But you still need to activate your account.
By far, the most frequent questions we get at The Weekly pertain to our calendar. Readers want to know how to submit an item, how often we’ll run it, and why we edit it instead of running it exactly as we receive it. Those are great questions.
We ask that calendar notices be submitted in writing so that we have something to refer to if we have a question. I recommend e-mailing notices to weekly@bangordailynews.net.
You also may drop off items marked “Weekly” at the front desk of the Bangor Daily News’ Buck Street entrance off Main Street. Or mail them to The Weekly, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor, ME 04402; or fax them to 941-9476, being sure to write “Weekly” on the item.
Often we receive an item in which the sender asks us to put the notice in the Bangor Daily News as well. The Weekly is a separate newspaper from the NEWS, written and edited by different staff. So the best way to offer an item to both papers is to send the BDN its own copy. Its e-mail for notices is bdncalendar@bangordailynews.net.
As for how often we will run an item, and whether we can publish all of the information, that depends on space and fairness to other groups with similar requests.
The calendar is extremely popular. Some weeks we literally receive twice as many notices as we have room to run.
In that case, dated items – one-time special events – are most likely to get in. Nonprofit organizations also are high-priority.
On the other hand, continuing activities conducted by entities seeking year-round coverage will not run every week. Once a month or so is more realistic.
Moreover, the calendar is not intended to replace paid ads, nor to include as many details as an ad.
To get information on running a boxed “display” ad, call John Browning at 990-8249. For a classified ad, call Lori Ireland at 990-8105.
Lastly, please make sure we receive calendar items seven to 10 days before the Thursday of publication. Late items have little chance of getting in.
I hope this information helps. We really enjoy finding out what’s going on in the community – and sharing what we can with our readers. For a more complete listing of calendar items, check Thursday’s Style pages in the Bangor Daily News.
Roxanne Moore Saucier is editor of The Weekly.
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