March 23, 2025

Community News

Got something for Community News? E-mail it to, or mail it to The Weekly, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor, ME 04402; or drop it off at the front desk of Buck Street entrance of the Bangor Daily News, 491 Main St. Bangor.


The public is welcome to attend a lawn party for the Bangor Museum and Center for History, 4-6 p.m. June 1, at the Thomas A. Hill House, 159 Union St.

A major announcement will be made about the planned expansion.

In addition, there will be a preview of the season exhibit, “Ruffians, Ruffles, Parasols and Patriots: The Story of Bangor’s History through Costume.” There will be door prizes, too. For information, contact the organization’s president, Beth Bohnet, at 945-3009.

Sponsors who helped make the exhibit possible include Coe Management Group, The Ames Corp., Cook Investment Group, Republic Parking System, BookMarc’s Bookstore and Cafe, and the Grasshopper Shop.

Penobscot Theatre Company-Maine Shakespeare Festival has announced the start of the fourth annual “A Kingdom for Some Cloth” drive.

For three seasons, Maine Shakespeare Festival’s resident costume designer, Ginger Phelps, has put out a call to gather materials for use in the construction of more than 100 lavish costumes for the Maine Shakespeare Festival.

The theater is seeking immediate donations of fabric, sewing supplies and related materials. Topping the “most wanted” list are items such as costume jewelry, feathers, ribbon, trim, twill, seam and hem tape, buttons, zippers, Velcro, elastic, cloth pieces of two yards and greater – especially desirable are pieces of luxuriant fabrics such as satin, velvet, brocade and damask; rough weaves, fur, leather, and costume and vintage patterns.

Donations are needed as soon as possible and will be accepted through the first week of June, when sewing begins on the costumes. The theater will accept donations during box office hours, noon-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, at the Bangor Opera House, 131 Main St., Bangor. All donations are tax-deductible.

The ninth Maine Shakespeare Festival runs during July and August and includes productions of Shakespeare’s masterpieces “The Tempest” and “Richard III;” the fast and furious humor of “The Compleat Wrks of Shkspr (abridged)” by Long, Singer and Winfield; and the timeless family favorite “Anne of Green Gables,” by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

For information, contact the box office at 942-3333.

As part of Maine International Trade Day, May 29, Gov. Angus King will present Bangor Savings Bank with the Service Provider of the Year award at the annual meeting and awards dinner of the Maine International Trade Center at Norumbega Hall in Bangor.

Bangor Savings Bank is being presented this award for its example and leadership within the state’s business community, its retail and commercial services provided in support of international commerce, and its continuing support of the Maine International Trade Center’s “Canada Desk”, and other public/private collaborations in support of economic development.

For information, call 942-5211, Ext. 1132.

The Arcady Music Society was recently awarded a $20,000 grant from the New York-based Trust for Mutual Understanding.

The grant will underwrite travel expenses involved in bringing the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin to Maine as part of the 2002 Arcady Music Festival, including a performance in Bangor. According to the trust’s director, Richard Lanier, the award was made “in recognition of the importance of Arcady Music Society’s mission to bring classical contemporary music to culturally under-served areas in Maine.”

Arcady audiences well remember the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin’s initial visit to Maine in November 2000, when the ensemble performed concerts and school programs in Bar Harbor, Bangor, Dover-Foxcroft and Waldoboro. During their stay, the Russians were treated to their first ever Thanksgiving dinner with Arcady supporters and community members at the Dover-Foxcroft Grange.

Those four concerts were so well-received that Arcady artistic director and founder, Masanobu Ikemiya, decided to invite them back for the festival. “Not only are we carrying out our mission to bring quality classical music of the highest caliber to Maine,” said Ikemiya, “but we are also creating conditions for intercultural exchange, so important for society today.”

The 18-member Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, founded by director and conductor Misha Rachlevsky, is based in Moscow and includes some of Russia’s best young string players.

From Aug. 25 to 29, Chamber Orchestra Kremlin will perform in Bangor, Dover-Foxcroft, Bar Harbor and two other locations to be announced. For tickets and information, call the Arcady Music office at 288-2141 or visit their Web site at

Bangor native Walter H. Hersey Jr. of Chadwick-BaRoss, Perry Road, was named honorary life member in the Northeastern Loggers’ Association during the association’s annual membership meeting in West Springfield.

He joins a select group of fewer than three dozen individuals who have been honored since this distinctive category of membership was approved 24 years ago. Honorary Life Membership recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the forest products industry, their communities and NELA.

Hersey joined Timberland Machines as assistant branch manager in his hometown. He was transferred to Connecticut to take over as branch manager. He returned to Bangor in 1977 to be branch manager. He served in that capacity when the company was bought by Chadwick-BaRoss.

Hersey is currently vice president and general manager in charge of all forestry operations and three branch offices. He is a past director of NELA, and was active in building the Northern Forest Products Equipment Exposition to its current size and influence.

He is past president of the Bangor Jaycees and led the effort to build the Bangor Tourism Information Center, several state projects and was involved in the United Way Campaign.

Bangor Center Corporation is sponsoring a juried photography show with cash prizes.

The Historic Downtown Bangor Photo Contest and Exhibition has two categories: “Evoke the Past” and “Celebrate the Present.”

Most entries must be taken within the geographic area known as historic downtown Bangor. Photographs of historic structures that are near the historic downtown area and were standing during the same period as the buildings located in historic downtown Bangor also will be accepted.

Jurying will take place in September. The show will be exhibited in November. The opening reception will coincide with the 4th Annual Bangor Studio Tour on Nov. 9.

Written guidelines and entry forms are available at Bangor City Hall’s Department of Community and Economic Development, Bangor Public Library, the University of Maine Art Department and on the Web at

For information, call Sally Bates at 945-4400, Ext. 211.

Downtown Bangor will hold its fourth Octoberfest on Oct. 19.

Downtown business owners Chris Geaghan of The Whig and Courier Pub, Rick Schweikert of the Grasshopper Shop and Brad Ryder of Cadillac Mountain Sports are organizing the event with Bangor Center Corporation as a partner.

Activities will include music, food, beverages, family and children’s events, and Hansel and Gretel look-alike contests for children and adults.

Musicians, entertainers, service groups and vendors who may be interested in participating are encouraged to contact Chris Geaghan, Rick Schweikert or Brad Ryder.


The dedication ceremony for the North to Freedom bronze statue will be held 2 p.m. Memorial Day, May 27, at Chamberlain Freedom Park, North Main and State streets. Those attending are encouraged to bring children.

Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Herb Hopkins spoke at the Mount Desert Island Kiwanis Club recently. His topic was Kiwanis goals, membership, community projects, Kiwanis International and New England District projects, and service to the Kiwanis communities. Bangor Noon Kiwanis members Bud McEachern, Lester Cohen and Bill Meucci, and Brewer Kiwanis members Rudy Larez, Carlton King, Andy McPhee and Bill Newbury attended the meeting.

Brewer Kiwanis members will sponsor a casino for the 2002 graduates of Brewer High School at their Project Graduation at Maine Maritime Academy on June 2. Also, the Brewer Kiwanis will sponsor a golf tournament on June 30, at Felt Brook Golf Course. Interested golfers may contact Rudy Larez, project chairman, at 843-5443 or President Joe Luby at 989-1346.


The West Penobscot American Legion will hold traditional Memorial Day ceremonies at 10 a.m. May 27, at the Carmel Elementary School.

The parade will proceed to the village, then to the Simpson Memorial Library and Honor Roll. Music will be provided by the Hermon High School Band. Veterans, scouts, organizations or others are welcome to participate.

The Hermon High School ROTC also will take part.

In case of inclement weather, services will be held at the school gymnasium in Carmel.


The Corinth Historical Society museum opens for the season Saturday, June 1. It will be open 1-4 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays through mid-October.

The historical society needs these items or services:

. Two sets of old style paneled wooden interior double doors measuring 7 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 8 inches;

. One set of old paneled exterior double doors of a size similar to the interior doors;

. Any remnant strips of cedar or pine clapboards to use in repair work;

. Someone to volunteer to disassemble and remove an old furnace in return for the scrap metal.

For information, e-mail


The West Penobscot American Legion and Auxiliary will hold traditional Memorial Day ceremonies at 11 a.m. May 27, at the Four Corners, Etna Center, at Interstate-95 and Route 69.

The parade will proceed to Pleasant Hill Cemetery for services. Music will be provided by the Etna-Dixmont School. Veterans, scouts, organizations and others are invited to participate.

In case of inclement weather, services will be held at the school gymnasium.


The public is invited to a meeting of the Greater Pushaw Lake Association at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, at the Glenburn Town Hall to elect new officers and discuss ongoing efforts to protect the quality of Pushaw Lake.

The association represents local lake associations and individuals and exists to address issues that affect the future of the lake. More information is available from Nick Houtman, 866-7152, or Jeff Hayward, 827-6536.

In conjunction with Maine’s efforts to defend against invasive aquatic plants such as Eurasian milfoil, the Greater Pushaw Lake Association will perform boat launch courtesy inspections at public boat landings on Pushaw Lake this summer.

The association is looking for additional volunteers to receive training and periodically perform the inspections at landings in Glenburn, Old Town and Orono throughout the summer. For information, call Jeff Hayward at 827-6536.


The Hampden Business Association will present its Citizen of the Year award to Marie Baker, retired town manager, at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 30, at a dinner at Lucerne Inn.

Baker served Hampden as town manager for fifteen years. She began working for the town more than 25 years ago – first as town clerk, then as acting police and fire chief.

“I’ve done it all,” Baker said.

Timothy Woodcock, Bangor attorney and candidate for the 2nd Congressional District, will be the keynote speaker at the dinner

The Hampden Business Association was founded in 1986. Its goal is to promote and encourage Hampden business.

For information, call 862-3336.

Professional organizers held their first meeting April 11 in Augusta to discuss the needs of their growing businesses, said Kimberly Corey of Hampden.

Discussion topics included parting with excess possessions, estate sorting, relocation services, closet design, office filing systems, monthly maintenance and confidentiality. Tax issues, National Association of Professional Organizers contracts, mileage expenses and marketing also were discussed.

Though relatively new to Maine, Corey said, the organizing business has grown in recent years as people steadily accumulate things and information.

Participants were Sandi Imondi of Organized Solutions in Brewer, Kimberly Corey of Finely Sorted Organizing in Hampden, Brenda Cartwright of The Organizer in Ellsworth, Becky Ford of Sort-it-Out in Camden, Morlene Wong of Defining Spaces in Brewer, Patti Whitten of Organizational Encouragement of Damariscotta, Cathy Tetenman of Organizer PLUS in Auburn, Jane Downey of DownEase Organizing Services in Fryeburg, Sandra Hambley of Welcome Home Organizational Services in Falmouth, and Elizabeth McGrady of Clearing Clutter Inc. in Cape Elizabeth.

Memorial Day services, sponsored by the Whitcomb-Baker VFW Post 4633 and Auxiliary, will be held at the Post home on the Canoe Club Road at 8:30 a.m. Monday, May 27.

A parade will start at 9 a.m. at the Post home and proceed to Locust Grove Cemetery where ceremonies will take place.

The parade will include the Hampden Academy band under the direction of Patrick Michaud, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Daisies, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Little League and VFW Post and Auxiliary members.

At Locust Grove Cemetery, Maj. Brenda Jordan of the Maine Air National Guard will give the Memorial Day address. Andrew Parsons will recite “Gen. Logan’s Orders” and Benjamin Wells will recite the “Gettysburg Address.” Parsons and Wells are Reeds Brook Middle School students.

VFW members will pay their respects to deceased veterans. Cmdr. Lester Henderson, President Joan Tribou and line officers will offer prayers, floral tributes and place a wreath.

After the Locust Grove ceremony, another ceremony will be held at the British Cemetery beside the fire station.

Old Town

The Eureka College Chorale and Chamber Singers from Eureka, Ill., will perform at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 28, at the Old Town United Baptist Church on Middle Street.

The singers are under the direction of Eureka College choral music professor Joseph D. Henry, whose choirs have preformed at the National-General Assembly of Christian Churches and have toured Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

Henry received his music education at the University of Southern Maine, the University of Maine and the University of Missouri. He is the brother of Terrence Henry, choral director at Orono High School, Orono Middle School and Veazie Community School.

Nineteen Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who attend the United Methodist Church on Stillwater Avenue were awarded their religious emblem awards Sunday, May 19. The awards are part of a scouting-sanctioned program called God and Country Awards.

The following Cub Scouts and Brownies received the God and Me Award: Kyle Dubay, Ryan Dubay, Joseph LaVoie, Paul Nelson, Samuel Peabody, Jameson Ploch and Taylor Ploch, all of Pack 76, Old Town; Brent Chaffee and Chris Chaffee, both of Pack 76, Bucksport; Joseph Blair, Pack 80, Milford; Kelsey Byther and Laura Vaillancourt, both of Troop 78, Milford; and Cortney Treadwell, Troop 161, Old Town.

The following Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in grades four and five received the God and Family Award: Molly Segee, Chelsea Sullivan and Emily Yates, all of Troop 288, Old Town; Carolyn Artesani, Troop 497, Orono; Benjamin Segee, Pack 76, Old Town; and Timothy Blair, Pack 80, Milford.

Riley Ploch and Alex Yates, Troop 76, Old Town, and Chris LaVoie, Troop 80, Milford, will continue to work this summer to earn the God and Church Award for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in middle school.


Memorial Day services, conducted by Argonne Post 138, American Legion, will be held May 27.

The parade forms at 10:45 a.m. at Smith School, begins at 11 a.m., then proceeds to the library for services. Then the parade moves on to the Civil War Memorial at Oak Hill Cemetery, where carnations will be available for individuals to place on the monument in memory of their deceased veterans.

Music will be provided by the Hampden Academy Band.

Winterport resident Chaplain Maj. Richard Dickinson, 101st Refueling Wing, Maine Air National Guard, will give the invocation and benediction.

Compiled by Ardeana Hamlin

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