March 21, 2025


3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases April 18-26, 2002

Admiral Building Products Inc., Wilmington, Mass., inadequate bulk package marking, $50; inadequate shipping papers, $50.

Brian D. Ahern, 46, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Matthew J. Athas, 31, Veazie, negotiating a worthless instrument, $100, restitution $28.52.

Jeremy M. Bean, 21, LaGrange, permitting unlawful use of vehicle, $100.

Rory P. Boland, 20, Orono, minor having false identification, $100.

Jeffrey S. Brooks, 30, Dixmont, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Megan E. Brown, 24, Northborough, Mass., operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days; operating vehicle without a license, $200.

Roland A. Brown, 61, Exeter, R.I., rule violation, causes operation with false duty, $750.

William B. Bryson, 56, Muncy, Pa., rule violation, cause operation without status current, $300.

Jeramy J. Buck, 20, Mapleton, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Terry D. Buehler, 40, Bangor, unlawfully furnishing scheduled drugs, $500, jail 20 days.

Patrick Burke, 19, Grand Lake Stream, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution $9.07.

Steven Butler, 24, Dexter, attaching false motor vehicle plates, $100.

Theodore B. Cake, 22, Bar Harbor, speeding 30 plus mph more than posted speed, $250.

Jennifer L. Callan, 21, Orono, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $500, jail three days, license suspended 90 days.

Tracey E. Cammack, 21, Bangor, negotiating a worthless instrument, dismissed; theft by deception, jail 60 days, all but two days suspended, probation one year, restitution $1,135.

Randy W. Canarr, 20, Clifton, attempting to commit a class D or E crime, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year.

Bruce A. Carey, 25, Milford, disorderly conduct, $100.

Timothy L. Carmichael, 41, Milford, violating condition of release, jail 24 hours.

James B. Caron, 21, Jackman, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $450, license suspended 90 days.

Cara A. Carpenter, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Richard W. Carr, 34, Medway, possessing marijuana, $200.

Karie L. Carter, 23, Calais, forgery, dismissed.

Brian M. Casey, 19, Searsport, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Jacquelyn Chiasson, 23, Marchfield, Mass., obstructing public ways, $150.

Christine C. Clark, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Justin Clark, 20, Bangor, assault, jail 60 days, suspended, probation one year, restitution $614; criminal mischief, jail 60 days, suspended, probation one year, restitution $614.

Franklin E. Cobb, 36, Lincoln, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200; possessing marijuana, $200.

Stephen A. Coffin, 47, Bangor, assault, dismissed.

Michelle L. Cormier, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle without license, expired more than 90 days, $100.

John C. Cromie, 29, Orono, allowing dog to be at large, $50.

Carole Cunningham, 25, Bangor, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Stacy E. Cunningham, 22, Veazie, attaching false motor vehicle plates, $150.

John B. Dantonio, 19, Orono, theft of services, $100.

Willard C. Deering, 58, Orono, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Robert M. Delaney, 20, Orono, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Travis Dewitt, 20, Old Town, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Christopher Dibiase, 41, Fall River, Mass., operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $500, jail five days, license suspended 30 days.

Niko Dimitrakos, 22, Old Town, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Colleen A. Dwyer, 20, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Brad H. Dyer, 48, Ellsworth, criminal trespass, $200.

Howard Eaton, 41, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $300.

Jeremy E. Elliott, 21, Orono, negotiating a worthless instrument, $100, restitution $47.35; negotiating a worthless instrument, $100, restitution $41.89; negotiating a worthless instrument, $100, restitution $53.08.

Phillip W. Ellis, 19, Alton, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $50.

Paul K. Falco, 21, Orono, disorderly conduct, $150.

Daniel Feimer, 16, Orono, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100, community service 11 hours.

Jason Flicker, 25, Milo, driving to endanger, $250, license suspended 30 days.

Carrie Foltz, 33, Bangor, protective order from harassment violation, $150.

Melissa Fortier, 31, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, suspended $100.

Brenda Gallant, 40, Alton, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400.

Timothy M. Gallon, 24, Old Town, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $450, license suspended 90 days.

Sterling Gomm, 47, Old Town, keeping a barking dog, $25.

James M. Gonzales, 52, Mount Desert, leaving scene of motor vehicle accident, $150.

Shaun M. Gordon, 18, Orrington, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution $7.94.

Jesse J. Grant, 21, Old Town, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Scott A. Guptill, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, jury trial.

Thomas Hafford, 33, Bangor, assault, jury trial.

Jeffrey D. Harmon, 33, Portland, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Brian B. Hastey, 45, Bangor, assault, jury trial.

Christopher D. Higgins, 16, Veazie, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Harold W. Hilton, 49, Old Town, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400.

Sidney A. Horton, 25, Bangor, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Larry Huggins, 22, Bangor, assault; criminal mischief, both counts dismissed.

Michael Hughes, 31, Levant, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Martin Jackson, 32, Bradley, negotiating a worthless instrument, $150, restitution, $240.45.

Roger H. Johnstone, 43, Pittsfield, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Melanie M. Kane, 21, Brewer, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400; possessing marijuana, $200.

Robin Kennett, 33, Cardville, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200-.

Ryan E. Kenney, 19, Topsham, possessing marijuana, $200.

Scott R. Kent, 19, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Brandon M. Kinney, 17, Presque Isle, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Benjamin E. Lam, 18, Brewer, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Blair R. Lancaster, 22, Milford, forgery, jail 90 days; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 90 days.

Angela Larochelle, 24, Winterport, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Shannon W. Lear, 31, Southwest Harbor, operating motorboat without certificate of number, $75, suspended $50.

Leroy Holding Co., Inc., Albany, N.Y., failing to obtain operating authority license, $200.

Joseph Long, 62, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Daniel Lynch, 43, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail one day; criminal mischief, jail one day, restitution $25.

Andrew J. MacDonald, 20, Westbrook, unlawful possession of schedule drugs, $400.

Clive S. Macdonald, 40, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants; disorderly conduct, both counts jury trial.

Emily K. Markides, 52, Stillwater, failure to register vehicle, $75.

Erin M. McCabe, 21, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Deborah McCullough, 41, Bangor, negotiating a worthless instrument, $150, suspended $75.

Jonathan E. McGraw, 22, Brewer, speeding 30 plus miles more than posted speed, $250.

Daniel McLaughlin, 19, Portland, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400.

Nicholas E. McNally, 23, Orono, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Daniel McNeal, 18, Brewer, possessing marijuana, $200.

Joshua Mellander, 20, Endicott, N.Y., minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.

Danny L. Mercier, 43, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, dismissed.

Maggie M. Michaud, 25, Brewer, failure to register vehicle, $75.

Mary J. Mitchell, 50, Bangor, assault, jail 24 hours; disorderly conduct, jail 24 hours.

Joshua B. Mooers, 22, Bangor, possessing marijuana, $200; possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Shanna L. Morin, 20, Bangor, minor having false identification, $200.

Amon A. Morse, 59, Northport, permitting unlawful use of vehicle, $100.

Nicholas Moulton, 21, LaGrange, minor transporting liquor, $100.

Richard Newell, 25, Greenbush, criminal trespass, jail 10 days all suspended; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, jail 10 days; refusing to sign criminal summons, jail 10 days; violating condition of release, jail 10 days.

Christopher Obar, 19, Glenburn, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Richard A. Oclair, 38, Orono, criminal trespass, jury trial.

David O. Ojiem, 28, Portland, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $450, jail three days, license suspended 90 days.

Frederick E. Olsen III, 25, Bangor, assault, jail 60 days; failing to report, jail 60 days.

Luigi E. Pacelli, 21, Orono, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400; displaying false license or identification, $100 suspended.

Amy M. Paine, 21, Bangor, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Jason R. Phillips, 18, Hermon, terrorizing, $200.

Robert W. Pimlott, 32, Bull Lake, New Brunswick, rule violation, cause operation without status current, $250.

Billy W. Pinkham, 34, Bangor, assault, jail six months, all but 30 days suspended, probation one year, restitution $450; criminal mischief, jail 30 days, probation one year, restitution $450; violating condition of release, jail 30 days; criminal mischief, jail 30 days.

Samuel Pressey, 22, Hampden, operating defective vehicle, $100.

Peter J. Redman, 33, Glenburn, possession of sexually explicit material, $500, jail 60 days all suspended, probation one year.

Scott M. Robinson, 21, Gorham, minor having false identification, $200.

Aaron A. Robshaw, 26, Milford, assault, jail 60 days, all but 10 days suspended, probation one year; operating motor vehicle after license revocation, $500, jail seven days.

Richard R. Robshaw, Jr., 24, Panama City, Fla., operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

Enrique Rosa, 21, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $150.

Richard Rossignol, 29, Bangor, assault; violating condition of release, both counts jury trial.

Todd A. Rousseau, 25, Old Town, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $250.

Victoria D. Ruinard, 41, Bangor, operating motor vehicle without a license, $100.

David L. Rustin, 53, Milford, failure to make 48 hour accident report, $200; leaving scene of motor vehicle accident, $200.

Timothy Scoville, 49, Lubec, violating protective order, jury trial.

Michelle Sherbak, 34, Bangor, two counts negotiating a worthless instrument, dismissed.

Darren R. Southworth, 20, Lincolnville, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Nicholas J. Spann, 18, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Stearns Lumber Co., Inc., Millinocket, rule violation, inadequate suspension, $100.

Adam Stevenson, 19, Bangor, assault, dismissed.

Scott R. Sullivan, 19, Bangor, fugitive from justice, dismissed.

Sean W. Terry, 22, Berwick, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Christopher R. Thibault, 20, Lewiston, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Adam P. Thompson, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200, license suspended 30 days.

Joseph T. Thompson, 23, Bangor, trafficking in dangerous knives, $100.

Rebekah E. Thurlow, 21, Lincoln, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Ryan E. Tolman, 38, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants, $600, jail four days, license suspended 90 days.

Ralph E. Townsend, 51, Orono, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Kevin Troulis, 30, Lincoln, assault, dismissed.

Adam J. Vachowski, 22, Old Town, possessing marijuana, $200; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Brandon Varney, 30, Bangor, assault, not guilty; terrorizing, not guilty; obstructing report of crime, dismissed.

Nancy Vienneau, 36, Old Town, allowing dog to be at large, $100.

Mary Wade-Faltyn, 46, Middleport, N.Y., operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $150; operating vehicle without a license, $200.

Megan L. Welch, 17, Bangor, littering, $100.

Cory M. Wells, 17, Winterport, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Harold White, 52, Corinna, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Stanley J. William, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

Stanley W. Williams, 20, Lincoln, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Scott A. Woodward, 19, Hampden, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

William Wright, 20, Bangor, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Joseph A. Young, 37, Bangor, violating condition of release, jail 24 hours.

Ryan Young, 21, Hudson, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, jail 24 hours.

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