Ellsworth High School
ELLSWORTH – The following scholarships were awarded on June 5 to Ellsworth High School students:
Alpho Rho Sorority, Beta Sigma Phi: Eric Rudolph and Jennifer Kelley, $250 each.
American Association of University Women Scholarship: Amber Wetmore, $500.
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship: Mallory Patten, Lindsey Tewell, Bradford Jackson, $300 each.
American Legion Post 207 Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $500.
Arbutus Grange Scholarship: Ashley Dugas, $200.
Tracy Clark Memorial Scholarship: Emily Jordan and Ashley Dugas, $500 each.
Gifford Cochran Scholarship: Candice May Chan, Tracey Clayton, Steven DeWitt, Jennifer Kelley, Adam Macbeth, Mallory Patten, Eric Rudolph, Sarah Silsby, Lucas Sitterly, Jilliane Smith, $750 each.
Bruce and Ruth Collier Memorial Scholarship: Jessica McElvogue, $100.
Courtland Living Center Scholarship: Emily Fenders, $100.
Alumni Association Scholarship: Adam Macbeth and Emily Jordan, $750 each.
Class of 1932 Scholarship: Tracey Clayton and Sarah Silsby, $500 each.
Class of 1955 Scholarship: Elisha McKinley, $500.
Class of 1973 Scholarship: John Morse, $100.
Faculty Scholarship: Eric Rudolph and Jilliane Smith, $250 each.
EHS General Scholarship: Bobby Archer, Kate Beal, Tiffany Butler, Aaron Kelley, Krystal McGaha, Jodie Merchant, Tom Perkins, Morgan Sarro, Christopher Staples, $100 each.
Key Club Scholarship: Mallory Patten, $200.
National Honor Society Scholarship: Steven DeWitt and Adam Macbeth, $100 each.
Student Council Scholarship: Sheena Differ, Eric Rudolph and Rebecca Saunders, $500 each; Monica Machon, $750; Amanda Hellum, $1,000.
Ellsworth Falls Mother’s Club Scholarship: Amber Wetmore, $300.
Ellsworth Kiwanis Club Scholarship: Candice May Chan, Steven DeWitt, Jennifer Kelley, Rachel Neves, Mallory Patten, Meaghan Pelletier, Eric Rudolph, Sarah Silsby, $500 each.
Ellsworth Lioness Club Scholarship: Amanda Hellum and Jessica McKinon, $500 each.
Ellsworth Lions Club: Amanda Hellum, $500.
Ellsworth Music Boosters Scholarship: Tracey Clayton and Jason Paquette, $250 each.
Ellsworth Rotary Club Scholarship: Ashley Ehrlenbach, Amanda Hellum, Adam Macbeth, Eric Rudolph, $500 each.
Ellsworth Rotary’s China Hill Scholarship: Candice May Chan and Jennifer Kelley, $500 each.
Ellsworth VFW Memorial Scholarship: Eric Neves, $1,000.
Ellsworth Visual Arts Scholarship: Emily Jordan and Owen Schoppe, $1,500 each.
EMTC Presidential Scholarship: April Jordan and Jeremy Poole, $1,000 each.
Christopher S. Everett Memorial Scholarship: Shenna Differ, $300.
Merritt P. Fitch Memorial Scholarship: Lucas Sitterly, $150.
Avis Reed and Carl G. Grindle Sr. Memorial Scholarship: Jason Paquette, $100.
Senator Hale Hose Company Scholarship: Rebecca Saunders, $500.
Hancock County 4-H Leader’s Association Scholarship: Emily Jordan, $175.
Hancock County Schoolmaster’s Club Award: Jason Paquette, $200.
Hancock Women’s Club Scholarship: Ashley Ehrlenbach, Bradford Jackson and Jennifer Kelley, $200 each.
Richard and Joyce Harding Scholarship: Meghan Page and Lindsey Tewell, $150 each.
Henry and Phyllis Harrington Memorial Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $500.
Mark Horne Memorial Scholarship: Chad Smith, $100.
Insurance Women of Downeast Maine Scholarship: Jilliane Smith, $250.
Annie C. Jones Memorial Scholarship: Jason Paquette, $250.
Charles G. Katsiaficas Basketball Scholarship: Adam Smith, $200.
Lamoine Grange Scholarship: Lindsey Tewell, $100.
Lamoine School Memorial Scholarship: Meghan Page, $250.
Shon Lewis Memorial Scholarship: Emily Jordan, $500.
Hope Milliken McNally Scholarships for tuition at EMTC: Courtney Breach, Rene Courtemanche, April Jordan, Lindsey Mason, Jeremy Poole and Morgan Sarro.
Machias Savings Bank Scholarship: Amber Wetmore, $1,000.
Mary Mahon Memorial Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $250.
Maine Principal’s Scholarship: John Morse II, $1,000.
Maine Savings Credit Union: Evan Dudzik, $500.
Maine Sea Coast Mission Scholarship: Jennifer Kelley, $750.
Marston-Green Memorial Scholarship: Emily Jordan and Owen Schoppe, $400 each.
Masons of Lygonia Lodge Scholarship: John Morse II and Amanda Hellum, $500 each.
Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $1,000 a year.
General Bryant E. Moore Scholarship: Kristi Dennison, $100.
NELNET Superloan Scholarship: Jillian Smith, $1,000.
Malcolm P. Noyes Scholarship: Mallory Patten and Adam Smith, $500 each.
Corey C. Nuss Memorial Scholarship: Eric Rudolph and Owen Schoppe, $1,000 each.
Katherine Oleson Memorial Scholarship: Clint Weiss, $150.
Trooper Jeffrey S. Parola Foundation Award: Lucas Sitterly, $250.
Helen and Shirley Povich Memorial Scholarship: Jason Paquette, $500.
Sarah L. Russell Memorial Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $150.
Anna T. Salisbury Memorial Scholarship: Jason Paquette, $100.
Teddy Scott memorial Scholarship: Ashley Dugas, $150.
Edward F. Small Jr. Scholarship: Adam Macbeth and Jessica McAlpine, $500 each.
Dwight C. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Ashley Ehrlenbach, $600.
George Bill Spreng Memorial Scholarship: Jason Paquette, $200.
Charla Springer Memorial Scholarship: Jennifer Kelley, $350.
Eleanor F. Stich Scholarship: Ashley Ehrlenbach, Emily Jordan, and Owen Schoppe, $2,000 each.
Susan Stinson Memorial Scholarship: Candice May Chan, Adam Macbeth, Meghan Pelletier, and Rebecca Saunders, $1,500 each; Chad Smith, $2,000.
Sunday Senior Men’s Basketball Scholarship: Candice May Chan, Meghan Pelletier and Sarah Silsby, $200 each.
Surry Community Center Scholarship: Erin Wilbur, $150.
Keith Sutherland Memorial Scholarship: James Silsby III, $400.
Scott Taylor Memorial Scholarship: Eric Rudolph, $300.
Trenton Scholarship Fund: John Morse II, $200 and the Gary and Thomas Caruso Special Scholarship Fund, $250; Mallory Patten, $200 and the McFarland Special Scholarship Fund, $100.
Waltham/Eastbrook Scholarship: Amanda Hellum, April Jordan, Emily Jordan and Patrick Jordan, $100 each.
John Whitmore Scholarship: Steven DeWitt, $400.
Roger L. Willey Memorial Scholarship: Julliane Smith, $500.
Roger and Barbara Willey Memorial Tennis Team Scholarship: Monica Machon, $350.
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