All-Star Teams

HIGH SCHOOL Downeast Athletic Conference Spring All-Conference Teams Boys tennis: Jonathan Smith (Calais), Gary Smiley (Cal), Josh Graceffa (Woodland), Jesse Nicholson (Wood), Mike Tupper (Wood), Nathan Moores (Shead), Josh Francis (She), Billy Bellows (Washington Acad.), Pete Rensema (WA), Charlie…
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Downeast Athletic Conference

Spring All-Conference Teams

Boys tennis: Jonathan Smith (Calais), Gary Smiley (Cal), Josh Graceffa (Woodland), Jesse Nicholson (Wood), Mike Tupper (Wood), Nathan Moores (Shead), Josh Francis (She), Billy Bellows (Washington Acad.), Pete Rensema (WA), Charlie Chang (WA); DAC champion: Woodland

Girls tennis: Kari Clark (Cal), Alice Lewey (Cal), Anav Silverman (Cal), Celia Cummings (She), Heidi Graceffa (Wood), Lauren Troiani (Wood), Ashley Ross (WA), Rachel Reynolds (WA), Molly Kurz (WA); DAC champion: Calais; coach of the year: Rich Nutter (Wood)

Softball: Jody Pinkham (Jonesport-Beals), Naomi Chandler (J-B), Monique Emerson (J-B), Alicia Vose (Wood), Katie Holmes (Wood), Samantha Davis (She), Brittney Lingley (She), Elise Dublin (Narraguagus), Missy Barbee (Nar), Stef Aknebdubger (WA), Jamie Doliber (Cal), Amanda Brown (Cal), Jillian Whitney (Machias), Lindsey Cherry (Mach); coach of the year: Greg Smith (Calais)

Baseball: Scott Macdonald (Cal), Russ McLean (Cal), James Ramsdell (WA), Steven Colbeth (WA), Jared Gray (WA), Chad Pike (Wood), Abraham Beal (J-B), Gabe Checker (Nar), Joe Leighton (Nar), James Macdonald (She), Josh Francis (She), Ben Maloney (She), Nate Poore (Mach), Todd Stevens (Mach); coach of the year: Ron Sullivan (Shead)

Penobscot Valley Conference

All-Star Outdoor Track Teams

Large School


First team – 100: Lindsay Burlock (Caribou); 200: Lindsay Burlock (Car); 400: Lindsay Burlock (Car); 800: Oriana Farley (Hampden); 1,600: Heather Clark (Brewer); 3,200: Heather Clark (Brew); 1,600 racewalk: Elizabeth Hassell (HA); 100 high hurdles: MacKenzie Rawcliffe (HA); 300 low hurdles: MacKenzie Rawcliffe (HA); 400 relay: Presque Isle (Erica Egeler, Nikki James, Anna DeLong, Rachel Blackstone); 1,600 relay: Brewer (Joslynn Pelletier, Rebecca Breau, Miranda Rancourt, Heather Clark); 3,200 relay: Old Town (Cassie Hintz, Chelsea Nye, Kendra Gould, Sharon Fuller); high jump: Kristi Mitchell (Old Town); pole vault: Jessica Belhumeur (Car); long jump: MacKenzie Rawcliffe (HA); triple jump: MacKenzie Rawcliffe (HA); shot put: Sarah Hodgins (Brew); discus: Suzanne Zitaner (Bangor); javelin: Suzanne Zitaner (Ban)

Second team – 100: Rachel Blackstone (PI), Amanda McGinn (Ban); 200: Rachel Blackstone (PI), Leah Drew (Car); 400: Beth Bragdon (Nok), Jolene Belanger (Ban); 800: Amanda Gervasi (Ham), Audra Carlson (Ban); 1,600: Oriana Farley (Ham), Cassie Hintz (OT); 3,200: Cassie Hintz (OT), Casey Dunn (Ban); 1,600 racewalk: Crystal Shorey (Ells), Chantelle Bard (Car); 100 high hurdles: Erica Egeler (PI), Simone Willet (Car); 300 low hurdles: Hannah Marquis (OT), Anna Delong (PI); 400 relay: Brewer (Hayley Quirk, Rebecca Breau, Miranda Rancourt, Joslynn Pelletier), Caribou (Lacie Philbrick, Shelby Cousins, Amelia Cote, Leah Drew); 1,600 relay: Hampden (Molly Ryan, Amanda Gervasi, Erin Campbell, Oriana Farley), Bangor (Jessie Warren, Kelly Krapf, Audra Carlson, Jolene Belanger); 3,200 relay: Ellsworth (Bree Jellison, Gina Luchini, Jessica Buckingham, Lacie Dow), Hampden (Molly Ryan, Isabel Cravens, Emerald Russell, Shelly Estes); high jump: Nikki James (PI), Amanda Mooers (Ban); pole vault: Suzanne Zitaner (Ban), Tanya Sandberg (Her); long jump: Joslynn Pelletier (Brew), Nikki James (PI); triple jump: Rebecca Breau (Brew), Hannah Marquis (OT); shot put: Jill Burrill (Nok), Heather Walls (MDI); javelin: Kristina Gonzales (Nok), Hannah Marquis (OT)


First team – 100: Kalle Eko (Old Town); 200: Kalle Eko (OT); 400: Lucas Carriere (Ellsworth); 800: Joey Dewitt (Ells); 1,600: Joey Dewitt (Ells); 3,200: Joey Dewitt (Ells); 1,600 racewalk: Dan Campbell (Caribou); 110 high hurdles: Herbie Ryan (Ells); 300 low hurdles: Dan Carson (Bangor); 400 relay: Bangor (Brian Frazell, Dan Carson, Nicholas Achorn, Ryan Largay); 1,600 relay: Ellsworth (Greg Trundy, Lucas Carriere, Joey Dewitt, Matt Jordan); 3,200 relay: Presque Isle (Chris Blackstone, Josh Gonsiroski, Matt Pelletier, Josh Carter); high jump: John King (Hermon); pole vault: Brad Simms (HA); long jump: Kalle Eko (OT); triple jump: Kalle Eko (OT); shot put: Ryan Birkel (Brew); discus: Brian O’Connell (MDI); javelin: Conor Stephens (Ban)

Second team – 100: Trainor Kapler (HA), John Garrity (OT); 200: Trainor Kapler (HA), Ryan Largay (Ban); 400: Mike Saucier (Car), Matt Jordan (Ells); 800: Kris Tracy (Ells), Brendon Westphal (MDI); 1,600: Kris Tracy (Ells), Brian Herasymchuck (HA); 3,200: Chris Blackstone (PI); Kris Tracy (Ells); 1,600 racewalk: R.J. Voetsch (MDI), David Burtchell (Ells); 110 high hurdles: Dan Carson (Ban), Dan Peterson (Brew); 300 low hurdles: Herbie Ryan (Ells), Josh Hawkes (Brew); 400 relay: Old Town (Dustin Honey, John Garrity, Andrew Reinzo, Matt Petrie), Hampden (Seth Hamilton, Matt Dean, Zachary Gamble, Trainor Kapler); 1,600 relay: Old Town (Matt Petrie, Nick Noonan, Camden Gould, Dustin Honey), Hampden (Trainor Kapler, Adam Standley, Scott Dorrity, Jon Nelson); 3,200 relay: Old Town (Nick Noonan, Kevin LaFlamme, Travis Vicary, Camden Gould), Caribou (Matt Salch, Anthony Hessert, Cale Dubay, Kyle Alden); high jump: Dan Carson (Ban), Conor Stephens (Ban), Nick Buchanan (Ban); pole vault: Dustin Cyr (Her), Adam Haggerty (Her); long jump: Adam Standley (Ham), Cody Hammond (MDI); triple jump: Anthony White (PI), Dan Peterson (Brew); shot put: Brad King (OT), Kyle Hendrickson (PI); discus: Brad King (OT), Evan Bell (Nok); javelin: Andrew Loring (Ban), Tyler Sing (Ban)

Small School


First team – 100: Olivia Alford (Oro); 200: Alivia Alford (Oro); 400: Alivia Alford (Oro); 800: Shelby Howe (Nar); 1,600: Shelby Howe (Nar); 3,200: Maddy Glover (JB); 1,600 racewalk: Mahala Stewart (Nar); 100 high hurdles: Elaine Colwell (JB); 300 low hurdles: Katie Andrle (JB); 400 relay: Orono (Rachel Bergman, Emily Artesani, Alex Winter, Olivia Alford); 1,600 relay: John Bapst (Maggie Jones, Nicole Lavertu, Vanessa Weber, Maddy Glover); high jump: Beth Bartley (Gre); pole vault: Shaina Goode (Bucksport); long jump: Lily Krichels (JB); triple jump: Ashley Boynton (Stearns); shot put: Emily Picard (JB); discus: Pauline Vasiliauskas (Searsport); javelin: Codi Slike (Mattanawcook)

Second team – 100: Erin Beasley (Penquis), Carole Perry (Nar); 200: Erin Beasley (Pen), Courtney Hersey (Cent); 400: Courtney Hersey (Cent), Carole Perry (Nar); 800: Sabrina Cote (Dex), Casey Davis (JB); 1,600: Sabrina Cote (Dex), Nicole Lavertu (JB); 3,200: Melissa MacAlister (Fox), Lindsay Cyr (Ft. Kent); 1,600 racewalk: Casey Ryder (JB), Hilary Martin (Nar); 100 high hurdles: Stephanie Taylor (Pisc), Beth Bartley (Gree); 300 low hurdles: Elaine Colwell (JB), Rachel Bergman (Oro); 400 relay: John Bapst (Katie Rice, Katie Andrle, Lily Krichels, Elaine Colwell), Dexter (Meagan Fogarty, Sabrina Cote, Rachael Walters, Brittany Veazie); 1,600 relay: Central (Casey Davis, Nicole Logue, Heather Lyford, Courtney Hersey), Orono (Emily Artesani, Anna O’Neil, Katie O’Donnell, Rachel Bergman); 3,200 relay: Foxcroft (Melissa MacAlister, Rachel Almy, Shelly Hanson, Meghan Bushway, GSA (Aisha Woodward, Mallory Hines, Mackenzie Lirakis, Sasha Breus); high jump: Quinci Sanderson (Matt), Amanda Gray (Central); pole vault: Nori Francis-Mezger (Searsport), Emily Papas (Buc); long jump: Ashley Boynton (Ste), Taylor Greenlaw (JB); triple jump: Beth Bartley (Gre), Tawnya Crosby (Cen); shot put: Lou Torrey (Nar), Ashley Sanford (JB); discus: Desiree Hogan (Pen), Emily Picard (JB); javelin: Sandra Klausmeyer (Sum), Ali Stevens (JB)


First team – 100: Gunner Siverly (Buc); 200: Gunner Siverly (Buc); 400: Gunner Siverly (Buc); 800: Greg Flewelling (JB); 1,600: Richie Collenburg (JB); 3,200: Ryan O’Keefe (Sum); 1,600 racewalk: Josh Atwood (Buc); 110 high hurdles: Saben Rossi (Nar); 300 low hurdles: Saben Rossi (Nar); 400 relay: Greenville (Richard Folsom, Kyle Belmont, Jordan Belmont, Johah Lizotte); 1,600 relay: Bucksport (Nick Tymozcko, Tim Noyes, Shane Pelletier, Gunner Siverly); 3,200 relay: John Bapst (Greg Flewelling, Ryan Lena, Tommy Beers, David McCourt); high jump: Brandon Hall (Fox); pole vault: Wes Colbath (Oro); long jump: Eric Peltier (Nar); triple jump: Greg Young (Sum); shot put: Trey Merrill (Fox); javelin: Tyler Pelkey (Ste)

Second team – 100: Eric Peltier (Nar), Jonah Lizotte (Green); 200: Bobby Gilbert (Fox), Ben Page (Fox); 400: E.J. Imbert (Fox), Jordan Belmont (Gree); 800: Richie Collenburg (JB), Miles Kirby (Oro); 1,600: Ryan O’Keefe (Sum), Miles Kirby (Oro); 3,200: David McCourt (JB), Dan Drost (Matt); 1,600 racewalk: Cody Bean (Matt), Eoin O’Connor (JB); 110 high hurdles: Greg Young (Sum), Chris Gulesian (Matt); 300 low hurdles: Greg Young (Sum), Jake Antworth (JB); 400 relay: Central (Kirk Werren, Blake Goodwin, Gabe Winn, Brian Monahan), Foxcroft (Ben Page, Kai Rau, Andrew Pomeroy, Bobby Gilbert); 1,600 relay: John Bapst (Jake Antworth, Greg Flewelling, Sam Heathcote, Bjoern Sudeck), Sumner (John Brochu, Jesse McGowan, Greg Young, Ryan O’Keefe); 3,200 relay: Bucksport (Bob Williams, Justin Orcutt, Seth McKeen, Elvis Penney), Piscataquis (Zach Boyce, Jesse Hall, Adam Knowles, Matthew Free); high jump: Josh Johnson (Buc), Jon Carney (Mat); pole vault: James Greene (Nar), Frank McCarthy (Gre); long jump: Brandon Hall (Fox), Ben Page (Fox); shot put: Charlie Buteau (Sum), Bryan Adams (JB); discus: Brad Chase (Dex), E.J. Imbert (Fox); javelin: Matthew Mulligan (Penobscot Valley), Nick Ireland (Matt)

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