What do you think we have learned as a nation as a result of the Sept. 11 attacks?
I always felt safe because I was in the United States, but you’re not safe no matter where you are.
Kathryn O’Quinn
We’ve learned that we’re ill-prepared for any sort of attack. That everybody has been complacent about everything.
Elizabeth McDonald
The government uses whatever it can to spread patriotism.
Colby Farrington
To be a little less selfish and more caring, but less trusting because we’ve always thought it couldn’t happen to us.
Sandra Black
What do you think we have learned as a nation as a result of the Sept. 11 attacks?
Life hasn’t changed. People have become more conscious of terrorism. People’s perceptions are the only things that have changed.
Brenda Moody
We’re seeing more militarism. There are more choppers and refueling planes in the skies and more people walking around wearing guns.
Catherine Foxson
It’s much harder to travel or to go across the border. And people are more conscious now of their surroundings and have more pride in America.
Bob Tracy
It has brought people in the United States closer together. There’s more community spirit and a sense of unity.
Karen Stewart
What do you think should be done with ground zero in New York City?
I think the twin towers should be rebuilt the same as they were before with a memorial.
Lesley Woodard
I think it should stand as a monument for all of the lives lost and lives given to protect the freedom of this country.
Karen Hudgins
Just a memorial. Nothing else, and I think the memorial should have a flower for each person that was lost.
Katrina McCaul
I’d say not rebuild it and build a memorial. A nice big wall with the names of everyone who died on it.
Stewart Stilley
Old Town
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