March 21, 2025

Community News

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A small, bronze bear cub, signed and dated by sculptor Forrest Hart, and a Web site design and hosting package from Rainstorm Consulting of Orono, top the growing list of items donated for Rape Response Services’ sixth annual Fall Festival Auction and Awards Night. The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at Jeff’s Catering in Brewer, according to Executive Director Kathy Walker.

Author Monica Wood has contributed an autographed copy of “Ernie’s Ark,” she said. UMaine women’s basketball Coach Sharon Versyp is giving one lucky bidder the opportunity to be an honorary coach and to obtain four tickets to the UMaine-Hartford game Feb. 1.

A maple mirror from Moosehead Manufacturing and an hourlong photo session for a child or children with photographer Michele Stapleton are other contributions. Among the handmade donations to the auction will be a quilt, pillows, wall hangings, pottery, paintings, photographs and jewelry.

Women with Wings will provide musical entertainment. The group has donated a copy of its CD, “Hand in Hand & Heart to Heart,” to the auction.

Pine Tree Landfill, the Bangor Daily News and Veeder & Lontin CPA are underwriting the event. Fast Forms has contributed printing services.

Sue McKay will return as auctioneer. Hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be available. Charges may be made to Visa, Mastercard or Discover.

The cost of the auction is $5. For more information, call 941-2980.

Rape Response Services provides a 24-hour crisis hot line for female and male victims and survivors of sexual assault, including rape, incest, harassment and abuse. The service area covers Penobscot and Piscataquis counties. Educational and support groups also are provided. For more information, call (800) 310-0000.

Sculpture and paintings by University of Maine students Jennifer Chiarell and Sharon Anderson will be exhibited through Oct. 30 at the Haworth Academic Center, 60 Main St.

Chiarell’s work combines her perspectives as a woman with ideas about art and her desire to see and convey the beauty in all things. Anderson’s work reflects her interest in the moods of nature and human responses to each other and the environment. For more information, call 990-3500.

Patrick Kelley of Hampden has joined Bangor Savings Bank as vice president of commercial lending. He has 22 years in commercial lending and leasing with the Bank of Boston and three years with Fleet Bank. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Karen MacMillan of Alton has joined Bangor Securities Inc., a subsidiary of Bangor Savings Bank, as a financial consultant. She has more than 10 years experience as a financial planner, stockbroker and investment adviser.

Her most recent position was with National Bank Financial, a Canadian brokerage firm in Vancouver. She also worked for Equifax Financial Group in Vancouver. She is a certified financial planner, chartered life underwriter, and Canadian investment adviser.

The City of Bangor, Bangor Center Corporation and WBRC Architects/Engineers invite the public to an opening reception for “It’s About the Buildings,” photographs by Jeff Galvin, Mike Johanning and Kevin Meserve, at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, in the City Hall foyer. Light refreshments will be provided. The photographs will be on display through Sept. 30.

Galvin, Johanning and Meserve are employed by WBRC Architects-Engineers and have been tour guides for the architecture and sculpture tour of downtown Bangor that debuted in June. The three men are young professionals whose livelihoods are involved in the design of buildings, WBRC officials said. Their photographs invite viewers to delight in Bangor’s cityscape.

For more information, call 945-4400, Ext. 409.


City Clerk Arthur Verow announced that the regular annual city election, in conjunction with the statewide general election, will be held Nov. 5.

At the city election, voters will elect one member of the City Council, two members of the school committee and one trustee of the Brewer High School district.

Donna Thornton’s three-year term on the City Council expires this year. The three-year terms of school committee members Mary Ann McGuire and Joseph Ferris, and the five-year term of Philip Griffin as a high school district trustee, also will expire.

Registered voters interested in running for any of these offices must file nomination petitions with the city clerk by 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23. Nomination petitions are available at the city clerk’s office, where additional information on running for local office may be obtained.

The annual Brewer Day program will be re-established with a full day of community events Saturday, Oct. 5.

As part of the program, a Brewer Citizen of the Year award will be presented to a resident singled out for volunteer service to the community during the past year.

Nominations may be submitted in writing to the Brewer city clerk’s office, 80 North Main St., Brewer 04412. They also may be submitted by e-mail to, or phoned in to the city clerk’s office 989-7050.

The nomination should contain the name and address of the person nominated, and a brief explanation why the person is being nominated. Also needed is the name and address of the person making the nomination.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, Sept. 20.

The city clerk’s office has received certification as a U.S. passport acceptance agency. The office will process applications 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

Applicants must submit a birth certificate with a raised seal and a current photo identification, such as a driver’s license. The fee for passport application is $55, age 16 and older, plus a $30 execution fee. The fee for those under age 16 is $40 plus the $30 execution fee. The fee for passport renewal, if done within two years of expiration of current passport, is $55 with no execution fee. For more information, call 989-7050.

Lon Walters, president of Woodlands of Brewer Inc., unveiled Woodlands of Brewer, a 66-bed residential care facility for the elderly on Taylor Drive on Aug. 16.

Mayor Michael Celli and representatives from the offices of U. S. Rep. John Baldacci and U.S. Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins made opening statements. They escorted the first resident of the facility into her new home.

Woodlands is the first of two new facilities planned for the site. Next year, the company plans to build a 15,000-square-foot, 30-bed Alzheimer’s care center. Construction of the two facilities is expected to cost $4 million to 5 million, and to produce nearly 50 full-time and 20 part-time jobs.


Darrell and Linda Sproul of Hamden have opened Coffee ‘n Creme Drive-Thru at 2010 Hammond St. The store serves Arabian coffees, in-house blends and flavors, iced coffees, cold drinks, cappucinos, doughnuts, muffins and bagels. Also available are newspapers. Store hours are 5:45 a.m.-midnight Monday-Saturday. For more information, call 848-7988.


Nomination papers are available for positions on the board of selectmen and the SAD 23 board of directors. Nomination papers are due in the town office by Saturday, Sept. 21.

The municipal election will coincide with the state election Tuesday, Nov. 5.


A municipal election will be held Tuesday, Oct. 1, at the Newburgh Elementary School to fill a vacancy for first selectman. Nomination papers are available, and the deadline for filing is Tuesday, Sept. 17.

A minimum of 25 signatures of registered voters is required. For more information, call the town office at 234-4151.

A big blue dinosaur was discovered in a field at Windover Art Center recently. No one will say where it came from, but it might have something to do with guest artist Chris Senesi who works with casting media such as clay, moulage and silicon to create three-dimensional life casts of hands and faces.

Another recent guest was Young Ju Nam who shared her Korean heritage with students.

Windover theater students made a film based on the story, “A Hard, Dazed Knight,” by student Dillon Bates.

A puppet show was staged in the new puppet theater donated by Penobscot Theatre Company. The puppets, created by students, performed to the Beatles song, “Yellow Submarine.”


Physical therapist and master gardener Robin Borok of Bangor presented a workshop on exercises and body mechanics for gardeners at the Garden Gathering on Aug. 17 at UMaine’s Rogers Farm on Bennoch Road.

Other presenters included Michael Zuk, owner of Everlasting Farm on Essex Street in Bangor, who spoke about drip irrigation for home gardens; and Lydia Musselman, who demonstrated the art of making tussie mussies – small, bundled flower bouquets.

Other sessions included lectures on seed saving, weed control, composting, herbal teas and the therapeutic and sensory qualities of gardening.

The Garden Gathering was organized by Rogers Farm planning committee volunteers.

The Orono Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registrations for its 2002 Rec Soccer Program.

The program is open to children in grades K-6 and will run from Sept. 16 to Oct. 26. Children will practice one day per week and play games Saturday mornings.

The registration fee is $15 for Orono residents and $25 for others. A late fee of $5 will be charged after Sept 6.

The Start Smart Soccer Program is for children ages 3-5 and parents. Children will learn soccer skills and work one-on-one with a parent.

Each child will receive a Start Smart manual, a size 3 Koosh soccer ball, a Kwik Goal size 3 soccer ball, a set of shin guards, four soccer cones and a T-shirt.

Parent and child will be encouraged to work on soccer skills at home.

Start Smart soccer will meet once per week on Saturdays for six weeks beginning Sept. 21. The program is limited to the first 12 to register.

The fee for the program, which includes all the equipment, is $35 for Orono residents and $40 for others

The recreation department is looking for volunteer soccer and football coaches.

For information, call 866-5065.


Friends and family honored Carol Laplant recently at a reception at the Meeting House for her 25 years of service as the town’s administrative assistant. Laplant has moved to Cambridge and works in the town office there.

Complied by Ardeana Hamlin

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