CH gets revenge victory

ROCKPORT – Jamey Davis scored 17 points as the Camden Hills Windjammers avenged their only loss with a 66-57 boys basketball victory over Maranacook Friday night. Camden Hills pulled out to an 11-point halftime lead and kept the Black Bears of Readfield at bay the…
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ROCKPORT – Jamey Davis scored 17 points as the Camden Hills Windjammers avenged their only loss with a 66-57 boys basketball victory over Maranacook Friday night.

Camden Hills pulled out to an 11-point halftime lead and kept the Black Bears of Readfield at bay the rest of the way.

Ryan Fitzgerald added 11 points for the ‘Jammers, and Will Horn and Tim Stammen posted 10 each.

Charlie Calligan and Matt St. John scored 15 apiece for Maranacook, and Eben Gilman had 13.

Maranacook (7-3) 57

Jarius 1-0-2, Violette 1-4-6, Calligan 5-3-15, Feldman, St. John 6-0-15, Gerrity 3-0-6, Gilman 4-4-13

Camden Hills (9-1) 66

Davis 5-6-17, Moro, Beveridge 1-0-3, Draper 2-0-4, Horn 4-1-10, Stammen 3-4-10, Fitzgerald 4-0-11, Scamfer 1-0-3, Tedford 4-0-8, Puls, Dennen

3-pt. goals: St. John 3, Calligan 2, Gilman; Fitzgerald 3, Davis, Beveridge, Horn, Scamfer

Maranacook 15 23 40 57

Camden Hills 19 34 47 66

JV: Camden Hills 61-36

MDI 66, Orono 51

At Orono, Rob Daley and Matt Grover each scored 11 points to power Mount Desert Island past Orono.

Brian O’Donnell netted 10 points for the Trojans.

Joe Simon scored nine points for the Red Riots.

Mount Desert Island (6-4) 66

Pooler 1-4-6, Staples 2-5-9, Daley 4-1-11, Lewis 2-1-5, Allen 0-1-1, Grover 4-3-11, O’Donnell 4-2-10, Frongillo 1-0-2

Orono (2-7) 51

Wakeling 0-1-1, Cowan 3-2-8, Chase 3-2-8, Close 2-0-4, J. Simon 2-5-9, Thomas 1-3-6, M. Simon 1-1-3, Levesque 1-2-4, Weatherbee 4-0-8

3-pt. goals: Daley 2; Thomas

MDI 12 29 47 66

Orono 7 16 35 51

JV: MDI 54-38

Calvary Chapel 74, East Grand 71

At Danforth, Josh Madden helped lead Calvary Chapel of Orrington to the win with his 23 points.

Kyle Bradford netted 20 points for Calvary Chapel, and Brock Bradford had 19 points and 12 assists.

Darius Parker scored 36 points for the Vikings, and Matt Scott added 15.

Calvary Chapel (6-0) 74

Madden 9-3-23, K. Bradford 7-0-20, B. Bradford 8-2-19, Gans 3-0-6, Astle 2-0-5, Dean 0-1-1, Miller, Seekins

East Grand (10-3) 71

Parker 11-13-36, Scott 7-1-15, Preston 1-1-3, Hanington 2-4-9, Faulkner 1-4-6, Byers 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: K. Bradford 6, Madden 2, B. Bradford, Astle; Parker, Hanington

Calvary Chapel 12 38 58 74

East Grand 15 32 52 71

Wash. Acad. 75, Sumner 49

At East Machias, Whitney Stevens scored eight of his 21 points in the third quarter as the Raiders pulled away.

Jared Gray topped WA with 23 points, James Ramsdell contributed 13 points, 10 rebounds, and six steals, and Jarred Sternbergh had 10 rebounds.

Jim White paced the Tigers of East Sullivan with 20 points, and Kyle Joy added 10 points.

Sumner (3-5) 49

White 7-2-20, Allen 1-0-2, Johnson 1-2-4, Joy 4-0-10, Stevens 1-0-2, Coffin 1-0-2, Pennartz 1-0-2, Brooks 1-3-5, Burditt, Bukowski, Jacques, Manning

Washington Acad. (10-0) 75

Ja. Gray 10-3-23, Ramsdell 6-0-13, Harmon 3-0-8, Stevens 10-1-21, Look 1-0-2, Hostetter 2-0-4, Je. Gray 1-2-4, Sternbergh, Merritt, Wood, Albee

3-pt. goals: White 4, Joy 2; Harmon 2, Ramsdell

Sumner 13 25 32 49

Washington Acad. 19 34 51 75

JV: WA 51-42

Calais 72, Lee 50

At Calais, Garrett Dickerson and Nick Reynolds each scored seven fourth-quarter points to help the Blue Devils pull away from the Pandas.

Jon Smith paced Calais with 17 points and Russ McLean added 14. Chris Woodside chipped in with 11 points and Scott McDonald netted 10. Dickerson also had six rebounds, four assists, and four steals.

Tom Bird scored 14 points for Lee, and Neil Cowan added 10.

Lee (3-7) 50

Bird 4-3-14, Cowan 3-3-10, Dow 3-2-9, Rideout 2-1-5, Worcester 2-0-5, Tripp 1-1-3, Mallett 1-0-2, King 0-1-1, Thompson 0-1-1, Houghton, Doane, Currie, Crocker

Calais (8-4) 72

Smith 6-1-17, R. McLean 5-2-14, McDonald 3-2-10, Woodside 2-7-11, Dickerson 3-1-7, Reynolds 2-1-7, McPhee 2-0-4, Blake 1-0-2, S. McLean, Guthrie

3-pt. goals: Bird, Cowan, Dow, Worster; Smith 4, R. McLean 2, Reynolds 2

Lee 9 31 41 50

Calais 24 40 43 72

Narraguagus 71, Machias 40

At Harrington, Jamie Bailey scored 20 points to lead Narraguagus past Machias.

Zach Worcester and Eric Peltier each netted 13 points for the Knights.

Chris Correll and Cory Brooks each scored nine points for Machias.

Machias (4-7) 40

Correll 3-2-9, Brooks 3-3-9, Falvey 1-1-3, I. Roberts 1-0-2, Frutchey 2-0-4, Color 1-0-2, Leahy 3-0-7, Sullivan 1-2-4, A. Roberts, McCarthy, Anderson

Narraguagus (6-3) 71

C. Worcester 0-2-2, Checker 3-1-7, Strout 2-0-4, Bailey 6-4-20, Rossi 3-0-6, Albee 0-1-1, Z. Worcester 5-0-13, Peltier 6-1-13, Hicks 2-0-5, Mota, Leackfeldt, Tilton

3-pt. goals: Correll, Leahy; Bailey 4, Z. Worcester 3, Hicks

Machias 12 15 23 40

Narraguagus 22 44 59 71

JV: Narraguagus 58-46

Greenville 70, Vinalhaven 44

At Greenville, Jordan Belmont poured in 22 points to lead the Lakers past Vinalhaven.

Anthony Lavigne pumped in 17 for the winners and David Aucoin added 10.

Josh Miller and Josh Doughty led the Vikings with 13 points apiece.

Vinalhaven (1-8) 44

Miller 6-0-13, J. Doughty 3-7-13, Weller, Sawyer 0-1-1, K. Doughty, Jackson, Pitts 0-2-2, McCarthy, Beckman 2-2-6, Dwyer 0-1-1, Huffey 2-0-4, Hunsinger 2-0-4

Greenville (2-6) 70

J. Belmont 10-2-22, Lavigne 7-3-17, Aucoin 5-0-10, K. Belmont 3-2-8, Farrington, Edmondson 1-1-3, Lizotte 2-4-8, Graves, Ward 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Miller

Vinalhaven 17 30 39 44

Greenville 12 31 50 70

Girls basketball

WA 47, Jonesport-Beals 36

At Jonesport, Mary Mawhinney led Washington Academy with 10 points to pace the Raiders of East Machias to the win.

Lauren Govoni scored nine points for WA.

Sara Hunkler netted 10 points for Jonesport-Beals.

Washington Academy (7-3) 47

Livingstone 1-4-6, E. Govoni 1-4-6, Rushforth 1-0-2, Mawhinney 3-4-10, Tilton 2-3-7, Look 3-1-7, L. Govoni 3-0-9, Ashby

Jonesport-Beals (3-6) 36

C. Hunkley 1-2-4, Look 1-0-2, S. Hunkler 5-0-10, Blount 1-0-2, Smith 2-3-7, S. Beal 1-1-3, W. Beal 1-3-6, Alley, A. L. Bachman, A. G. Bachman, Crowley 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: L. Govoni 3; Look, W. Beal

Wash. Acad. 2 18 31 47

Jonesport-Beals 10 21 27 36

Hampden 48, Nokomis 38

At Newport, Jill Beal scored 13 of her 17 points in the first half to help the Broncos pull away from the Warriors.

Kim Stephenson chipped in with nine points and eight steals for the winners, and Tanna Ross had eight points and four steals.

Alyssa Bragdon paced the Warriors with 15 points, and Michelle Barden chipped in with nine points and four steals.

Hampden (6-2) 48

Giringhelli 3-0-6, Stephenson 3-2-9, Veinote 2-0-4, Morris 2-0-4, Ross 3-2-8, Thompson, Bragg, Day, Dumont, Beal 6-5-17

Nokomis (3-5) 38

Carter 1-2-4, Barden 3-0-9, Petersen 1-0-2, Al. Bragdon 7-0-15, Paradis 2-0-5, Cooper, Fournier, As. Bragdon 1-0-3, Welch

3-pt. goals: Stephenson; Barden 3, Al. Bragdon, Paradis

Hampden 14 24 38 48

Nokomis 5 16 24 38

JV: Hampden 48-40

Maranacook 49, Camden Hills 40

At Readfield, Toby Martin collected 27 points and six steals as the Black Bears prevailed.

Shannon Bean added nine points for Maranacook.

Marianne Croce sparked the Windjammers with 14 and Kayla Gushee had 10.

Camden Hills (7-3) 40

Croce 5-3-14, Gushee 4-2-10, Wiley 1-3-5, Friesland, Smith, Newcomb 1-0-2, Holgerson 1-0-2, Neville 2-1-5, Richards, Hart 0-2-2

Maranacook (9-1) 49

Martin 10-4-27, Bean 3-3-9, Violette, Pullen 1-2-4, Denbow 1-0-2, Mrazick 0-1-1, Bardaglio 2-0-4, Mason 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Croce; Martin 3

Camden Hills 11 20 33 40

Maranacook 16 24 36 49

East Grand 37, Calvary Chapel 24

At Danforth, the Vikings used a balanced scoring attack to notch the win.

Marie Gilman scored 13 points for the winners and Elishia Dodge chipped in with eight points, eight rebounds, and five steals.

Kelly Miller paced Calvary Chapel of Orrington with 13 points.

Calvary Chapel (3-4) 24

Miller 6-1-13, C. Veilleux, Lowe 2-0-4, Graves 1-0-2, M. Veilleux, Plissey, Elliot 2-1-5, Mooers

East Grand (4-7) 37

Gilman 5-0-13, McKay 0-3-3, Dodge 3-2-8, M. Zaneldin, Osnoe 2-2-7. T. Shay, Langill, Crone, Marks, G. Zaneldin, K. Shay

3-pt. goals: Gilman 3, Osnoe

Calvary Chapel 7 13 13 24

East Grand 4 16 26 37

Greenville 57, Vinalhaven 37

At Greenville, Hannah Breton netted 20 points to power Greenville to the win.

Beth Bartley scored 15 points for the Lakers.

Brianna Osgood netted 14 points for Vinalhaven.

Vinalhaven (7-2) 37

B. Osgood 7-0-14, C. Osgood 3-0-8, Davidson 3-0-6, Trett 2-0-4, Smith 0-2-2, Dock 1-0-2, McCarthy, Drury, Carter, Young

Greenville (7-2) 57

H. Breton 10-0-20, B. Bartley 6-3-15, Hanson 3-2-8, R. Breton 2-4-6, Larson 2-0-4, M. Bartley 0-1-1, Gary 0-1-1, Muzzy, Harris, Smith, Ward

3-pt. goals: C. Osgood 2

Vinalhaven 12 25 31 37

Greenville 15 28 48 57

Belfast 66, Mount View 49

At Belfast, Katelyn Ross buried four 3-pointers on her way to 25 points for the Lions.

Kate Bailey tossed in 21 points for Belfast.

Amy Miles led the Mustangs of Thorndike with 16 points.

Mount View (1-9) 49

A. Miles 6-3-16, Hunter 3-1-8, Stevens 4-0-9, L. Miles, Mehuren 1-0-2, Wooley 1-0-2, Culer 2-0-4, Gillette, Clements 3-2-8

Belfast (9-1) 66

K. Ross 10-1-25, Bailey 7-7-21, Whittier, Cummings 1-0-2, P. Reed, H. Reed 3-0-6, Murphy 1-0-2, J. Ross 1-2-5, Gray 2-1-5, Flagg, Grant

3-pt. goals: A. Miles, Hunter, Stevens; K. Ross 4, J. Ross

Mount View 16 24 35 49

Belfast 17 33 50 66

JV: Belfast 52-33

Gardiner 79, Old Town 53

At Gardiner, Becky Dixon hit nine of 10 free throws on her way to 19 points and a win for the Tigers.

Emily Coughlin chipped in with 14 for Gardiner.

Erin Reardon led the Indians with 10 points.

Old Town (2-5) 53

Reardon 5-0-10, K. Bergeron 2-3-8, Marquis 2-0-5, Gomm 1-0-2, Jones 1-0-2, Spencer 2-0-5, K. Mitchell 4-0-8, L. Mitchell 1-3-5, Kennedy 1-0-3, Lonko 1-3-5

Gardiner (6-1) 79

Dixon 5-9-19, Coughlin 5-3-14, Seymour, Nimon 4-0-9, Frink 3-0-8, McNally 3-2-8, Whitemore 1-0-2, Spear 3-0-6, Pipen 4-1-9

3-pt. goals: Marquis, Spencer, Kennedy; Frink 2, Nimon, Coughlin

Old Town 12 20 35 53

Gardiner 19 37 45 79

JV: Gardiner 53-52

Stearns 54, Penobscot Valley 34

At Millinocket, Janessa Nason pumped in 16 points and Leslie Osborne added 14 to power the Minutemen.

Angela MacDonald chipped in with 13 for Stearns.

Nancy Hallett scored nine for the Howlers of Howland.

Penobscot Valley (5-6) 34

N. Hallett 4-1-9, Drost 3-1-7, Cyr 2-0-5, LaVertu 2-1-5, Colbath 1-0-2, A. Hallett 1-0-2, McGinn 1-0-2, Foster, Brown, Snape

Stearns (9-1) 54

Nason 5-5-16, Osborne 4-5-14, MacDonald 4-5-13, Somers 3-0-7, Arsenault 2-0-4, Hale, Michaud

3-pt. goals: Cyr; Nason, Osborne, Somers

Penobscot Valley 12 17 24 34

Stearns 10 22 38 54

JV: Penobscot Valley 48-44

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