September 20, 2024

Yesterday …

10 years ago – Feb. 14, 1992

(As reported in the Bangor Daily News)

BANGOR – Casey Montgomery, 4, of Bangor stepped back from the art easel to view the streak of blue color he had just painted at the Downeast Head Start Center in Bangor.

“It’s the sky,” the young artist declared, his cowlick bobbing up and down as he approved his creation. Casey is one of the 20 youngsters who attend the afternoon Head Start class on the Davis Road.

In its 27th year, Head Start offers school-readiness training for economically disadvantaged, 3-, 4-, and 5-year olds. It is the only national anti-poverty program to earn the support of liberals and conservatives, parents and early-childhood experts.


ORONO – Kathleen A. Stevens of Orono has announced she will seek election to the Maine House of Representatives from District 130. Stevens is a Democrat and will run for the seat being vacated by John O’Dea, who has announced his campaign for the Maine Senate.

Stevens said her education and work experience uniquely qualify her to represent voters in District 130. She has lived her entire life in the area and is a senior in the honors program at the University of Maine.

25 years ago – Feb. 14, 1977

ORONO – Dr. Edmund Sheppard, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Maine, was the moving force behind a $694,000 grant awarded to Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont by the Kellogg Foundation.

Maine’s portion of the grant, $228,000, was used to set up a clinical engineering laboratory at the University of Maine. During a three-year period from November 1973 until November 1976, the clinical engineering laboratory trained technicians to work with Maine hospitals in the prudent purchase of electrical equipment, maintenance, and repair of the equipment – and also provide in-service education to hospital personnel.


ORONO – At Orono, the Hampden Broncos fell behind after the first period, but tied it up at halftime and kept right on going en route to a 55-49 win over the Red Riots. Jack Pickering was the top scorer for Hampden, and the game, with 17 points, while Steve Colson added 11 and Peter Bartlett added 10 more. Hampden improves to 7-9 on the season.

50 years ago – Feb. 14, 1952

BANGOR – Five young basketball marksmen representing the cream of the crop from 58 schools will vie for the shooting champion of Northern, Eastern and Central Maine at the University of Maine Saturday at 1 p.m. when the finals of the Bangor NEWS Six-Shooter contest will be held.

With the title, a trophy and a trip to Boston to see the New England Interscholastic Tournament awaiting the winner in this match, it will require keen marksmanship from all five. The winners from last week’s semifinals are Phil Steward of Skowhegan, Neil Rideout of Washburn, John Giffen of Camden, Dick Gray of Jonesport and Dick Russell of Bangor.


OLD TOWN – Mrs. Margaret Grant, regent of St. Cecelia Circle, was elected a delegate and Mrs. Vera Snow, a past regent of the Circle and also a past state regent for Maine, was named alternate to attend the annual convention to be held this year in Toronto from Aug. 12 to 15. Their elections took place at a meeting of the Circle Monday night in the K. of C. Hall.

100 years ago – Feb. 14, 1902

OLD TOWN – The next attraction in sight at City Hall is the concert by the U. of M. students on Friday night. This has come to be an annual event anticipated with much pleasure, and the coming concert will probably be no exception to the general rule of fine entertainment and a very enjoyable time at the dance which follows.

The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Congregational church will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A.B. Lake at her home on Brunswick Street.


BANGOR – Seats are now on sale for the performances by Hamnet’s trained animals and birds in the Opera House, Saturday afternoon and night.

The Opera House will be dark next week until Saturday, Feb. 22, when Hoyt’s “A Texas Steer” will be presented for the first time here, afternoon and night, by an excellent company.

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