Lynx tame Dragons Langevin sparks Mattanawcook

WOODLAND – The Mattanawcook Academy Lynx went on a 16-0 run to close the first half, turning a two point deficit into a 14-point halftime advantage en route to a 71-56 schoolboy basketball win over the Woodland Dragons Saturday. Dan Langevin led the charge with…
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WOODLAND – The Mattanawcook Academy Lynx went on a 16-0 run to close the first half, turning a two point deficit into a 14-point halftime advantage en route to a 71-56 schoolboy basketball win over the Woodland Dragons Saturday.

Dan Langevin led the charge with 20 points for Mattanawcook of Lincoln. Wayne Berry contributed 12, and Dylan Hanscom hit 10 free throws for 10 points.

Josh Knowles led the Dragons with 15 while brother Adam scored 14.

Mattanawcook (5-6) 71

Dy. Hanscom 0-10-10, Berry 5-2-12, Langevin 10-0-20, McKinnson 4-1-9, Emery 2-0-4, Andrews 0-2-2, Du. Hanscom 2-4-8, Smart 0-1-1, Slike 1-0-2, L’Italien 1-1-3

Woodland (3-8) 56

J. Knowles 6-2-15, A. Knowles 5-3-14, C. Moody 1-0-2, Townsend 1-1-3, Smith 2-2-7, Ellis 1-2-4, A. Moody 2-1-5, Tomah 3-0-6, Newell, Diadone

3-pt. goals: J. Knowles, A. Knowles, Smith

Mattanawcook 15 35 49 71

Woodland 14 21 37 56

JV: Woodland 49-47

Hampden 68, Nokomis 53

At Hampden, Jordan Cook scored 20 points to power the Broncos past the Warriors of Newport.

Blaine Meehan chipped in with 19 points for the winners.

Seth Bradstreet paced Nokomis with 13 points.

Nokomis (2-5) 53

Bradstreet 4-3-13, Gee 2-4-8, Dunlop 1-0-2, McDaniel 3-0-9, Oldenburg, Hobart 1-1-3, Cahill 0-4-4, Patten, Norris 3-1-7, Wing 2-3-7

Hampden (4-4) 68

Meehan 5-9-19, Cook 8-4-20, McCue 0-1-1, Moran 2-4-8, McNutt 3-1-8, Uhrin 1-1-3, Ross, Hodgdon 3-0-7, Silver 0-2-2

3-pt. goals: Bradstreet 2, McDaniel 3; McNutt, Hodgdon

Nokomis 8 21 36 53

Hampden 14 25 49 68

JV: Nokomis 49-42

Hermon 89, Caribou 50

At Hermon, Jesse Keith help lead Hermon to the victory with his 23 points and five steals.

Adam Duplisea had 19 points and was four for five at the three-point line for Hermon. Chris Harding netted 13 points and Tyler Deabay added 10.

Brad Campbell scored 26 points for Caribou.

Caribou (0-12) 50

Spring 0-2-2, Danboise 0-1-1, Rosser 1-0-2, Cashman 2-0-4, Campbell 10-2-26, Gagon 2-2-6, Wambold 1-2-4, Pelletier 2-1-5, Ala, Wakona

Hermon (9-1) 89

Tarr 1-0-2, Adams 2-1-5, Keith 9-5-23, McGown 1-0-2, Duplisea 7-1-19, Shorey 1-0-2, Gould 4-0-8, Kane 0-1-1, Deabay 3-4-10, Danforth 2-0-4, Harding 5-1-13

3-pt. goals: Campbell; Duplisea, Harding

Caribou 6 21 34 50

Hermon 20 46 70 89

JV: Hermon 59-37

Houlton 72, Stearns 44

At Houlton, Mark Socoby scored 19 points and cleared 17 rebounds and Leif O’Connell tossed in 16 points to power Houlton past Stearns of Millinocket.

Dustin Edwards scored 11 points and Danny Bartlett contributed nine points and seven assists.

Derek DiFrederico’s game-high 20 points and seven assists sparked Stearns and Matt LeGassey had seven points.

Stearns (7-2) 44

Cyr 0-2-2, Madore 0-1-1, Martin, DiFrederico 8-2-20, C. Jandreau 1-0-2, Barnett 3-0-6, N. Jandreau, Beaulieu, McInnis 3-0-6, LeGassey 3-1-7, McGreevey

Houlton (9-1) 72

Bossie 0-2-2, Edwards 3-3-11, O’Connell 6-4-16, B. Miles 2-3-8, Anderson 1-0-2, Hill 1-0-2, Bartlett 4-0-9, Socoby 9-1-19, Duff, A. Miles 1-0-2, Lloyd, York 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: DiFrederico 2; Edwards 2, B. Miles, Bartlett

Stearns 11 24 32 44

Houlton 18 31 47 72

JV: Houlton 62-35

Calvary Chapel 65, Machias 48

At Machias, Brock Bradford scored 22 points to help lead Calvary Chapel of Orrington to their seventh straight win.

Bryan Millar netted 16 points for Calvary Chapel and Josh Madden added 13.

Chris Correll scored 16 points for Machias and Cory Brooks added 14.

Calvary Chapel (7-0) 65

B. Bradford 11-0-22, Madden 5-3-13, Gans 3-0-6, K. Bradford 1-1-3, Astle 2-0-5, Millar 6-4-16

Machias (4-8) 48

Roberts 2-0-4, McCarthy 3-0-8, Correll 7-0-16, Brooks 6-2-14, Falvey 1-0-2, Frutchey 0-1-1, Anderson 1-1-3

3-pt. goals: Astle; McCarthy 2, Correll 2

Calvary Chapel 16 31 50 65

Machias 16 23 37 48

Vinalhaven 76, Greenville 66

At Greenville, Josh Miller led five players in double figures with 24 points for the victorious Vikings.

Erick Beckman tossed in 15 points and Josh Doughty 14 for the winners. Dusty Hussey added 13 and Dylan Hunsinger 10.

Anthony Lavigne and Jordan Belmont tallied 16 apiece for the Lakers. Josh Lizotte and David Aucoin notched 12 each.

Vinalhaven (2-7) 76

Miller 9-2-24, Beckman 6-3-15, Doughty 2-9-14, Hussey 6-0-13, Hunsinger 4-2-10, Pitts, Dwyer

Greenville (2-7) 66

Lavigne 8-0-16, J. Belmont 7-2-16, Lizotte 4-1-12, Aucoin 5-1-12, K. Belmont 1-3-5, Edmondson 2-0-5, Farrington, Graves

3-pt. goals: Miller 2, Doughty, Hussey; Lizotte 3, Aucoin, Edmondson

Vinalhaven 21 38 56 76

Greenville 15 35 51 66


Presque Isle 4, Kents Hill 2

At Presque Isle’s Northern Maine Forum, Ben Sirois converted a Sam Shaw pass 1:20 into the third period to break a 2-2 tie and he added an empty-netter to give Presque Isle it’s sixth win against three losses.

Brad Baker also assisted on the game-winner.

Ryan Cyr and Sam Gagnon had the other Presque Isle goals. Shaw had two assists, Robert Gartley, Derek Demerchant, Erik St. Peter and Trevor Graves also had assists and Sean Daigle made 22 saves.

Matt Wilson and Matt Daugherty had a goal and an assist apiece for Kents hill and Shawn Feeney had an assist. Anthony Barbato made 28 stops.

Gardiner 3, Hampden 2 (OT)

At the T.J. Ryan Center in Brewer, Dino Grimaldi one-timed a shot from the blue line 23 seconds into the extra session off a Ben Cramer pass as the Tigers corralled the Broncos.

Grimaldi added another goal, as did Cramer for 4-3 Gardiner. Spencer LaHoie had 32 saves on 34 shots.

Paul Morrison and Lance Ingerson each scored for 5-4 Hampden. Rory Woods stopped 20 out of 23 shots.

Girls basketball

Ellsworth 61, Foxcroft 53

At Ellsworth, Laura Archer poured in 23 points as the Eagles edged the Ponies.

Monique Boutaugh chipped in 14 for the winners and Ashley Oleson 13.

Ashley Hall’s 16 led Foxcroft and Coral Goggin added 11.

Foxcroft (0-10) 53

A. Hall 7-0-16, Gouggin 4-3-11, Weymouth 4-0-8, S. Hall 4-0-8, Brown 1-0-2, MacPheters, Curry, Martin 2-4-8

Ellsworth (6-4) 61

Archer 8-6-23, Oleson 5-3-13, Boutaugh 5-3-14, Dalrymple, Briggs 1-4-6, Johnston, Foster 1-0-2, Savage 1-0-2, Jones, McEachean 0-1-1

3-pt. goals: A. Hall 2; Boutaugh, Archer

Foxcroft 10 22 32 53

Ellsworth 18 31 44 61

JV: Ellsworth 48-39

Machias 47, Calvary Chapel 35

At Machias, Christiannah Holmes scored 15 points to lead the Bulldogs to the win.

Monique St. Pierre chipped in with nine for the winners.

Kelly Miller’s 12 points led the Sabers of Orrington.

Calvary Chapel (2-6) 35

Miller 4-4-12, C. Veilleux 3-0-6, Lowe 2-0-4, Graves 2-1-5, M. Veilleux 2-0-4, Colby, Erickson, Grice, Plissey 0-2-2, Elliot 0-2-2

Machias (2-6) 47

Holmes 6-3-15, St. Pierre 3-3-9, Whitman 1-1-3, Whitney 2-3-7, Lipton 2-0-4, Alley 3-1-7, Stevens 1-0-2, Cherry

3-pt. goals: none

Calvary Chapel 2 10 20 35

Machias 8 14 31 47

Katahdin 42, Ban. Christian 28

At Sherman, Jayme Green scored six of her 12 points in the second quarter as Katahdin expanded its lead to 17 by outscoring Bangor Christian 15-5.

Brandi Violette had 10 points for the winners.

Emily Jenkins’ 12 points and Jennifer Hutchins’ eight led Bangor Christian.

Bangor Christian (0-9) 28

Leathers 1-0-2, M. French 0-1-1, Wheaton 1-1-3, Hutchins 4-0-8, Jenkins 2-8-12, K. French 1-0-2, Holmes, Moores, Ricci

Katahdin (5-4) 42

Ja. Green 5-2-12, Violette 3-2-10, Duffy-Stanley 1-4-6, McMoarn 1-0-2, Je. Green 1-0-2, Gallagher 1-0-2, Robinson 1-0-2, Hill 3-0-6, Martin, Bates

3-pt. goals: Violette

Bangor Christian 2 7 15 28

Katahdin 9 24 30 42

JV: Katahdin 42-9

Hermon 54, Caribou 46

At Hermon, Marissa McLeod racked up 21 points, eight rebounds and four assists to spark the Hawks.

Malerie Hall notched 18 points and 16 rebounds for Hermon while Shannon Wiggin had eight points and 11 rebounds.

Monica Selander’s 21 points led the Vikings while Lindsay Burlock added 13.

Caribou (10-2) 46

Selander 8-7-24, Burlock 3-5-13, Gahagan 0-2-2, Harrigan 1-0-3, Ouellette 2-0-4, Morrill

Hermon (8-2) 54

McLeod 7-3-21, Hall 7-4-18, Dobbins 1-0-2, White 2-2-4, Wiggin 4-0-8, MacDonald 1-1-3, Gibson 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: Burlock 2, Harrigan, Selander

Caribou 9 21 36 46

Hermon 19 33 40 54

Greenville 61, Vinalhaven 48

At Greenville, Hannah Breton tossed in 22 points and Beth Bartley added 20 more as the Lakers prevailed.

Rica Breton chipped in with 12 for the winners.

Brianna Osgood scored 19 to lead the Vikings while Megan Davidson added 12.

Vinalhaven (7-3) 48

Osgood 6-7-19, Davidson 6-0-12, B. Osgood 1-0-2, Prett 2-1-5, Smith 4-0-8, C. Osgood 1-0-2

Greenville (7-2) 61

H. Breton 10-2-22, Bartley 8-4-20, R. Breton 5-2-12, Hanson 1-1-3, Gerry 1-0-2, Larson 1-0-2

3-pt. goals: none

Vinalhaven 16 27 34 48

Greenville 20 30 45 61

Woodland 44, Mattanawcook 39

At Woodland, Nicole St. Pierre scored five of her nine points in the fourth quarter to help the Dragons hold off the Mattanawcook Academy Lynx of Lincoln.

Kaitlyn Leeman paced the winners with 15 points.

Jaide Littlefield and Ali Keegan each scored nine points for the Lynx.

Woodland (8-2) 44

Brown 3-2-8, Gillespie 2-0-4, J. Murphy 1-1-3, Leeman 6-2-15, Ferry 1-3-5, St. Pierre 4-1-9, Graceffa, K. Murphy, Noyes, Sears

Mattanawcook (4-6) 39

Pietras 2-2-6, Littlefield 4-0-9, Gulesion 1-0-2, Reed 4-0-8, Sanderson 1-0-2, Vose 1-1-3, Keegan 2-5-9, Oliver, Malone, Cousineau

3-pt. goals: Littlefield; Leeman

Mattanawcook 6 15 24 39

Woodland 10 17 29 44

JV: Woodland 41-23

George Stevens 64, Sumner 48

At Blue Hill, Brandi Winters poured in 20 points and Bethany Roberts 19 to power the host Eagles.

Christy Moon added 10 for George Stevens and Sam Haskell had 14 rebounds.

Jody Pinkham led the Tigers of East Sullivan with 11.

Sumner (5-4) 48

Pinkham 3-5-11, K. Beal 2-3-7, Rock 1-0-2, Alley 0-1-1, Dunbar, Clausmeyer 3-1-7, W. Beal 1-0-3, Robinson 3-1-7, Bridges 0-4-4, Bragdon 2-3-7

George Stevens (5-7) 64

Roberts 7-0-19, Winters 8-0-20, Moon 3-4-10, Keevan 0-1-1, Wardwell 1-0-2, Beardsworth 3-0-6, Smith 1-0-2, Conte, Flynn, Haskell 1-2-4

3-pt. goals: Roberts 5, Winters 4

Sumner 12 21 37 48

George Stevens 21 38 50 64

JV: George Stevens 29-27

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