September 20, 2024

Warriors top Shires in OT

FORT KENT – McKenzie Boucher scored nine of her 20 points in the fourth quarter, including a layup that would send the game into overtime, to lead the Fort Kent girls basketball team to a 72-68 overtime victory over Houlton Monday in high school action.

Boucher also tallied 10 rebounds and six assists for the Warriors. Meagan Minzy scored 16 points and had seven assists while Mindy Morneault added 15 points. Ashley Desjardins chipped in with 10 points and seven rebounds.

Kasey Cleary led the Shiretowners with 23 points while Katherine Cole added 20 points.

Houlton (4-6) 68

Foster 1-0-2, Cleary 8-2-23, Thompson 4-0-8, Skehan 3-0-7, Cole 8-4-20, Lenentine 4-0-8, Sewell, Guy

Fort Kent (5-4) 72

Pelletier 0-1-1, Minzy 6-2-16, Desjardins 4-2-10, Daigle 2-0-4, Morneault 5-2-15, Saucier 1-0-2, Boucher 8-3-20, Hartman 2-0-4, Violette

3-pt. goals: Cleary 5, Skehan; Morneault 3, Minzy 2

Houlton 17 35 48 62 68

Fort Kent 16 24 49 62 72

JV: Fort Kent 42-40

Hodgdon 45, Katahdin 43

At Hodgdon, Amanda Fitzpatrick scored a team-high 12 points and the Hawks held off the Cougars despite being outscored 19-13 in the fourth quarter.

Erin Foster chipped in with 11 points for Hodgdon.

Krystle McMoarn put in 15 points for Katahdin of Sherman Station and Brandi Violette added 13.

Katahdin (3-5) 43

McMoarn 7-0-15, Violette 4-4-13, Green 4-0-8, Duffy-Stanley 2-1-5, Hill 1-0-2, Green, McAvoy

Hodgdon (6-2) 45

A. Fitzpatrick 4-4-12, Foster 5-1-11, McGary 3-2-8, Wilson 2-3-7, Nightingale 2-0-4, Williams 0-2-2, A. Sloat, K. Slaot, D. Fitzpatrick

3-pt. goals: McMoarn, Violette

Katahdin 2 13 24 43

Hodgdon 7 21 32 45

CAHS 65, Ashland 46

At Mars Hill, Lindsay Michaud had 18 points and 15 rebounds to lead the host Central Aroostook Panthers.

Jocelyn Carvell and Brionna Barton scored 13 and 12 points, respectively, for the Panthers.

Ashley Nemer had 16 points and Beth Chamberlain added 10.

Ashland (4-5) 46

Nemer 4-7-16, Chamberlain 5-0-10, Belskis 3-0-6, Spooner, Sherman, Caron, Clark, Peters 2-2-6, Carney 1-0-2, Smith 2-2-6, Long

Central Aroostook (6-4) 65

Michaud 4-10-18, Carvell 5-2-13, Barton 4-4-12, Caron 1-0-2, Rideout 2-0-4, Graham, Collins 3-0-6, Fletcher 2-4-8, Brewer 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Nemer; Carvell

Ashland 10 19 29 46

CAHS 8 18 39 65

JV: CAHS 27-24

Washburn 55, Wisdom 27

At Washburn, the Beavers outscored the Pioneers 20-2 in the second quarter to take control of the game.

Amber Blakney scored 20 points while her sister Tabitha Blakney joined her in double figures with 11 points.

Amber Voisine topped Wisdom of St. Agatha with 16 points.

Wisdom (0-8) 27

Lizotte, Harris 1-2-4, Hebert, Voisine 8-016, Bourgoin 1-2-4, Desjardin, Dyment 1-0-2, Chamberland 0-1-1

Washburn (1-7) 55

Burtt 1-0-2, T. Blakney 4-2-11, McLaughlin 3-0-8, C. Maynard, L. Maynard 3-1-8, Carter, A. Blakney 8-3-20, McPherson, Campbell 3-0-6, Espling, Doody

3-pt. goals: McLaughlin 2, A. Blackney, t. Blakney, L. Maynard

Wisdom 4 6 18 27

Washburn 14 34 45 55

Narraguagus 37, GSA 30

At Blue Hill, the Knights of Harrington surged to a 15-point lead at the end of the third quarter and then held off the George Stevens Academy Eagles for their seventh win.

Shelby Howe paced the winners with 14 points while Samantha Haskell put in seven for GSA.

Narraguagus (7-2) 37

Strout 1-0-2, M. Barbee 4-1-9, Kenney 0-2-2, Sawyer 2-0-4, L. Barbee, Howe 6-2-14, Grant 3-0-6, Fickett, Sprague, Hall, Tenan, Baker

GSA (1-7) 30

Youcis 2-0-4, Roberts 3-0-6, Grindle 1-0-2, Winters 3-0-6, Allen 2-0-5, Haskell 3-0-7, Moon, Wardwell

3-pt. goals: Haskell

Narraguagus 10 19 32 37

GSA 5 11 17 30

JV: GSA 58-54

Rockland 53, MCI 31

At Pittsfield, Annie Pennell led the Tigers to victory with 21 points against Maine Central Institute.

Caitlyn Grant scored 10 for the Tigers.

Kasey Dodge scored 12 for the Huskies and Ashley Currier added 11.

Rockland 53

Pennell 9-2-21, Grant 3-3-10, Hurley 1-2-4, Felt 3-2-9, Oliver, Dunton 2-3-7, Hynes 2-0-4

MCI 31

Currier 3-3-11, K. Dodge 4-0-12, M. Dodge, Littlefield, Lancaster, Sullivan 1-3-5, Ferland, Lemari 1-1-3, Frost, J. Holt, M. Holt

3-pt. goals: Pennell, Grant, Felt; Currier 2, Dodge 4

Rockland 15 27 39 53

MCI 1 13 23 31

JV: MCI 49-48 (OT)

Islesboro 61, Averill 19

At Hinckley, Cassie Gray racked up 20 points and 17 rebounds as the Eagles pounded the Beavers.

Kate Hauprich poured in 26 points to lead Islesboro. Melissa Johnston racked up eight assists.

Lisa Seavey scored a team-high six points for Averill.

Islesboro (4-0) 61

Hauprich 13-0-26, Frank 1-0-2, Kerr 2-1-5, Johnston 3-1-7, Durkee 0-1-1, Anderson, Gray 8-4-20

Averill (0-6) 19

Michaud, Seavey 2-2-6, Growen 2-0-4, Battle 1-1-3, O’Berne 1-1-3, McGee 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: none

Islesboro 14 28 40 61

Averill 4 9 13 19

Stearns 62, Piscataquis 37

At Guilford, Trish MacDonald netted 19 points to help carry the Minutemen of Millinocket past the Pirates.

Jenny Getchell was the top scorer for Piscataquis with 14 points.

Stearns (2-5) 62

MacDonald 7-2-19, Nason 2-3-7, Legassey 4-0-8, J. Osborne 2-2-6, Arsenault 3-0-6, Boynton 3-0-6, L. Osborne 2-1-5, Michaud 0-2-2, Hale 1-1-3, Somers, Rideout

Piscataquis (6-3) 37

Woodbury 1-2-4, Bailey 1-0-2, St. Louis 1-1-3, Getchell 5-4-14, Roy 1-0-2, Emery 0-2-2, Hanscom 1-2-4, Bradford 2-2-6, Zajechowski, Levesque, Martel

3-pt. goals: MacDonald 3

Stearns 17 32 47 62

Piscataquis 4 10 22 37

JV: Stearns 53-26

Boys basketball

Ashland 74, Limestone/MSSN 67

At Ashland, the Hornets held off a fourth-quarter rally by the Eagles to earn the win.

Buck Pineau topped all scorers with 27 points. Brent Austin had 17 and David Smith added 13 for Ashland.

Jake Manner led Limestone/MSSN with 20 points while Andrew Pelletier had 17 and Josh Poisson chipped in with 13.

Limestone (2-4) 67

Manner 8-3-20, Pelletier 5-6-17, Poisson 13, Tamberello 3-2-8, Cote 3-1-7, f. McCullough 1-0-2, E. McCullough

Ashland (3-6) 74

Pineau 10-7-27, Austin 5-3-17, Smith 5-3-13, Bessey 4-0-8, Oakes 1-1-4, Millett 1-0-2, Lewin 1-0-3, Hunter, Perry Baker

3-pt. goals: Pelletier; Austin 4, Lewin, Oakes

Limestone/MSSN 6 30 47 67

Ashland 17 36 62 74

JV: Ashland 47-46 (OT)

Van Buren 38, Madawaska 26

At Van Buren, Fabian Deuchler tossed in 12 points as the undefeated Crusaders rallied for their ninth win.

Jeremy Chasse added eight for Van Buren.

Peter Gerard led the Owls with 11 points.

Madawaska (1-6) 26

Cyr 0-1-1, Nadeau 1-0-2, Gerard 5-1-11, Morneault 3-0-6, Dubois 2-0-6, Labbe, Deng, Roy, Guerrette

Van Buren (9-0) 38

Hews 1-0-2, Gagnon 3-0-6, Deuchler 5-2-12, Chasse 3-0-8, Corbin 2-0-4, Lapierre, Violette, Ouellette

3-pt. goals: Dubois 2; Chasse 2

Madawaska 4 11 22 26

Van Buren 0 15 26 38

JV: Madawaska 52-50

Woodland 87, E. Grand 79 (OT)

At Woodland, Jesse Nicholson scored seven of his 18 points from the line in overtime to help lead the Dragons to a big win over East Grand of Danforth.

Andrew Scott had 17 points and nine rebounds for Woodland. Weston Kochendoerfer had 16 points and eight rebounds, Billy Smith scored 11 of his 15 points in the fourth quarter, and Chad Pike scored 13.

Josh Faulkner led the Vikings with 21 points. Darius Parker had 17 points and Seth Preston came off the bench to score 15, 10 in the second quarter. Richard Byers and Eric Hannington each scored 12.

East Grand (5-2) 79

Parker 7-2-17, Byers 6-0-12, Scott 0-1-1, Faulkner 8-5-21, Hannington 4-4-12, Preston 6-0-15, Irish 0-1-1

Woodland (6-2) 87

Knowles, Pike 5-2-13, Smith 6-2-15, Nicholson 7-3-18, Kochendoerfer 7-0-16, Scott 8-1-17, Engroff 2-3-8

3-pt. goals: Parker, Preston 3; Pike, Smith, Nicholson, Kochendorfer 2, Engroff

East Grand 16 41 60 73 79

Woodland 21 36 57 73 87

JV: Woodland 68-64

Jonesport-Beals 77, Lubec 34

At Jonesport, Abraham Beal and Jeremy Chandler tossed in 18 points apiece to lead the Royals to the win.

Derrick Beal contributed with 13 points while Erik Balchen helped out with 10.

Dylan Lord led the Lubec effort with 11 points while Jesse Blake had 10 points.

Lubec 34

Lord 5-1-11, Blake 5-0-10, Hall 2-2-6, Scoville 1-0-3, Marston 1-0-2, Rice 1-0-2, Jones, McLellan, Brown

Jonesport-Beals 77

A. Beal 6-4-18, Balchen 5-0-10, Chandler 8-2-18, D. Beal 5-3-13, Lamson, M. Alley 1-0-2, Griffin 1-0-2, Durkee 1-0-2, Berry 3-0-6, J. Alley 0-2-2, Dyer

3-pt. goals: Scoville; Beal 2

Lubec 6 23 34 34

Jonesport-Beals 16 36 57 77

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