September 22, 2024


3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2002

A&G Logging Inc., Howland, failing to obtain and display fuel use decal, $250.

Ryan Ahearn, 18, Bangor, attaching false motor vehicle plates, $100.

Abram Joseph Allard, 19, Bucksport, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Matthew S. Allen, 22, Bradford, false swearing, jail 90 days, all but five days suspended, probation one year, community service 50 hours.

Jerry E. Alton, 48, Bangor, assault, dismissed.

Carl C. Amacher, 30, Bangor, possessing marijuana, $200.

Kevin Bailey, 23, Corinna, permitting unlawful use of vehicle, $100.

Alexander Bartolomei, 18, Wallingford, Pa., possessing marijuana, $200.

James Benson, 49, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 24 hours.

Beth S. Bolduc, 21, Sanford, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Matthew W. Brooks, 30, Old Town, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500.

Sean M. Brosnihan, 23, Hampden, operating motor vehicle without license, $100.

Jarod Brown, 20, Hermon, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Neil Butler, 34, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail two days, license suspended 90 days.

Sherrie Chapman, 18, Hermon, violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

John M. Charpentier, 35, Bangor, two counts assault, jail 60 days, suspended, probation one year each count.

Gregory Chase, 20, Bangor, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, restitution $53.05.

James E. Clark, 37, Millinocket, assault, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year, restitution, $454; criminal trespass, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year, restitution $454; criminal mischief, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year, restitution, $454.

Alicia Collamore, 19, Costigan, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Casey Commeau, 23, Bucksport, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $440, license suspended 90 days.

Dorene R. Comstock, 20, Stillwater, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Paul Cooney, 19, Old Town, assault; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, both counts to jury trial.

Jeremiah Couch, 20, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $140.

George L. Craig, 28, Brewer, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Joshua Devault, 20, Corinth, possessing marijuana, $200.

Amanda Dorr, 22, Alton, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Duana Dunifer, 17, Carmel, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Dennis V. Dyer, 34, Vanceboro, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $250.

Thomas O. Dyer, 31, Bangor, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs; unlawfully furnishing scheduled drugs; both counts dismissed.

Shawna A. Farrell, 23, Belfast, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Autumn Foley, 18, Winterport, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail two days, license suspended 90 days.

Maria G. Frazee, 27, Bangor, failure to register vehicle, $100.

John L. Frost, 53, LaGrange, failure to register vehicle, $60.

Kevin D. Frost, 42, Levant, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $300.

Carsten T. Geisel, 20, Winterport, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $600.

Kerrie Gillies, 32, Brewer, negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Ansel Gould, 35, Dixmont, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 15 days, license suspended 18 months; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Darlene Gross, 41, Brewer, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $450, license suspended 90 days.

Gordon Hall, 38, Old Orchard Beach, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100; possessing marijuana, $200.

Norman R. Hall Jr., 44, Hermon, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial; operating vehicle without license, jury trial.

Christopher Hart, 25, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $140.

Harold Hawkes, 37, Old Town, violating protective order, jail seven days.

Randy A. Henderson, 23, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, jail 30 days.

Andrew P. Hewes, 42, Brewer, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $300.

Tobias S. Hight, 26, Dexter, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Jeanne Highwolf, 38, Brewer, assault, $250.

Genola Hodgdon, 33, Bangor, false public alarm or report, jail five days.

Roy L. Horton, 26, Brewer, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail four days, license suspended 90 days.

Darryl V. Huff Jr., 39, Lewiston, rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Kenneth Ireland, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200, jail two days.

William Jennison, 48, Bradford, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $300, jail three days.

Marvin Johnson, 49, Rocky Mount, N.C., rule violation, operation with false duty, $250.

Arthur Jones, 55, Hampden, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Donald Joseph, 34, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $150.

Jon H. Karl, 33, Greenbush, assault, jury trial.

Mark F. Ketch, 39, Milford, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Philip R. Klemanski, 25, Portland, possessing marijuana, $200.

Frederick Lam, 16, Brewer, possession of tobacco products by minor; sale and use of drug paraphernalia; possession of tobacco products by minor; all counts dismissed.

Robert Lombardo, 24, Alton, two counts assault, dismissed.

Thurlow Lord, 76, Hermon, assault, dismissed.

Mark Loring, 21, Old Town, possessing fireworks, $100.

Matthew Lynch, 19, Hampden, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $200, jail 60 days, all but two days suspended, probation one year, restitution $110.

Trevor L. Lyons, 24, South Portland, littering, $100.

Percy Martin, 31, Bangor, assault; violating condition of release; false public alarm or report; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; violating condition of release; all counts to jury trial.

Jonathon M. Mason, 35, Bangor, possessing marijuana, $200.

Niall McGarvey, 47, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Kimberly A. McLaughlin, 43, Clifton, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500, jail seven days, license suspended one year.

Christopher McNinch, 39, Old Town, assault, $200.

Linda J. Meader, 43, Princeton, possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.

Mauricia Melia, 31, Guilford, criminal trespass; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; both counts dismissed.

Robert B. Merrit, 41, Clifton, operating motorboat without certificate of number, $100.

Tammy Meservey, 30, Greenfield, violating condition of release, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year.

Jason R. Mishou, 18, Milford, disorderly conduct, $160.

Emma Jane Misiaszek, 24, Ellsworth, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail three days, license suspended 90 days.

Dennis J. Moore, 36, Haverhill, Mass., violating protective order, dismissed.

Jean Morrill, 17, Corinna, operating vehicle without license, $100.

Neil Morrill, 20, Bangor, failure to notify owner of property-damage accident, $100.

Lawrence C. Murphy, 47, Mariaville, possessing loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $200.

Dustin B. Northway, 25, Brewer, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $450, jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Tammy J. Nylund, 37, Glenburn, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $150.

Ryan M. Ociepka, 20, Hampden, possessing marijuana, $200; possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Anthony Osnoe, 20, Bangor, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, $200; disorderly conduct, $200.

Charles Ouellette, 20, Orono, failure to make 48-hour accident report, $50.

James E. Parent, 59, Orrington, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Joshua Peabody, 19, Hampden, speeding 30-plus mph more than posted speed, $250; failing to stop for officer, $300.

Devon A. Plourde, 20, Gardiner, operating vehicle without license, dismissed.

Robert M. Poitraw, 35, Old Town, operating motor vehicle after license revocation; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; both counts jury trial.

Jamison Powell, 16, Orrington, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Shawn Puiia, 23, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

Kevin J. Pulk, 37, Old Town, disorderly conduct, jail two days; violating condition of release, jail two days.

Jeremy Quinn, 19, Glenburn, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $300, jail 48 hours.

Jane E. Reagan, 38, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Henry E.K. Redwine, 32, Newburgh, assault, jury trial.

Mark Richards, 19, Milford, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Hasan M. Riley, 20, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $100.

Kevin Robertson, 46, Eddington, disorderly conduct, $150.

Herman Rodriguez, 32, Bangor, disorderly conduct, jail 48 hours.

Jason L. Rossignol, 26, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, $500, jail three days.

Michael G. Roy, 23, Holden, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail two days, license suspended 90 days.

Nicholas J. Sanborn, 18, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $100.

Buddy Sanders, 37, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 40 days.

Stephen Scovil, 34, Hudson, operating vehicle without license, $150 suspended, license suspended 30 days; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, dismissed; driving to endanger, jail 30 days, suspended, probation one year.

Justin Searway, 20, Levant, two counts violating condition of release, jail 83 days each count.

Ryan C. Servisky, 25, Veazie, failure to register vehicle, dismissed.

Brad L. Shaw, 20, Etna, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Kent Siegfriedt, 50, Bangor, false public alarm or report, jury trial.

David R. Simmons, 19, Glenburn, littering, $100.

Deborah Jean Sinclair, 33 Harrington, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, jail three days, restitution $153.42; negotiating worthless instrument, $100.

Nichole R. Smith, 17, Glenburn, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Randy J. Smith, 29, Carmel, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail 144 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Tobi A. Smith, 20, Milford, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Kristina Spellman, 23, Houlton, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Andrew J. St. Peter, 41, Greenbush, marijuana cultivation, $600.

April Sutherland, 28, Veazie, negotiating worthless instrument, $200, restitution $385.25; two counts negotiating worthless instrument, $200 suspended each count, restitution $385.25 each count.

Marvett Swaby, 33, Orono, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 15 days, all but two days suspended, probation one year, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200 suspended; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200; violating condition of release, jail two days.

Daryl Szady, 47, Orono, obstructing report of crime, $100; criminal restraint, $200.

Stephen Thibodeau, 43, Hermon, procuring liquor for minor, $300, jail three days.

Carl Thompson, 41, Medway, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $450, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license revocation, jail five days.

Brian Tomilson, 27, Brewer, operating vehicle without license, $50.

William A. Tracy, 20, Carmel, failing to stop ATV, $200; operating unregistered ATV, $100; operating ATV with insufficient lights, $100; operating ATV without headgear, $100.

Heath Urquhart, 22, Jonesboro, criminal trespass, $160.

Eugene J. Vaillancourt, 19, failure to make 48-hour accident report, $150.

Dennis J. Vicnaire, 41, Bangor, assault; criminal threatening; both counts dismissed.

Adam Vryhof, 20, Orono, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Stacey Walters, 18, Bangor, criminal mischief, jail two days, restitution $800; escape, $300, jail two days.

Anthony Wardwell, 39, Orono, criminal mischief, jail 48 hours, restitution $200; violating condition of release, jail four days.

Patrick Wardwell, 28, Orrington, theft of services, $200, restitution $6.15.

Stephen Warman, 48, Bangor, disorderly conduct, $160.

Joseph G. Wilcox, 26, Bangor, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Edward B. Wilks, 56, Levant, failure to register vehicle, $100.

Elihue Williams, 44, Bangor, assault, $300; criminal mischief, $200, restitution $214.53.

Daniel Wilson, 19, Bangor, operating vehicle without license, $120.

Zachary T. Woodward, 22, Bangor, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $550, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Kellen Farrow Wright, 21, Hudson, criminal trespass, jail five days; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, jail five days; violating condition of release, jail five days.

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