March 20, 2025


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Scholastic Chess Tournament

ORONO – Local youth excelled at the Maine State Scholastic Chess Tournament held last month at the University of Maine.

Benjamin Claeson, a pupil at Abraham Lincoln School in Bangor, was individual co-champion on the elementary level with Collin Ciomei of Deer Isle-Stonington School. Tied for third were Henry Chai, a pupil at Stillwater Montessori School; Fritz Eyerer, from Reeds Brook in Hampden, and Ian Pelletier of Deer Isle-Stonington.

Cullen Edes from Stillwater Montessori was champion among junior high players. Tied for second were: Zening Chen, Orono Middle School; Per Claeson, Orono Middle School; James Ouellette, Williams Junior High, Oakland; Tyler Yentes, Toddy Pond School, Monroe.

Deer Isle-Stonington student Nick Ciomei won the high school championship, and runner-up was Kevin Townsend of Orono Middle School. Tied for third were: William Gramlich, John Bapst Memorial High School; Ryan Tripp, Orono High; Joe Lawlor, John Bapst; David Haluska, Brewer High; Joseph Caldwell, Brunswick High; Nathan Lewis, Falmouth High; Seth Yentes, Belfast High; Charles Meserve, Westbrook High; Nunzio Thron, Maine School of Science and Mathematics.

MMSE Talent Search

ORONO – The Maine Mathematics, Science and Engineering Talent Search awarded prizes to participating students in a ceremony April 8 at the University of Maine.

U.S. Rep. John Baldacci handed out awards to 40 students in grades five through 12 who achieved the highest scores on mathematics problem sets during the current school year.

The three junior class winners and the first place winner in the senior class each won $1,000 University of Maine scholarships.

They are: Cristina Domnisoru, Maine School of Science and Mathematics, Limestone; Gennaidy Starostin, Highview Christian Academy, Charleston; Michael Wagner, Bangor Christian Schools; and Benjamin Potvin, Fort Kent Community High School.

Mathematician Eva Szillery of Orono administers the MMSETS program, which in its fifth year has 2,300 participants from throughout Maine.

Sponsors include the University of Maine System and the UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Local winners were:

Grade five: second place, Jess Elliot, Brewer, schooled at home.

Grade six: second, Brandon England, Milford, schooled at home; tied for third, Verity Ramirez, Bangor Christian Schools.

Grade seven: second, Molly Peverada, Reeds Brook Middle School, Hampden.

Grade nine: first, Robert England, Milford, schooled at home; second, Jennifer Swalec, Hampden Academy.

Grade 10: second, Kyle Bradford, Bangor Christian Schools.

National Youth Leadership Forum

BREWER – Brandon Libby and Brett Rees have been selected to participate in the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Boston. The 10-day forum is a career development program for high school students demonstrating academic excellence, leadership potential, and an interest in medicine.

Participants will be presented with a fictional patient’s case history and must diagnose the patient and development a treatment plan.

Libby is the son of Robert and Wendy Libby. Rees is the son of Kim and Penny Rees.

Bangor High School

BANGOR – Michele Benoit, Bangor High School science teacher, is one of 20 teachers in the United States to receive a $2,300 Toyota Tapestry 2002 grant for her “Seeing the Light: A New Approach to Spectroscopy” project. In addition, Benoit also has received matching funds from the Ocean Optics cost-sharing program for her project.

According to Benoit, lower-level chemistry classes at Bangor High School are enjoying state-of-the-art technology as they learn about the power of spectroscopy. As part of a pilot program launched with the University of Maine chemistry department, students are using an Ocean Optic UV-visible light spectrometer to understand the interaction of energy, electrons and light. The instrument allows use of UMaine’s new InterChemNet, a Web-based system.

A spectrophotometer, interfaced with InterChemNet, allows students to obtain samples accurately, easily and efficiently at one source – the instrument. Data is analyzed at a different site, a school or home computer.

Other spectrometers at Bangor High School do not have the versatility of technical options and cannot perform the vital link to the UMaine Internet system.

Benoit said the grants, totaling nearly $4,000, will go toward the purchase of a spectrophotometer and to expand the program.

Essays on elders

BANGOR – Several youngsters will read essays about a senior they admire during the May Festival. The readings will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 4 at Bangor Public Library.

Participants will include pupils from each of five schools: Glenburn Elementary, Veazie Community, Fairmount Elementary in Bangor, Isle au Haut and Islesboro. Essays from all 200 children who took part will be on display during the May Festival.

Kindergarten registration

BREWER – Kindergarten registration for Brewer children who will be 5 years old on or before October 15 will be held at the Capri Street School 4-7 p.m. April 29. Parents must bring the their child’s birth certificate, immunization records and Social Security number. No appointment is necessary, nor is it necessary for the child to attend.

For information, call 989-8620.

Brewer High School

New officers have been elected for Brewer Key Club: president, Jen Kee; vice president, Brett Rees; secretary, Laurin Green; treasurer, Vanessa Michaud; public relations, Mike Sighinolfi; projects and points, Jamei King; and bulletin editor, Aric Williams.

Non-traditional school

BANGOR – A group of experienced alternative educators and parents is working to bring a non-traditional school to the Bangor area. Organizers invite those interested to bring their “questions, dreams and creativity” to a meeting at 6:30 p.m. April 30, at the Bangor Public Library.

Topics will include cooperation, peace education, exploratory learning, environmental education and more family involvement, among others. For information, call Debby at 866-2642, Terri at 368-1935 or Diana at 234-2021.


Savannah College of Art and Design

SAVANNAH, Ga. – Jennifer Lee Hallsey of Hudson has been named to the dean’s list at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She is the daughter of Terry Hallsey of Hudson.

University of Maine

ORONO – Theta Chi Fraternity and Circle K will conduct a food drive and food chain competition at 1 p.m. April 27 in the Steam Plant Parking Lot, College Avenue, University of Maine.

The goal is to collect non-perishables for a food pantry at H.O.M.E. A prize will be awarded to the organization bringing in the most food. Afterward, a human food chain will be held to raise awareness about hunger in Maine.

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