January 08, 2025

Court News

3rd District Court, Bangor

Cases Jan. 20-24, 2003

David Abely, 60, Bangor, violating protective order, jail 15 days, suspended.

Elbert Alston Jr., 35, Milford, burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

Richard A. Brooks, 26, Bradford, possession of drug paraphernalia, $100; possessing marijuana, $200.

Robert Butler, 51, Orrington, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail four days, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license revocation, jail five days; operating motor vehicle after license revocation, jail 10 days; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $800, jail 12 days, license suspended 90 days; assault, jail 30 days; criminal threatening, jail 30 days; violating condition of release, jail five days.

Thomas F. Cavanaugh Jr., 18, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500, restitution $48.

Sarah M. Clark, 62, Holden, passing stopped school bus, dismissed.

Brekin Clement, 27, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Harry J. Coffin II, 32, Hermon, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $300, jail 45 days, suspended.

Lynn Cook, 38, Hampden, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Thomas Daniels, 39, Bangor, assault; terrorizing; both counts dismissed.

Devin A. Deabler, 18, South Thomaston, failure to notify operator of unattended vehicle collision, dismissed.

Michael Deshane, 33, Bangor, false public alarm or report, jail three days.

Patrick S. Deterra, 35, Veazie, burglary of motor vehicle; aggravated criminal mischief, both counts transferred to Superior Court.

Ricky S. Emery, 23, Old Town, assault; driving to endanger; both counts not guilty.

Judy Engstrom, 29, Holden, negotiating worthless instrument; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; both counts dismissed.

Matthew J. Enman, 25, Windham, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Bradford Eslin, 25, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $300.

Ryan Fish, 24, Bangor, burglary of motor vehicle; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; both counts transferred to Superior Court.

Wayne J. Gagne, 33, Bangor, assault; obstructing report of crime; both counts not guilty.

Jason D. Gagnon, 20, Orono, minor purchasing liquor, $100.

Bobby J. Hafford, 22, Newburgh, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Michael Ernest Hazelton, 40, Bangor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 30 days, restitution $1,125.

Tony Hicks, 35, Bradley, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500, jail three days.

Troy D. Higgins, 28, Waltham, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

William J. Howe, 40, Old Town, criminal threatening, jail 30 days; criminal trespass, jail 30 days; violating condition of release, jail 30 days.

Jennifer Hunt, 27, Burnham, unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, dismissed.

David James Ireland, 37, residence not listed, aggravated assault, transferred to Superior Court.

John R. Lane, 37, Orono, negotiating worthless instrument, dismissed.

Robin J. Laurence, 39, Bangor, failure to notify owner of property damage accident, $100.

Larry Leighton, 57, Greenbush, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Michelle A. Lucas, 33, Veazie, displaying false license or identification, $100.

Sonya M. Lufkin, 39, Stockton Springs, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 90 days.

John Mark MacDonald, 26, Canning, Nova Scotia, rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Marquis Heating Inc., Old Town, inadequate placarding, $250.

Peter A. McCaffrey, 31, Bangor, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

John M. McDade, 22, Bath, making material misstatement of fact, dismissed.

Andrew James McGrane, 42, Old Town, violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Shawna L. McMullen, 38, Bangor, assault, dismissed; operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 10 days, license suspended 90 days; operating vehicle without license, not guilty; violating condition of release, jail 48 hours.

Luke Michaud, 18, Veazie, minor possessing liquor, $200; possession of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Cheryl Moore, 32, Bangor, criminal mischief, $100, restitution $50.

Frederick W. Mumford, 72, Cumberland, R.I., rule violation, operation without duty record, $500.

Debra Nickerson, 19, Alton, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Michael J. Palmer, 28, Maplewood, Nova Scotia, rule violation, duty status not current, $250.

Ronald J. Patterson, 27, Bangor, habitual motor vehicle offender, transferred to Superior Court.

Peter J. Pelletier II, 23, Milford, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $800, jail 15 days, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200, jail three days.

Katie Rines, 22, Bangor, three counts forgery; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; theft by deception; all counts transferred to Superior Court.

Kimberly A. Robinson, 34, Bradley, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, suspended $40, restitution $220.

Robert Rowlett, 39, Milford, theft of services, jail two days.

Michael Russell, 21, Carmel, harassment by telephone, dismissed.

Earle Smith, 43, Bangor, criminal trespass, jail 48 hours.

Luke W. Smith, 34, Bangor, violating condition of release, transferred to Superior Court.

Jonathan Stinson, 20, Orono, disorderly conduct, $160.

Raymie D. Stoddard, 21, East Machias, forgery, jail seven days, suspended, restitution $400; failure to appear after bailed, jail one day.

Patricia J. Sullivan, 69, Orono, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200, suspended $120.

Trans-Poulin Limited, Woodstock, New Brunswick, failing to obtain and display fuel use decal, $250.

Chad H. Walker, 34, Bangor, violating condition of release, dismissed.

Waynette Walters, 41, Bangor, assault, jail 48 hours; violating condition of release, jail 24 hours.

Melissa White, 40, Hermon, operating motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail six months, all but 30 days suspended, probation one year, license suspended 90 days.

Ryan M. White, 21, Orono, disorderly conduct, $200.

Toby White, 32, New Gloucester, negotiating worthless instrument, jail 30 days, suspended, restitution $220.

Faye Williams, 53, Hampden, assault; obstructing report of crime; both counts dismissed.

Adam F. Wintle, 22, Orono, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Ronald F. Wyman, 42, Hermon, harassment, $200; protective order from harassment violation, jail 90 days, suspended, probation one year; violating condition of release, jail 90 days, suspended, probation one year; harassment, $400.

Eugene E. Young Jr., 37, Corinna, two counts burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

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