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Houlton High School
Fourth quarter honor roll
Seniors, highest honors: Natalia Anderson, Stephanie Bartlett, Nichole Botting, Misty Carmichael, Emily Cole, Kathleen Cummings, Lucas DeLong, Sarah Little, Thomas Long, Tilmann Lucka, Dustin McCann, Robin Sattler, Emily Straubel; high honors: Douglas Anderson, Sarah Beasley, Michael Brown, Brandon Carmichael, Kellie Doolen, Morgan Henderson, Bradford Hill, Michael Lenentine, James Skehan, Michael Thompson, Monica Tidd; honors: Christopher Austin, Jacob Ball, Katie Britton, Will Copley, Sarah Craig, Andrew Drake, Travis Drake, Tamara Goodrich, Shaun Haney, James Hannigan, Howard Hickman, Julie Ivey, Kristin Lakin, Justin McCarthy, Erica McPherson, Hannah Socoby.
Juniors, highest honors: Jennifer Brown, Teri-Ann Drake, Lisa Ernst, Elizabeth Gartley, Miriam Haas, Justin Henderson, David Lewis, Brianna Rush, Daniel Sussman, David York; high honors: Derek Dow, Nicholas Fitzpatrick, Thor Gregory, Elizabeth Hagerman, Jenna Matthews, Erik O’Connell, Jenna Peters, Shane Sirois, Danielle Webb, Jonathan Weston; honors: Jeremy Anderson, Sara Casey, Andrew Donovan, Megan Griffin, Tiffany Harvey, Rebecca Hickman, Gregory Jewell, Suzanne Little, Lindsay Martin, Danielle Moreau, Adam Nichols, Avery O’Donnell, Chelsey Pettit, Beth Pryor, Joshua Thomas, Benjamin Tweedie, Andrew Dorr.
Sophomores, highest honors: Jacob Callnan, Sarah Carpenter, Sarah Duff, Aimee Guy, Kristin Lincoln, Amie McPartland, Kristin Merbach, Sarah Stratton, Claire Thompson; high honors: Jodi Anderson, Daniel Bartlett, Timothy Bossie, Emily Carpenter, Ryan Duff, Jessica Graham, Lauren Harvey, Rebecca Lenentine, Matthew Ross, Brandi Spaulding; honors: Christopher Bouvier, Elias Cottle, Karen Gates, Skyler Gregory, Brittaney McGary, Leslie Nason, Andrew Parsons, Jonathan Perfitt, Lawrence Towles, Heather Webb, Ervin Smith.
Freshmen, highest honors: Matthew Cummings, Amber Dow, Kendall Fitzpatrick, Ashley Gard, Joseph Haas, Julia Hillman-Forbush, Lindsay Hovey, Ryan Mack, Malinda Merrill, Justin Perry, Tyler Rowe, Alisha Targonski, Michelle Varney, Collin York; high honors: Adam Brown, Jonas DeLong, Ellen Hagerman, Joshua Haney, Jordan Hill, Rebecca Hughes, Jessica Hutchinson, Brittany Lowe, Jillian Miller, Alison Reece, Courtney Rae Schools, Annie Torres, Katherine Widhalm; honors: Robert Anderson, Matthew Campbell, Seth Fitzpatrick, Leslie Heath, Brandi Hill, Lacey O’Donnell, Aaron Paul, Natasha Ritchie, Jennie Smith, Patrick Ward, Heidi Sue Wotton, Adam Bickford.
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