September 20, 2024

Parker lifts East Grand by Woodland Calais, North Haven post wins

DANFORTH – Chantal Parker hit a layup with 11 seconds left to help the East Grand Vikings knock off the Woodland Dragons 41-40 in schoolgirl basketball action Saturday.

Marie Gilman paced the winners with seven assists and 18 points, including three 3-pointers in the fourth quarter. Amanda Godley chipped in with 12 points while Parker finished with nine points and 13 rebounds.

Katie Smith led Woodland with 16 points and Kaitlyn Leeman added 10.

Woodland (8-2) 40

Smith 6-4-16, Leeman 4-2-10, Seavey 2-1-5, Vose 2-0-4, Knights 1-0-2, Lord 1-0-2, Ferry 0-1-1, Brown, Troiani

East Grand (3-7) 41

Gilman 6-2-18, Godley 4-4-12, Parker 3-3-9, Osnoe 1-0-2, McKay, Zaneldin

3-pt. goals: Gilman 4

Woodland 11 15 29 40

East Grand 13 21 26 41

Prelim: Woodland freshman boys 68, East Grand 48

Calais 74, Madawaska 33

At Calais, Crystal Martin scored 17 points to power the Blue Devils to the win.

Danielle O’Brien added 15 points for Calais.

Michelle Lavertu scored 11 points to lead Madawaska.

Madawaska (1-8) 33

Lavertu 3-5-11, Voter 3-0-6, Sirois 2-1-5, Plourd 1-2-4, M. Daigle 3-1-7, Chasse 1-0-2, Clavette, Phelan, Cannan, K. Daigle, R. Daigle

Calais (6-4) 74

Martin 7-2-17, O’Brien 7-1-15, Smith 1-0-2, Eagan 2-0-4, Feck 1-0-3, C. Taylor 4-0-9, McGinley 2-0-4, L. Taylor 1-0-2, Scribner 2-0-4, Mahan 1-4-6, Gillespie 3-0-8, Driscoll, Leon

3-pt. goals: Gillespie 2, Martin, Feck, C. Taylor

Madawaska 7 16 23 33

Calais 26 46 54 74

Caribou 56, Ellsworth 34

At Caribou, Lindsey Burlock scored 16 points and had five steals as the Vikings rolled.

Monica Selander and Leah Drew netted 15 points apiece for Caribou.

Monique Boutaugh and Cassie Kimball each scored eight points for the Eagles.

Ellsworth (4-6) 34

Eaton, Boutaugh 3-0-8, Briggs, Kimball 3-2-8, Bickford 1-1-4, Duarte 0-1-1, Archer 0-1-1, Roberts 2-0-4, Fortier, Jones, Oleson 2-2-6, Tripp 0-2-2

Caribou (7-5) 56

Gahagan 1-0-2, Harrigan 1-0-2, Ouellette, Bouchard 2-0-4, Vincent, Burlock 5-6-16, Drew 5-5-15, Willey 0-1-1, Selander 6-3-15, Cousins 0-1-1, Collins, Lopez

3-pt. goals: Boutaugh 2, Bickford

Ellsworth 9 17 27 34

Caribou 19 33 40 56

JV: Ellsworth 39-25

North Haven 41, Islesboro 32

At Islesboro, Liz Lovell scored 13 points to help lead North Haven to the win.

Laura Barrett helped out with 11 points.

Cassie Gray led the Islesboro effort with 22 points.

North Haven (8-1) 41

Davidson 4-0-8, Lovell 5-3-13, Barrett 5-1-11, Brown 1-0-2, Curtis 2-1-5, Adams 1-0-2

Islesboro (4-3) 32

Hauprich 1-1-3, Kerr 1-0-2, Durkee 1-1-3, Anderson 1-0-2, Gray 9-4-22, Frank, Johnston

3-pt. goals: none scored

North Haven 13 31 39 41

Islesboro 10 19 27 32

Nokomis 57, Hampden 41

At the Bangor Auditorium, Danielle Clark scored 26 points as the Warriors of Newport topped the Broncos.

Michelle Murray added 16 points for Nokomis.

Hampden’s Emmy Russell scored 19 points.

Hampden (5-4) 41

Webb, Stevenson 4-0-8, Morris 1-0-2, Campbell 2-0-4, Russell 8-3-19, Beal 2-0-4, Ireland 1-2-4

Nokomis (6-1) 57

Welch 2-0-6, Murray 4-5-16, Barden, Snow, Paradis 1-0-2, Merrow, Lowe 1-0-2, Clark 8-10-26

3-pt. goals: Murray 3, Welch 2

Hampden 7 17 29 41

Nokomis 11 26 37 57

Piscataquis 58, PVHS 46

At Guilford, Jennie Getchell scored 21 points and had nine rebounds to lead the Pirates past the Howlers.

Pam Bailey added nine points for Piscataquis.

Nancy Hallett scored 20 points to lead Penobscot Valley o f Howland.

Penobscot Valley (1-9) 46

Colbeth 3-2-8, Foster, A. Hallett, Brown, Garland, N. Hallett 7-3-20, Plourd 2-2-6, Drost 2-0-4, Batchelder 0-2-2, Porter, Snape 3-0-6

Piscataquis (3-6) 58

Woodbury 3-1-7, Levesque, Bailey 4-1-9, St. Louis, Getchell 8-5-21, Roy 2-0-4, Emery 3-2-8, Martell, Hanscome 1-0-2, Bradford 1-3-5

3-pt. goals: N. Hallett

Penobscot Val. 7 13 29 46

Piscataquis 16 26 38 58

JV: Penobscot Valley 48-20

Brewer 62, John Bapst 26

At Brewer, Katie Harris and Carolyn McAvoy each scored 12 points to keep the Witches on top of the Crusaders.

Katie Quimby added nine points for Brewer.

Katie Andrle scored 10 points for John Bapst of Bangor.

John Bapst (0-7) 26

Andrle 4-2-10, Allen 2-0-5, Rider 2-0-4, Miller 2-0-4, Hunter 1-0-2, LaFerriere 0-1-1, Martin, Lincoln, Athorp

Brewer (4-5) 62

Harris 4-0-12, McAvoy 4-4-12, Quimby 3-3-9, Freeman 3-0-8, Bean 2-0-6, Adams 2-0-5, Sutherland 1-2-4, Wing 1-1-3, Hamm 1-0-3, McLaughlin, Alberding

3-pt. goals: Allen; Harris 4, Freeman 2, Bean 2, Adams, Hamm

John Bapst 7 16 22 26

Brewer 11 25 42 62

JV: John Bapst 45-26

Dexter 90, Foxcroft 25

At Dexter, Ashley Ames scored 19 points and grabbed 15 rebounds to help the undefeated Tigers cruise to their 11th win.

Sabrina Cote chipped in with 14 points and six steals for the Tigers and Brittany Veazie added 14 points and four assists. Ashley Foster contributed 11 points and Meagan Fogarty netted 10.

Ashley Hall led Foxcroft with 11 points.

Foxcroft (4-5) 25

Cartwright, Haskell, Brown 0-2-2, E. Curry, Hall 4-0-11, M. Curry, Jaackins 1-0-2, Marden 4-0-8, Ryder, Goggin 1-0-2

Dexter (11-0) 90

Veazie 7-0-14, Chapman, Mountain, Burton, Fogarty 3-4-10, Cote 5-4-14, S. Turner 1-0-2, Hartford 0-1-1, Alton, Pullen 4-1-9, Patterson 1-2-4, L. Turner 3-0-6, Foster 4-3-11, Ames 9-1-19

3-pt. goals: Hall 3

Foxcroft 2 7 11 25

Dexter 26 45 70 90

JV: Dexter 57-18

Lee 70, Bangor Christian 46

At Husson College in Bangor, Ashley Gifford scored 22 points to lead the Lee Academy Pandas to the win.

Shelby Pickering scored 15, Kristin Hersom had 14, and Samantha Cole added 11 for the Pandas.

Jenna Seymour had 15 points and Danielle Miller added 13 for the Patriots.

Lee (9-2) 70

Gifford 10-1-22, Pickering 6-3-15, Hersom 5-2-14, Cole 5-1-11, M. Moors 1-0-2, J. Moors 1-0-2, Mallett 1-0-2, Ham 1-0-2, Reed

Bangor Christian (5-5) 46

Seymour 6-1-15, D. Miller 5-1-13, Reitsma 2-3-7, Jenkins 2-2-6, K. Miller 1-2-5, French, Hutchins, Page

3-pt. goals: Gifford, Hersom 2; Seymour 2, Miller 2, K. Miller

Lee 21 35 46 70

Bangor Christian 8 17 31 36

Penquis 44, Katahdin 41

At Sherman Station, Jean Hamlin scored 19 points to lead the Patriots of Milo past Katahdin.

K.C. Duffy-Stanley paced the Cougars with 17 points.

Penquis (6-4) 44

J. Hamlin 9-1-19, K. Hamlin, Morrill 1-1-4, Gerrish 2-0-4, Madden 3-0-6, Comeau 2-0-4, Cobb 2-3-7

Katahdin (3-7) 41

Duffy-Stanley 3-11-17, Ja. Green 2-0-4, Violette 3-0-7, McMoarn 4-0-8, Hill 1-3-5, Martin, Je. Green, McAvoy

3-pt. goals: Violette

Penquis 8 16 31 44

Katahdin 10 22 31 41

JV: Penquis 20-17

Presque Isle 53, Bangor 36

At Presque Isle, Billi Blanchard scored 16 points and grabbed 10 rebounds to lead the undefeated Wildcats to the win.

Natasha Deschene and Kylan Smith added 12 points apiece for Presque Isle, which held Bangor to eight points in the second half.

Marissa McLeod had a team-high 10 points for the Rams.

Presque Isle (7-0) 53

Deschene 4-1-12, A. Delong 1-2-4, Post 2-0-4, DeMerchant 2-0-4, Smith 4-2-12, Blanchard 5-5-16, McKenna K. Delong, Henrickson, Wildeman, Nichols, Morris

Bangor (1-0-2) 2-5

Osgood 1-0-2, Angst 1-1-3, Porter 1-2-4, Clarke 1-0-2, McLeod 3-4-10, McCrum 2-0-5, Curtis 3-1-7, Chase 0-1-1, Sullivan 1-0-2, McAlian, Russell, Zitaner, Hayden, Weymouth, Bradford, Dubois

3-pt. goals: McCrum; Deschene 3, Smith 2, Blanchard

Bangor 11 28 33 36

Presque Isle 17 35 48 53

JV: Bangor 59-34

Boys basketball

Machias 56, Calvary Chapel 49

At Machias, Chris Correll netted 23 points to help lift Machias past Calvary Chapel Christian.

Joe Richards and Nate Poore each scored 10 points and had 11 and 10 rebounds, respectively. Luke Leahy also contributed with 10 points.

Kyle Bradford led Calvary Chapel Christian with 16 points while Brock Bradford added 15 and Dean Tyler had 10.

Calvary Chapel Christian (5-2) 49

Dean 3-1-10, B. Bradford 4-4-15, Phillips 0-1-1, Gans 0-3-3, K. Bradford 6-1-16, McDonald 2-0-4

Machias (3-9) 56

Brooks 1-0-2, Poore 5-0-10, Leahy 5-0-10, Correll 10-3-23, Richards 5-0-10, Falvey 0-1-1, Smith, Sullivan

3-pt. goals: K. Bradford 3, B. Bradford 3, Dean 3

Calvary Chapel 8 21 39 49

Machias 13 27 41 56

WA Raiders 73, Narraguagus 49

At East Machias, Whitney Stevens poured in 28 points and grabbed 10 rebounds to help carry Washington Academy past Narraguagus.

Jared Gray contributed with 27 points, eight rebounds and eight assists for the Raiders.

Jason Strout led Narraguagus of Harrington with 16 points while Corey Skeate added 14.

Narraguagus (3-8) 49

Beal 2-0-5, Skeate 7-0-14, bailey 1-0-2, Cheeker 2-2-6, Rossi 1-0-2, Strout 7-2-16, Worcester 2-0-4, McLaughlin, Shaw, Farren

Washington Academy (7-3)73

Mawhinney 1-1-3, Gray 10-5-27, Ramsdell 2-2-6, Harmon 2-0-5, Stevens 12-3-28, Sternbergh 0-1-1, Gray 1-0-3, Merritt, Colbeth, Hostetter, Mallar, Rushforth, Look

3-pt. goals: Beal; Gray 2, Harmon, Stevens, Gray

Narraguagus 6 23 39 49

Washington Acad. 16 44 55 73

JV: Washington Academy 54-43

Caribou 52, Ellsworth 41

At Caribou, Jon Chasse netted 16 points to help keep the Vikings ahead of the Eagles.

Josh Nadeau scored 12 points for Caribou.

Joey Dewitt scored 19 points for Ellsworth.

Ellsworth (3-7) 41

Mayo 3-0-8, Dewitt 6-5-19, Wood 4-1-9, Sawyer 2-0-5, Sprague, Berry, Jones, Carriere, McMillan, Putnam, Jordan

Caribou (4-6) 52

St. Peter 1-0-2, Nadeau 4-2-12, J. Peterson 1-0-2, Nason 4-0-8, Susee 1-0-2, Chasse 7-2-16, K. Peterson 1-0-2, Zederman 3-0-8

3-pt. goals: Mayo, Sawyer; Nadeau, Zederman 2

Ellsworth 3 17 26 41

Caribou 10 23 41 52

JV: Caribou 57-50

Gr. Houlton Chr. 44, Lubec 41

At Hodgdon, Matt Hathaway’s 3-pointer at the buzzer from just inside the halfcourt line gave the Greater Houlton Christian Academy Eagles the dramatic win.

Hathaway finished with 18 points and Scott Duff added 15. Emery Lincoln grabbed 10 rebounds and Brian Korhonen had nine.

Jesse Blake scored 20 points and Jordan Hall had 14 for the Hornets.

Lubec (1-8) 41

Hall 7-0-14, Blake 8-4-20, Marston 1-0-3, Jones 1-0-2, Rice 0-2-2, Scoville, McConnell

Gr. Houlton Christian (6-4) 44

Hathaway 7-0-18, Duff 7-1-15, Lincoln 2-2-6, Farrar 1-1-3, Korhonen 1-0-2, Budd, Kennedy, Bell

3-pt. goals: Marston; Hathaway 4

Lubec 10 14 21 41

Gr. Houlton Chr. 12 25 32 44

Hermon 56, MDI 50

At Mount Desert, Adam Porter scored 16 points to help the Hawks top the Trojans.

Joey Schacht netted 12 points for Hermon as Jesse Keith and Ron Lane scored 10 a piece.

Kyle Jones hit five 3-pointers en route to a game-best 18 points for Mount Desert Island. Jake King added 15.

Hermon (5-4) 56

Cayford 2-0-4, Schacht 5-2-12, Gould, Keith 2-3-10, McGowan, Duplisea, Shorey, Porter 8-0-16, Lane 5-0-10, King 1-2-4

Mount Desert Island (8-3) 50

Jones 5-3-18, Dargis 1-0-2, Staples 1-0-3, Stratton, Suvlu 0-1-1, King 6-3-15, O’Connell, Chernosky 1-1-4, Colbeth 4-0-8

3-pt. goals: Keith; Jones 5, Staples

Hermon 15 27 43 56

MDI 12 24 39 50

JV: Hermon 57-54

Shead 58, DI-Stonington 44

At Eastport, Ben Maloney scored 16 points and had 13 rebounds to power the Tigers past the Mariners.

James MacDonald and Jason Bones each contributed 10 points for Shead.

Jeff Douglass netted 11 points for Deer Isle-Stonington.

DI-Stonington (1-8) 44

Douglass 3-5-11, Gray 4-1-9, N. Ciomei 0-4-4, Trundy 3-0-8, L. Ciomei 1-0-2, Giolarowski 3-1-7, Eaton 1-0-3, Carter, Haskell, Jones

Shead (6-3) 58

Maloney 7-1-16, MacDonald 3-4-10, Bones 4-1-10, Kroll 0-2-2, Demoley 2-1-5, Barnard 1-0-2, Marshall 1-0-2, Smith 2-0-4, Constant 1-0-3, Demmons 1-2-4, Cox, Ellington

3-pt. goals: Trundy 2, Eaton; Maloney, Bones, Constant

DI-Stonington 11 21 27 44

Shead 16 30 48 58

JV: Shead 46-41

Mattanawcook 75, Schenck 56

At East Millinocket, Jon Carney netted 17 points to help lead the Lynx past the Wolverines.

Nathan Cousineau scored 13 points for Mattanawcook of Lincoln and Tyler Libbey added 10.

Mike Rossignol and Brian Graham each scored 12 points for Schenck.

Mattanawcook (2-6) 75

Kites 1-6-8, Kyer 0-1-1, Du. Hanscom 0-6-6, Dy. Hanscom 3-3-9, Cousineau 3-4-13, Greenlaw 0-1-1, Berry 4-0-8, Libbey 3-4-10, Island 0-2-2, Carney 5-7-17

Schenck (2-8) 56

Johnston 1-3-5, Hanington 2-0-4, Rossignol 5-1-12, Deschenes 3-0-6, Waite 1-0-3, Thompson 2-0-4, Pelkey 1-0-2, Graham 6-0-12, Vaness 1-0-3, Barnett 2-1-5, Jamo, Kimball

3-pt. goals: Cousineau 3; Rossignol, Waite, Vaness

Mattanawcook 12 36 63 75

Schenck 8 28 40 56

JV: Schenck 82-72

Islesboro 66, North Haven 45

At Islesboro, Jon Bolduc posted a triple-double with 24 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists in the Eagles’ victory.

David Pike chipped in with 16 points and Rory Diffin had 11 points and nine rebounds.

Alex Curtis led the Hawks with 19 points and Ryan Lantagne put in 15.

North Haven (2-7) 45

Lovell 4-1-9, Lantagne 5-4-15, Curtis 7-5-19, Barrett 1-0-2, Hodder, Somma

Islesboro (6-1) 66

Bolduc 10-3-24, Pike 7-0-16, Tutor 2-0-4, Roberts 2-0-4, Grindle 2-0-5, Thomas 1-0-2, Diffin 4-2-11, Gorham

3-pt. goals: Lantagne; Pike 2, Bolduc, Grindle, Diffin

North Haven 5 20 31 45

Islesboro 24 39 54 66

GSA 78, Sumner 65

At East Sullivan, Duane Ledien poured in 26 points with six 3-pointers in his first game this season after an injury in the preseason to lead George Stevens to the win.

Nick Henry added 19 for the Eagles of Blue Hill while Chris Saunders had 11.

Larry Plummer scored 20 points and pulled down 20 rebounds for Sumner while Jamey Polk had 23 points and 10 rebounds.

GSA (7-1) 78

Ledien 6-8-26, Henry 7-4-19, Saunders 5-1-11, Templeton 0-2-2, Friend 2-2-6, Clapp 2-4-9, Astbury 2-0-5, Carter, Allen, Friedman, Lymburner, Candage

Sumner (7-4) 65

Polk 8-4-23, Johnson 1-6-8, Plummer 9-2-20, Hubert 2-2-7, White 1-2-5, Allen 1-0-2, Joy, Coffin, Pinkham, Pennartz

3-pt. goals: Ledien 6, Henry, Clapp, Astbury; Polk 3, Hubert, White

GSA 14 34 60 78

Sumner 8 30 45 65

JV: GSA 78-37

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