High school cheering

KENNEBEC VALLEY ATHLETIC CONFERENCE CHEERLEADING CHAMPIONSHIPS Time, site: Monday, 10:30 a.m.; Augusta Civic Center Teams competing: Class A – Skowhegan, Mount Ararat, Gardiner, Morse, Cony, Mt. Blue, Messalonskee, Brunswick, Leavitt, Oxford Hills, Lawrence, Medomak Valley; Class B – Erskine, Maranacook, MCI, Rockland,…
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Time, site: Monday, 10:30 a.m.; Augusta Civic Center

Teams competing: Class A – Skowhegan, Mount Ararat, Gardiner, Morse, Cony, Mt. Blue, Messalonskee, Brunswick, Leavitt, Oxford Hills, Lawrence, Medomak Valley; Class B – Erskine, Maranacook, MCI, Rockland, Belfast, Oak Hill, Winslow, Lincoln Academy, Waterville

Last’s season champions: Class A – Oxford Hills; Class B – Rockland

Teams to watch: Class A – Oxford Hills, Gardiner; Class B – Rockland, Erskine

Outlook: Both defending champions are perennial contenders, and this year should be no different. The Vikings of South Paris are winners of nine of the last 10 KVAC Class A titles, while the Tigers have won six straight Class B crowns. Gardiner and Oxford Hills placed third and fourth, respectively, at the Eastern Maine Class A competition last year. Rockland was third at the Class B regional meet and Erskine of South China also qualified for states.

Notes: Admission is $4 for adults and $2 for students. Each team will perform its routine in the preliminary round; the top 50 percent plus ties will advance to the final round. The Class A and Class B competitions are separate.

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