Track & Field

HIGH SCHOOL At Bucksport John Bapst girls 240.33, Greenville 63.33, Bucksport 62, Sumner 52, Searsport 51, GSA 50, Narraguagus 40.33, Bangor Christian 1 100: 1, Katie Andrle, JB, 13.2h. 2, Nikki Young, SUM, 13.6h. 3, Beth Bartley, GRNV, 13.7h.
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At Bucksport

John Bapst girls 240.33, Greenville 63.33, Bucksport 62, Sumner 52, Searsport 51, GSA 50, Narraguagus 40.33, Bangor Christian 1

100: 1, Katie Andrle, JB, 13.2h. 2, Nikki Young, SUM, 13.6h. 3, Beth Bartley, GRNV, 13.7h. 4, Ashley Johnson, BUC, 13.9h. 5, Megan Pritham, JB, 14.0h. 6, Kelly Miller, BCS, 14.3h. 200: 1, Carole Perry, NAR, 27.9h. 2, Lily Krichels, JB, 28.30. 3, Erica Dougherty, JB, 29.2h. 4, Rica Breton, GRNV, 30.1h. 5, Abbie Futcher, GSA, 30.4h. 6, Jane Hunt, BUC, 31.0h. 400: 1, Carole Perry, NAR, 1:04.2h. 2, Evelyn Sharkey, JB, 1:05.5h. 3, Melissa Moreau, JB, 1:08.4h. 4, Mackenzie Lirakis, GSA, 1:11.7h. 5, Heather Brown, SUM, 1:15.1h. 6, Brianna Belenger, NAR, 1:16.6h. 800: 1, Sara Miller, JB, 2:34.1h. 2, Nicole Lavertu, JB, 2:34.2h. 3, Aisha Woodward, GSA, 2:36.9h. 4, Vanessa Weber, JB, 2:39.6h. 5, Bethany Patten, BUC, 2:46.4h. 6, Mallory Hines, GSA, 2:50.4h. 1600: 1, Nicole Lavertu, JB, 5:48.6h. 2, Sasha Breus, GSA, 5:55.8h. 3, Maggie Jones, JB, 5:57.7h. 4, Mallory Hines, GSA, 6:23.8h. 5, Sandra Klausmeyer, SUM, 6:24.4h. 6, Crystal Bridges, SUM, 6:25.1h. 3200: 1, Maddy Glover, JB, 12:26.0h. 2, Kari Lynch, JB, 13:15.6h. 3, Anna Schwarcz, JB, 13:17.2h. 4, Stacey Brassbridge, SRPT, 14:28.3h. 5, Renee Rioux, JB, 14:58.0h. 1600 Race Walk: 1, Casey Ryder, JB, 8:45.7h. 2, Hilary Martin, NAR, 9:13.2h. 3, Andrea Edmondson, GRNV, 10:56.0h. 4, Melissa Moreau, JB, 11:33.2h. 5, Amanda Kronholm, SRPT, 12:59.7h. 100 Hurdles: 1, Elaine Colwell, JB, 17.0h. 2, Beth Bartley, GRNV, 17.6h. 3, Pauline Vasiliauskas, SRPT, 18.0h. 4, Taylor Greenlaw, JB, 18.7h. 5, Erica Dougherty, JB, 19.1h. 6, Megan Pritham, JB, 19.9h. 300 Hurdles: 1, Katie Andrle, JB, 49.1h. 2, Elaine Colwell, JB, 51.2h. 3, Pauline Vasiliauskas, SRPT, 52.5h. 4, Rica Breton, GRNV, 55.9h. 5, Renee Rioux, JB, 56.2h. 6, Sarah Fuller, SRPT, 1:01.7h. 4×100 Relay: 1, John Bapst (Katie Rice, Katie Andrle, Lily Krichels, Elaine Colwell), 54.2h. 2, Bucksport, 58.1h. 3, George Stevens, 59.2h. 4×400 Relay: 1, John Bapst (Elaine Colwell, Evelyn Sharkey, Lily Krichels, Katie Andrle), 4:26.7h. 2, George Stevens, 4:50.6h. 4×800 Relay: 1, John Bapst (Maggie Jones, Nicole Lavertu, Vanessa Weber, Sara Miller), 10:44.5h. 2, George Stevens, 11:38.0h. 3, Greenville, 13:55.5h. High Jump: 1, Beth Bartley, GRNV, 4-10. 2, Candee Daley, SUM, 4-06. 3, Rica Breton, GRNV, 4-02. 4, Heather Brown, SUM, J4-02. 5, Brianna Belenger, NAR, J4-02. 6, Taylor Greenlaw, JB, 4-00. 6, Lily French, GRNV, 4-00. 6, Hanna Babiarz, NAR, 4-00. Pole Vault: 1, Shaina Goode, BUC, 8-06. 2, Nori Francis-Mezger, SRPT, 8-00. 3, Ashley Johnson, BUC, 7-00. 4, Lily French, GRNV, J7-00. 5, Emily Pappas, BUC, 6-00. 6, Aimee Chasse, GRNV, 5-06. Long Jump: 1, Lily Krichels, JB, 15-03.50. 2, Carole Perry, NAR, 14-09.50. 3, Shaina Goode, BUC, 13-11. 4, Ashley Johnson, BUC, 13-09.25. 5, Katie Morgan, JB, 13-04.50. 6, Ali Stevens, JB, 13-01.50. Triple Jump: 1, Katie Rice, JB, 29-00.50. 2, Beth Bartley, GRNV, 28-09.50. 3, Casey Ryder, JB, 28-05.75. 4, Bethany Patten, BUC, J28-05.75. 5, Shaina Goode, BUC, 28-04.25. 6, Nikki Young, SUM, 28-03.50. Shot Put: 1, Sandra Klausmeyer, SUM, 28-01.75. 2, Chelsea Whitten, BUC, 26-01.50. 3, Emily Picard, JB, 25-04.25. 4, Ali Stevens, JB, 25-03.75. 5, Christine Roi, BUC, 24-10.50. 6, Kathleen Cole, GSA, 24-02.50. Discus: 1, Pauline Vasiliauskas, SRPT, 95-00. 2, Nori Francis-Mezger, SRPT, 83-11. 3, Sandra Klausmeyer, SUM, 83-01. 4, Emily Picard, JB, 82-08. 5, Kathleen Cole, GSA, 76-08. 6, Michelle Pelletier, BUC, 71-01. Javelin: 1, Sandra Klausmeyer, SUM, 86-10. 2, Ali Stevens, JB, 86-07. 3, Nori Francis-Mezger, SRPT, 86-03. 4, Emily Picard, JB, 78-05. 5, Elizabeth Wright, BUC, 73-05. 6, Amanda Kennedy, NAR, 72-06.

John Bapst boys 158, Bucksport 154, Sumner 83, Narraguagus 66, Greenville 61, GSA 26, Bangor Christian 12, Searsport 0

100: 1, Gunner Siverly, BUC, 11.3h. 2, Josh Johnson, BUC, 11.6h. 3, Sam Heathcote, JB, 11.9h. 4, Chris Woodman, BUC, 12.0h. 4, Shane Pelletier, BUC, 12.0h. 6, Tim Carter, GSA, 12.1h. 200: 1, Gunner Siverly, BUC, 24.0h. 2, Saben Rossi, NAR, 24.7h. 3, Sam Heathcote, JB, 24.8h. 4, John Brochu, SUM, 24.9h. 5, Josh Johnson, BUC, J24.9h. 6, Andrew Young, SUM, 25.4h. 400: 1, Gunner Siverly, BUC, 53.2h. 2, Jordan Belmont, GRNV, 54.5h. 3, Bjoern Sudeck, JB, 55.6h. 4, Jesse McGowan, SUM, 57.1h. 5, Matthew Nichols, NAR, 57.2h. 6, Tim Noyes, BUC, 57.3h. 800: 1, Greg Flewelling, JB, 2:08.4h. 2, Nick Tymozcko, BUC, 2:08.6h. 3, Ryan O’Keefe, SUM, 2:09.1h. 4, Kyle Belmont, GRNV, 2:11.6h. 5, Elvis Penney, BUC, 2:13.6h. 6, Bob Williams, BUC, 2:14.9h. 1600: 1, Richie Collenburg, JB, 4:39.9h. 2, Ryan O’Keefe, SUM, 4:44.1h. 3, Ryan Lena, JB, 5:03.4h. 4, Lorenz Schwery, JB, 5:33.4h. 5, Andrews Askins, JB, 5:54.8h. 6, Ben Cheetham, JB, 5:56.5h. 3200: 1, David McCourt, JB, 10:58.9h. 2, Ian Grady, BUC, 11:13.50. 3, Andrew Gagne, GSA, 11:23.4h. 4, Steve Bishop, BUC, 11:27.5h. 5, Ryan Lena, JB, 11:28.7h. 6, John Malloy, JB, 13:42.0h. 1600 Race Walk: 1, Josh Atwood, BUC, 9:14.2h. 2, Eoin O’Connor, JB, 9:41.5h. 3, John Malloy, JB, 9:43.1h. 4, Nate Dragon, JB, 9:45.9h. 5, Stewart Gramlich, JB, 9:47.7h. 6, Adam Sitarski, JB, 10:37.1h. 110 Hurdles: 1, Greg Young, SUM, 16.6h. 2, Saben Rossi, NAR, 17.7h. 3, Jake Antworth, JB, 18.1h. 4, Eli Levenson-Falk, JB, 18.2h. 5, Joe Booth, BUC, 21.6h. 300 Hurdles: 1, Saben Rossi, NAR, 42.2h. 2, Greg Young, SUM, 43.3h. 3, Jake Antworth, JB, 45.7h. 4, Eli Levenson-Falk, JB, 46.6h. 5, Jim McCarthy, GRNV, 47.9h. 6, Tom Belton, BUC, 55.2h. 4×100 Relay: 1, Bucksport (Josh Johnson, Chris Woodman, Deven Eaton, Shane Pelletier), 47.1h. 2, Sumner, 48.3h. 3, John Bapst, 48.4h. 4, George Stevens, 49.5h. 4×400 Relay: 1, Bucksport ‘ (Nick Tymozcko, Tim Noyes, Shane Pelletier, Gunner Siverly), 3:43.6h. 2, Sumner, 3:47.1h. 3, John Bapst, 3:49.9h. 4, Narraguagus, 3:51.1h. 4×800 Relay: 1, John Bapst (Greg Flewelling, Conor Campbell, Tommy Beers, David McCourt), 10:04.9h. High Jump: 1, Josh Johnson, BUC, 5-10. 2, Eric Peltier, NAR, 5-08. 3, Tim Carter, GSA, 5-06. 4, Deven Eaton, BUC, J5-06. 5, Dave Thomas, SUM, 5-02. 6, Jared Bowden, BUC, 5-00. Pole Vault: 1, Jim McCarthy, GRNV, 10-06. 2, James Greene, NAR, J10-06. 3, Frank McCarthy, GRNV, J10-06. 4, Jordan Belmont, GRNV, 8-06. 4, Eric Douglass, GRNV, 8-06. Long Jump: 1, Eric Peltier, NAR, 20-03. 2, Shane Pelletier, BUC, 18-08.50. 3, Justin Phinney, BCS, 17-11.75. 4, Aaron Noble, GRNV, 17-06.25. 5, Delmo

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