and Tabbatha Osnoe had nine.

Katie Griffin’s 19 points, Jody Pinkham’s 15 and Ashten Smith’s 12 led Jonesport-Beals.

East Grand (8-11) 61

M. Gilman 6-2-15, C. Gilman 1-0-2, Godley 12-8-32, Hanington, Page 0-1-1, Zaneldin 1-0-3, T. Osnoe 4-1-9, Shay

Jonesport-Beals (9-10) 59

Pinkham 4-5-15, Woodward 2-0-4, Griffin 8-3-19, Look 1-0-2, Smith 5-2-12, Chandler 2-1-5, Carver 1-0-2, Beal

3-pt. goals: M. Gilman, Zaneldin; Pinkham 2

East Grand 8 27 43 61

Jonesport-Beals 10 23 37 59

Shead 57, Deer Isle-Stonington 41

At Eastport, Samantha Davis and Kristen Beaulieu each netted 20 points to carry No. 3 Shead past No. 6 Deer Isle-Stonington.

Jenna Eaton led the Mariners with 12 points.

DI-Stonington (7-12) 41

Eaton 4-3-12, Oliver 2-0-5, Fifield 1-0-2, Hutchinson 0-2-2, Bray 3-1-7, Wiberg 3-1-7, Brewer 3-0-6, M. McDonnell, K. McDonnell

Shead (11-8) 57

McPhail 1-0-2, Richardson 4-0-8, Bowen 1-0-2, Davis 8-0-20, Beaulieu 9-2-20, N. Bouchard 0-1-1, Lingley 1-2-4, Mitchell, Ingersoll, V. Bouchard, Constant

3-pt. goals: Eaton, Oliver; Davis 4; Davis 4

Deer Isle-Stonington 10 21 31 41

Shead 9 24 41 57

So. Aroostook 64, Cen. Aroostook 53

At Dyer Brook, the Warriors had balanced scoring with four players in double figures in their Class D win over the Panthers.

Kristi Brooker led Southern Aroostook with 17 points. Olivia McGary tossed in while Mindy Watson added 11 and Nicki Lyons connected for 10 points.

Lindsay Michaud topped all scorers with 24 points for Central Aroostook of Mars Hill.

Central Aroostook (12-8) 53

Michaud 8-7-24, Smith 3-3-9, Caron, Barton, Robinson 4-1-9, McCrum 3-0-7, Fletcher 2-0-4, Carvell, Gosselin

Southern Aroostook (14-5) 64

Brooker 4-8-17, McGary 4-4-12, Watson 5-0-11, Lyons 4-2-10, Hartin 3-0-6, Hardy 3-0-6, Crandall 1-2-4, Toothaker, Violette, Hersey, L. McGary

3-pt. goals: McCrum, Michaud; Brooker, Watson

Central Aroostook 7 23 40 53

Southern Aroostook 14 38 52 64

Van Buren 55, Washburn 37

At Van Buren, Nicole Corbin scored 24 points to lead No. 7 Van Buren by No. 7 Washburn.

Danielle Gagnon chipped in with 19 points and eight rebounds for the winners and Michelle Parent grabbed 11 rebounds and blocked three shots.

Amber Blakney paced Washburn with 16 points and Carrie McLaughlin netted nine.

Washburn (11-9) 37

Blakney 4-6-16, C. McLaughlin 3-0-9, N. McLaughlin 1-0-3, L. Maynard 2-2-7, Campbell 1-0-2, Carter, Obar, Howe, C. Maynard, Snyder, McIntosh

Van Buren (15-3) 55

Corbin 10-2-24, D. Gagnon 9-1-19, Parent 2-3-7, Hews 1-0-2, Doucette 1-0-2, Beckwith 0-1-1, T. Gagnon, Caron, Cyr

3-pt. goals: Blakney 2, C. McLaughlin 3, L. Maynard; Corbin 2

Washburn 6 13 20 37

Van Buren 12 30 44 55

Lee 70, Fort Fairfield 37

At Lee, Deidra Ham and Katie Harris scored 12 points apiece as No. 1 Lee Academy eliminated No. 8 Fort Fairfield.

Ham also dished out six assists.

Shelby Pickering contributed 10 points and 11 rebounds; Melissa Hanscom had nine points; Kristin Hersom grabbed 10 rebounds and Ashley Linscott had five steals for the winners.

Danielle Searles’ game-high 18 points and Maranda Butler’s nine led Fort Fairfield.

Fort Fairfield (10-10) 37

Enman, Beaulieau, Gardner 2-0-4, S. Butler 0-1-1, M. Butler 4-0-9, K. Searles, Churchill, Demerchant, Langworthy 2-1-5, D. Searles 6-6-18

Lee Academy (16-3) 70

Mallett 1-0-2, Bird 2-0-4, Hanscom 2-4-9, Harris 4-0-12, Linscott 2-0-6, D. Ham 6-0-12, Hersom 2-2-6, Cole 0-3-3, M. Ham 1-0-3, Gifford 1-1-3, Brown, Pickering 3-4-10, Maxwell

3-pt. goals: M. Butler; Harris 4, Liscott 2, M. Ham

Fort Fairfield 8 21 31 37

Lee 17 42 54 70

Bangor Christian 54, Lubec 37

At Husson College in Bangor, Heather Niles scored a game-high 22 points and freshman Sara Elliott held Lubec leading scorer Lean Pike to three points in the second half to help the B.C. Patriots pull away in the division quarterfinal.

The Pats switched from a zone press to man-to-man in the second half and held Lubec to three points in the third quarter.

Pike finished with 18 points while Breanne McPherson had 11 for the Hornets.

Lubec (7-10) 37

Pike 4-10-18, B. McPherson 3-4-11, Flynn 2-0-4, Newman, S. McPherson, Lavalley 1-0-2, M. Daye 1-0-2, N. Daye

Bangor Christian (10-7) 54

Niles 8-5-22, Page 3-2-9, Reitsma 3-1-7, Jenkins 2-3-7, Seymour 2-0-4, Snow, Mead 1-0-2, Elliott 0-1-1, Layton 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: B. McPherson; Niles, Page

Lubec 12 26 29 37

Bangor Christian 16 27 40 50

Class A

Bangor 67, John Bapst 23

At Bangor, Erinne Magee had 13 points and Marissa McLeod scored 10 to lead the Rams to the win.

Bangor’s 2-2-1 press forced lots of turnovers by the Crusaders.

Julie Crotty had two points, two rebounds, an assist and three steals for the Crusaders.

Bangor (11-5) 67

Magee 5-0-13, McLeod 5-0-10, Tower 4-0-8, Clarke 2-0-4, Miller 4-0-8, McCrum 1-0-2, Russell 1-2-4, Johnson 2-0-6, Hayden, Woodcock 2-0-6, Robertson, McAllian 1-1-3, Ogden, Chase

John Bapst (3-14) 23

Crotty 1-0-2, Sturgeon 1-0-2, Sekera 1-0-3, Miller 1-0-2, Andrley, Mitchell-Storer 1-0-3, Allen 1-0-3, Zitaner, Hunter, Ryder 2-0-4, Ginn, Picard 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Magee 3, Johnson 2, Woodcock 2; Sekera, Mitchell-Storer, Allen

Bangor 13 26 44 67

John Bapst 7 15 17 23

JV: Bangor 47-30

Boys basketball

Class C

Hodgdon 77, Penobscot Valley 55

At Hodgdon, Tyler Putnam poured in 36 points and grabbed 15 rebounds to power No. 2 Hodgdon by No. 7 Penobscot Valley of Howland.

Matt Day chipped in with 12 points for the winners and Eric Nickerson netted 10.

Matt Mulligan paced PVHS with 13 points and Brad Harris put in 12.

PVHS (7-12) 55

Pelkey 0-2-2, Michaud, Cyr 1-0-3, Hallett, Artes 2-0-6, Mulligan 4-4-13, Slowikowski 0-1-1, Harris 5-2-12, Clukey 4-0-9, Cummings 2-0-5, Thompson

Hodgdon (19-0) 77

Putnam 14-7-36, Potter, Hogan, Blanchette 2-3-7, Williams, Day 5-1-12, Sanford 1-2-4, Condon, Hanning, Griffin 0-1-1, Nickerson 3-4-10, Lilly 0-1-1, Prescott

3-pt. goals: Cyr, Mulligan, Clukey, Cummings, Thompson; Putnam, Day

PVHS 14 26 38 55

Hodgdon 22 41 59 77

Class A

Nokomis 68, Hampden 42

At Newport, Ryan McLellan and Justin Veazie combined for six 3-pointers, three apiece in the third quarter, as the Broncos pulled away with a 27-12 scoring surge.

McLellan scored 13 points in the third and finished with 22 to spark the Warriors. Veazie chipped in with 13 points and Luke Hayden contributed 19 points and 12 rebounds. Arnie Ellis grabbed eight rebounds and had four steals.

Ben Keller paced Hampden with 20 points, seven rebounds and three steals. Justin DiFrederico added 11 points.

Hampden (7-10) 42

Woodard, Larson 1-0-2, DiFrederico 5-0-11, Shaw, Keller 8-4-20, Dionne 0-1-1, Dolton 3-0-6, Whinery, Thomas 1-0-2, Bacon, Bennett, McNutt

Nokomis (13-4) 68

McLellan 9-1-22, Estes 2-4-8, Bradstreet, Ellis 3-0-6, Veazie 5-0-13, Buzanoski, Horr, Hayden 8-3-19, Martin, Graves, Mullis

3-pt. goals: Visitor; Home

Hampden 8 22 34 42

Nokomis 13 26 53 68

JV: Nokomis 52-30

Brewer 73, Old Town 60

At Brewer, Chad Gomm scored 14 points to help lead Brewer to the win.

Jon Bell contributed with 12 points while Matt Sargent chipped in with 11.

Shawn Kenniston led Old Town with 29 points.

Old Town 60

Emerson 4-1-9, Stormann 0-3-3, Petrie 1-1-3, Kenniston 12-1-29, Tracewski 1-5-7, Tewhey 2-04, Miller 2-0-5, Tidwell

Brewer 73

Bernier 3-1-7, Sargent 5-0-11, Bouzan-Kaloustian 1-1-4, Doucette 2-0-6, J. Bell 4-3-12, Drillen 1-1-3, Briendel 4-0-8, King 4-0-8, Gomm 7-0-14

3-pt. goals: Kenniston 4, Miller; Doucette 2, Sargent, Bouzan-Kaloustian, J. Bell

Old Town 12 30 47 60

Brewer 15 36 55 73

Skowhegan 70, Cony 68

At Skowhegan, Sam Hight scored 20 points and Derek Holt added 19 as the Indians held off a second-half charge by the Rams.

The Skowhegan big men were in foul trouble in the second half, and Cony of Augusta took advantage on the boards. The Rams had a last-second chance to send the game into overtime, but couldn’t get the shot to drop.

B.J. Dunlap posted 11 points for the Indians, whose biggest lead was 16 points in the third quarter.

Ryan Beer led Cony with 16 points, and Ryan Conrad and Jack Arbour contributed 14 each. Conrad had 10 points in the second half, Arbour eight.

Cony (12-4) 68

Gallagher 3-2-9, Vallee 1-0-3, Hinds 3-0-8, Vachon, Conrad 7-0-14, Arbour 5-4-14, Schlager 2-0-4, Beer 6-4-16, Raber

Skowhegan (12-4) 70

Hight 6-6-20, Malek 0-2-2, Brod 1-5-7, Holt 6-3-19, Dunlap 4-2-11, Mitchell 1-0-3, Anzelc 3-2-8, Susi

3-pt. goals: Hinds 2, Gallagher, Vallee; Holt 4, Hight 2, Dunlap, Mitchell

Cony 13 31 48 68

Skowhegan 22 43 59 70


Presque Isle 5, Stearns 1

At Presque Isle’s Northern Maine Forum, Trevor Graves scored a pair of goals and Darren Carlisle had a goal and an assist as Presque Isle upended Stearns.

Joe Collins and Joe Flenner had the other goals for Presque Isle and Ben Sirois had a pair of assists. Chris Louten and Ben Lynch had the other assists, and Travis Shaw picked up the win in net.

Kyle Madore scored for Stearns off a Matt Michaud assist and Nick Simon tended the net.

Orono 4, Messalonskee 1

At the University of Maine’s Alfond Arena in Orono, Ian Ferguson scored a pair of goals and Pat Skall scored 21 seconds after Messalonskee’s Luke McPartlin had equalized in the first period to send the Riots on their way to their 18th win in 19 games.

Branislav Srnka had the other Riot goal, while Skall and Will Toner each picked up assists and Casey Hale made 22 saves.

Rick Powers and Jake Burwood had assists for Messalonskee of Oakland, and Ben Conti finished with 33 saves.

Waterville 6, Bangor 1

At Sawyer Arena, Zach Pelletier scored twice and assisted on three other goals to lead Waterville to its 15th win against two losses and a tie.

Chris Morgan had a pair of goals; Nate Hart had a goal and two assists and Nate Whittier had the other goal for the defending State Class A champs. Goalies Eric Theriault and Greg Cushing combined for 15 saves.

Pat Frazier scored for 5-11-1 Bangor off assists from Kyle Baker and Grant Bailey. Dominic Dinardo and Chris Zielinski collaborated for 43 stops.

Houlton-Hodgdon 7, Foxcroft 4

At Millar Arena in Houlton, Houlton-Hodgdon scored five unanswered goals to wipe out a 4-2 first-period deficit and notch its seventh win against 12 losses.

Brandon Lowe and Kevin Carton tied the game and Jared Sylvia scored what proved to be the game-winner with 3:32 left in the second period. Brothers Kevin and Ben Carton added insurance goals in the third period with Kevin Carton’s score capping his hat trick.

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