January 01, 2025


Presque Isle District Court

Cases Sept. 1-30, 2003

Jennifer Albair, 28, Woodland, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months, registration suspended.

Craig W. Allen, 16, Presque Isle, violation of any rule of commissioner, $100.

Silas C. Ames, 42, Sebec, rule violation, inadequate brake hose or tubing, $100.

Matthew K. Barnes, 18, Presque Isle, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100.

Kenneth A. Bartelson, 38, Mapleton, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $500, jail six months, all but 20 days suspended, probation one year, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500, jail seven days, license suspended two years; violating condition of release, jail 20 days.

Jean E. Bedard, 39, Biddeford, operating motorboat without certificate of number, $100.

Pamela S. Bennett, 18, Ashland, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $400.

Neil W. Berry, 20, Ashland, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200; operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Kim Bouley, 19, Ashland, negotiating worthless instrument, $100, restitution $101.30.

Christopher Bowring, 18, Ashland, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jury trial; minor possessing liquor, $200.

Robbie Burby Jr., 26, Presque Isle, attaching false motor vehicle plates, $100.

Amos Burd, 21, Strong, minor possessing liquor, $250.

Dana Burns, 36, Fort Fairfield, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Casey I. Campbell, 21, Presque Isle, forgery, transferred to Superior Court.

Lewis D. Chase, 23, Mapleton, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Ricky Chase, 47, Ashland, failing to kindle in prudent manner, jury trial.

Dennis J. Clair, 25, Blaine, assault, jail 90 days, all but 48 hours suspended, probation two years.

Shawn M. Clancy, 22, Fort Fairfield, robbery; criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, both counts transferred to Superior Court; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100.

Annette M. Cleveland, 41, Caribou, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

Asa Cook, 20, Mapleton, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Mark L. Copeland, 19, Presque Isle, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Melvin Corey, 44, Mars Hill, criminal threatening, jury trial.

Jessie Cote, 22, Easton, criminal threatening, $100.

Philip J. Cote, 22, Caribou, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Randy A. Cyr, 20, Presque Isle, criminal attempt, jail 48 hours; criminal mischief, $200; minor consuming liquor, dismissed.

Heath G. DeMerchant, 24, Fort Fairfield, criminal mischief; assault; both counts to jury trial.

Matthew T. Devine, 24, Fort Fairfield, operating ATV while under influence of intoxicants; operating ATV to endanger; both counts to jury trial.

William Devine, 21, Fort Fairfield, minor possessing liquor, $300.

Deren W. Devoe, 33, Masardis, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

Gabriel J. Doiron, 25, Portland, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $100.

Bub J. Dow, 27, Caribou, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $500.

Willard C. Doyen III, 48, Mapleton, burning prohibited material, $100.

Drilling and Blasting Rock Specialists, Gardiner, violating explosives subchapter or rule, $250.

Brad H. Dyer, 49, Presque Isle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100.

Walter J. Dyer, 23, Bradford, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Stewart A. Eaton, 27, Presque Isle, criminal mischief, $150.

Ashanti Tenay Fernandes, 18, Fort Fairfield, assault, jury trial; robbery; criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, both counts transferred to Superior Court.

Travis W. Ferris, 24, Mars Hill, criminal trespass, jail 10 days.

Cheryll R. Flanagin, 47, Presque Isle, allowing child to operate ATV, $100.

Donna L. Fleming, 44, Caribou, attaching false motor vehicle plates, $100.

Joshua L. Fortin, 13, Presque Isle, operating ATV while under age, $100.

Roberto Fraga, 28, Kearny, N.J., operating vehicle without license, $200.

Shawn C. Fulmer, 25, Sauquoit, N.Y., driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days; operating vehicle without license, $200.

Morris Girard, 47, Sabattus, violation of any rule of commissioner, $100.

James A. Goodwin, 23, Strafford, Conn., operating vehicle without license, $100.

Arthur S. Greenwood, 22, Fort Fairfield, four counts burglary; burglary of motor vehicle, all counts transferred to Superior Court.

Joshua J. Guerrette, 17, Mapleton, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Joseph B. Haines Jr., 31, Mars Hill, assault, jail 60 days, suspended, probation two years.

Kenneth Hammond, 34, Presque Isle, violating condition of release; violating protective order; both counts to jury trial.

Nicholas A. Hanks, 21, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, $200.

Michael W. Haskell, 45, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, $100.

Michael Hayes Sr., 56, Fort Fairfield, failing to extinguish fire, $250; outdoor burning violation, $250; failure to control or report dangerous fire, $1,318.50.

Drew F. Hemphill Sr., 32, Fort Fairfield, assault, jury trial.

Timothy W. Hersey, 20, Easton, minor possessing liquor, $600.

Roger L. Higgins, 44, Presque Isle, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, dismissed.

William Dale Holmes, 36, Westfield, assault, jury trial.

Kurt A. Jalbert, 22, Mapleton, possessing marijuana, $200.

Steven D. Johnson, 36, Somers Point, N.J., traveling show license violation, $100.

Christopher A. Johnston, 17, Mapleton, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Jason K. Johnston, 19, Presque Isle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 26 ays.

Amy C. Kennard, 27, Mapleton, assault, filed, defendant paying court costs $300.

Emery J. Kinney, 40, Mapleton, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; possessing marijuana, $200.

Steven Lee, 43, Presque Isle, assault, transferred to Superior Court.

Shannon W. Levesque, 54, Castle Hill, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Michael B. Libby, 20, Jonesboro, minor consuming liquor, $200.

Dion P. Mackey, 26, St. Albans, Vt., sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $100; possessing marijuana, $250.

Gerald J. McDougal, 36, Caribou, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail 10 days, license suspended 18 months, registration suspended; operating motor vehicle beyond license restriction, jail five days.

Shannon McGlasson, 32, Caribou, possessing marijuana, $400.

Jacqueline McLaughlin, 24, Presque Isle, theft by receiving stolen property, $200, restitution $400.

Jason E. McLaughlin, 25, Presque Isle, theft by receiving stolen property, $200, restitution $500.

Diane E. McNamee, 37, Fort Fairfield, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, jury trial.

Heidi Michaud, 21, Presque Isle, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Leah-Ann E. Michaud, 23, Fort Fairfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, jail 60 days all suspended, probation one year, restitution $653.79; four counts forgery, jail 60 days all suspended each count; probation one year each count; restitution $653.79 each count.

Brandon M. Milone, 17, Tamarac, Fla., minor transporting liquor, $100.

Jennifer D. Morenault, 28, Presque Isle, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, transferred to Superior Court.

Mark E. Morenault, 30, Presque Isle, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, transferred to Superior Court.

Andrew G. Morrison, 14, Presque Isle, operating ATV while under age, $100.

Dale V. Morrison, 39, Presque Isle, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Francis Anthony Murray, 29, no residence listed, fugitive from justice, dismissed.

Cory Nash, 19, Fort Fairfield, burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

Shane D. Nibby, 21, Presque Isle, operating ATV on public way, $100, community service 20 hours.

Russell J. O’Berry, 41, Presque Isle, criminal threatening, jail 60 days, all but 48 hours suspended, probation two years.

Joshua Parady, 19, Fort Fairfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200; tampering with public records or information, jail 48 hours.

Jesse C. Parker, 18, Mapleton, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.

James L. Parlin, 30, Presque Isle, assault, jury trial.

John K. Perkins, 16, Presque Isle, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Matthew R. Perreault, 21, Caribou, criminal trespass, jail 86 days.

Brett E. Pictou, 20, Mapleton, assault, $200.

Jami L. Pierce, 20, Fort Fairfield, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, filed, defendant paying court cost $100.

Joshua K. Pike, 19, Washburn, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $100.

Matthew C. Pray, 21, Presque Isle, two counts unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, both counts transferred to Superior Court.

William Prue, 26, Sheridan, assault, dismissed.

Jeremy Rand, 18, Washburn, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Jonathan L. Rhebb, 20, Mapleton, assault, jail 60 days, all but 48 hours suspended, probation two years.

Seth D. Rooney, 19, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Donna J. Sam, 32, Presque Isle, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Lee R. Sanders, 498, Ernul, N.C., travelling show license violation, $100.

Carl M. Schwarz, 21, Albion, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100.

Gregory A. Scott, 20, Presque Isle, burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

Jeremy Scott, 21, Presque Isle, theft by receiving stolen property, $250.

Michael D. Shapiro, 19, Fort Fairfield, escape, transferred to Superior Court.

Samuel A. Shaw, 17, Presque Isle, speeding 30 plus mph more than posted speed, jury trial.

Shaway, Bridgewater, rule violation, unsafe-defective vehicle, $500.

Nora Shemkovitz, 31, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, dismissed.

Tammy Shorey, 32, Eaton, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $100.

Ryan M. Sides, 21, Caribou, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $150.

Laurie Simmons, 40, Presque Isle, unlawfully permitting ATV operation, $100.

Lance K. Smith, 21, Presque Isle, criminal attempt, jail 48 hours; criminal mischief, $200.

Larry S. Smith, 39, Mars Hill, assault, jury trial.

Kellie M. St. Peter, 20, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, $100.

John P. St. Thomas, 36, Presque Isle, criminal trespass, $200; criminal mischief, $150, restitution $15.

Carol M. Stevens, 40, Presque Isle, violating protective order, $150; violating condition of release, $150.

Ryan Troy Stevens, 20, Presque Isle, possessing marijuana, $200.

Timothy A. St. Peter, 39, Fort Fairfield, burn without permit, $100.

Bradley D. Summerlin, 23, Presque Isle, burglary, transferred to Superior Court.

Donny L. Taylor, 25, Westfield, violating condition of release, transferred to Superior Court.

Melvin a. Taylor, 30, Easton, two counts violating condition of release; burglary; kidnapping; aggravated assault; criminal attempt; aggravated criminal trespass, all counts transferred to Superior Court; violating condition of release, jail 72 hours; criminal mischief, jail 72 hours; violating protective order, jury trial.

Roland J. Thompson, 25, Fort Fairfield, operating unregistered ATV, $100.

Adam J. Turner, 22, Fort Fairfield, assault, jail 60 days all suspended, probation one year.

Thomas E. Volovski II, 45, Presque Isle, disorderly conduct, $150.

William Wadkins, 22, Lincolnshire, Ill., possessing marijuana, $200.

William Walters, no age listed, Point Pleasant, N.J., possessing marijuana, $200.

Jessica R. Wardwell, 22, Presque Isle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $150, restitution $801.93; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $150.

Gabriel B. Watson, 21, Fryeburg, minor transporting liquor, $200.

Lee Winship, 22, Presque Isle, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, jail five days; possessing marijuana, $200.

Edward S. Wood III, 27, Fort Fairfield, two counts criminal mischief; assault; obstructing report of crime; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; violating condition of release, all counts to jury trial.

Tanya Worster, 19, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Madawaska District Court

Cases Sept. 12-Oct. 10, 2003

Cetin Abdurrahman, 38, Madawaska, negotiate worthless instrument, $1,000, jail nine months, all but 21 days suspended, probation one year; theft by deception, jail nine months, all but 21 days suspended, probation one year.

Lisa Berry, 33, Van Buren, violation of rule unspecified, $100.

Nathaniel J. Collins, 28, Madawaska, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $200.

Gilda M. Cyr, 43, Madawaska, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.

Susan Deschaine, 38, Van Buren, disorderly conduct, $200.

Rodney C. Devost, 23, Van Buren, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Elizabeth Fournier, 49, Glenburn, disorderly conduct, $200.

Allen Gagnon, 41, Van Buren, violation of any rule of the commissioner, $100.

Sean Greening, 37, Madawaska, operating motor vehicle after license revocation, transferred to Superior Court.

Mark P. Hebert, 23, Fort Kent, violating condition of release, dismissed.

Ryan J. Lapointe, 25, Van Buren, operating motor vehicle after license suspension, jail 48 hours.

Roger Levesque, 46, Van Buren, driving while under influence of intoxicants, jury trial.

Jose Lugo, 19, Madawaska, criminal mischief, $100, restitution $25.

John Ouellette, 40, no residence listed, assault, jury trial.

Lane Ouellette, 46, Madawaska, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; false public alarm or report; both counts to jury trial.

David J. Parent, 51, Lille, protective order from harassment violation, dismissed.

Jesse Sirois, 20, Van Buren, operating ATV while under influence of intoxicants; operating ATV on public way; operating unregistered ATV; all counts to jury trial.

Paul Sirois, 50, St. Agatha, disorderly conduct; possessing marijuana; sale and use of drug paraphernalia; all counts to jury trial.

Randy St. Jarre, 33, Madawaska, assault, jury trial.

Reginald Stratton, 22, Madawaska, criminal trespass, jail seven days.

Tony Vaillancourt, 15, Van Buren, operating ATV on public way, $100; operating ATV without headgear, $100.

Fort Kent District Court

Cases Oct. 2-Nov. 7, 2003

Jon E. Anderson, 15, Fort Kent, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Lee D. Arbour, 30, Windsor, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.

Paul J. Berube, 16, Fort Kent, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

George Blackman, 56, Boothbay, possessing loaded firearm in motor vehicle, $100.

Curtis Deschaine, 15, Fort Kent Mills, operating ATV while under age, $100; fail to display ATV registration number, $100; operating ATV on public way, $100.

Joel J. Doustou Jr., 24, Fort Kent, criminal mischief, dismissed.

Justin Dumond, 14, Fort Kent, operating ATV without training certificate, $100.

Aaron N. Gervais, 19, Frenchville, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $150.

Guy Kelly Family Trust, Allagash, failing to submit forest report, filed without cost.

Clayton Jackson, 57, Allagash, burn without permit, $50.

Matthew R. Lombard, 20, Presque Isle, minor possessing liquor, $200.

Theresa M. Marquis, no age listed, Eagle Lake, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $600, jail seven days, license suspended 18 months.

Jason M. Ouellette, 19, Caribou, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, license suspended 90 days.

Brad Plourde, 19, Eagle Lake, criminal restraint, $1,000, jail nine months all suspended, probation one year; operating motor vehicle after license suspension, $150; speeding 30 plus mph more than posted speed, $250, license suspended 30 days; violating condition of release, $500; violating condition of release, $1,000.

Valerie D. Reinhart, 19, Frenchville, driving to endanger, $400, license suspended 30 days.

Dwayne L. Seiders, 58, South Bristol, violation of rule unspecified, $100.

Jake R. Soucy, 19, Allagash, shooting from motor vehicle or motorboat, $100.

Ross St. Jean, 28, Clair, New Brunswick, passing stopped school bus, $250.

Carla Sunbury, 41, Fort Kent, two counts forgery, $200 each count.

Caribou District Court

Cases Oct. 1-31, 2003

Jason Allen, 20, Mars Hill, driving while under influence of intoxicants, $400, jail 48 hours, license suspended six months.

Dawn Benitez, 25, Caribou, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200; criminal trespass, $150.

Tammie Bragg, 45, Washburn, keeping unlicensed dog, $25.

Alexander Coleman, 21, Norfolk, Va., unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.

Toby R. Cormier, 32, Van Buren, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Heather L. Cray, 22, Presque Isle, false public alarm or report, $200.

Steven C. Cray, 19, Caribou, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200.

Orrick E. Damboise, 46, Caribou, possessing marijuana, $200.

Shawn Desjardine, 32, Van Buren, operating ATV on public way, $100.

Shane Forbes, 27, Caribou, failure to register vehicle, $250.

Dusty Glasscock, 14, Perham, possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.

Mark Hebert, 23, Fort Kent, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, transferred to Superior Court.

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